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By Sadbhuja Das

Hare Krishna!
The Gaura Purnima festival is approaching and everyone is preparing for it. Washing and cleaning of the exterior decorative elements of TOVP continues at full speed. In this short video, we want to show you how the snow-white columns and cornices of the Temple shine in the bright rays of the spring Mayapur sun. Despite the fact that the exterior wall cladding of the building has not yet been completed, even now the Temple looks very elegant and majestic, doesn’t it

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In And Out of Snow by Bhaktimarga Swami


Morning meditation began at the ISKCON centre at 212 Somerset E. located in the heart of student land for Ottawa U. Included in these contemplations and mantras was a discussion over a Bhagavatam verse from Canto 4 where the renowned sage, Narada, counsels Dhruva, a young 5-year-old attempting meditation. Narada advises the young student to approach three different kinds of people from respective angles. To experienced souls, one should offer respect and listen. For the younger and inexperience

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The GBC meeting opened with Srila Prabhupada Guru Puja prayers followed by a reading from the Srimad Bhagavatam by Bhaktimarg Swami.
The EC Chair, Bhanu Swami, shared a brief report of some assignments overseen by GBC EC. Some of these assignments include:
* Development of Global Property Office
* Coordinating with the Legal office which was active with several tasks including Will for GBC members and improvising systems
* Actively working with Shastri Advisory Council
* Assisted to oversee C

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Having "free will" always allows the jiva-souls to voluntarily choose their own unique contributions they want to offer to Krsna in loving service. 

Lord Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and cause of ALL causes and not even a blade of grass can move unless He gives His sanction.

The phrase "THE CAUSE  OF ALL CAUSES" is significant here, it means Krsna is the source of everything including the jiva-soul's "free will" and their ability to express themselves as an individual personality. 


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By Premanjana Das

New Delhi, January 29th, 2023 – The fourth annual Value Education Olympiad (VEO) , organized by ISKCON in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Directorate of Delhi, UN-Environment Program, and Govardhan Eco Village (GEV)was celebrated in grand fashion with a felicitation ceremony on January 29th, 2023 at the Chinmaya Mission auditorium in New Delhi.

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Gender Blender by Bhaktimarga Swami


Nanda took Nikhil and I for a walk at Chinguacousy Park in Brampton. Also, I went to the dentist. The not-good-news is the bridge of my teeth is cracked and needs replacing.

The following is a poem about some of the history of mistreatment of the female sector in the movement. There is an attempt to rectify.


Early 70s, the Hare Krishna Movement
North America enjoyed a great recruitment
We were a growing, glowing family
A blessed bunch existing happily
Prabhupada’s “boys and girls

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2515109138?profile=RESIZE_710x  The common understanding of an Advanced Civilization in today’s context is to be advanced in Technology, having a comfortable lifestyle, Earning Lots of money and having enough or rather lavish facilities to enjoy the senses to the fullest. This is the yard stick that is generally used to gauge the Advancement in Civilization. Owing to this yardstick Countries like United States of America, Great Britain etc are considered as First world Countries and more advanced in civilization then others.

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From “The Universal Form as Revealed in the Bhagavad-gıta” in Back to Godhead, Vol. 57, No. 3 (May/June 2023):

“To help us better appreciate the vision of the universal form, the Gita describes it thrice: in Krishna’s words, in Sañjaya’s words, and in Arjuna’s words.”

“Why does the Gita use this triple descriptive framework? To help us gain a sense of a vision that is otherwise incomprehensible. When something is difficult to understand, it’s helpful to have that thing described or explained fr

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Report from devotee with oversight of the region: “Regarding to devastating earthquake in southeast region of Turkey, I would like to inform everyone that all devotees are safe. No devotee or their families were injured or affected. In Ankara earthquake was felt as a soft vibration but no harm at all.”


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Rise of the Bhakti Recovery Group


By Jay Subal Balaram Das, Jiva G, Yogesvara Das, and Namamrita Das

There is a quiet yet powerful revolution occurring within the safe and confidential walls of the Bhakti Recovery Group (BRG). With hundreds attending meetings happening daily worldwide, ISKCON members, leaders, and many of the BRG participants agree that this may be one of the most significant developments in devotee care today.

BRG combines bhakti yoga with the famed twelve-step recovery program developed in the 1930s by the fo

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“Rsabhadeva told his sons: My dear boys, of all the living entities who have accepted material bodies in this world, one who has been awarded this human form should not work hard day and night simply for sense gratification which is available even for dogs and hogs that eat stool. One should engage in the penance and austerity to attain the diving position of devotional service. By such activity, one’s heart is purified, and when one attains this position, he attains eternal, blissful life, whi

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Bhaktivedanta Manor: It is with great sadness that we have learned of the passing of Pujya Shri Rambapa
Shri Rambapa was an exceptional spiritual leader and teacher, who led a dedicated life of service and devotion to the Supreme Lord.
Today we express our eternal gratitude to Shri Rambapa for the gift of our beautiful deities, Sri Sri Sita Rama Laxman Hanuman, whom he gifted to Bhaktivedanta Manor in the early Eighties.
We offer heartfelt prayers as a community for Shri Rambapa’s soul’s onward

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By Vandana Dasi  

“Vaisnava philosophy leads us to be activists,” Anuttama Dasa, ISKCON GBC member, and Global Communications Director, said, citing Isopanisad Mantra 1, which states that everything within the universe is owned by the Lord and therefore, one should accept only what is necessary for His maintenance.

“This is a very heavy philosophical statement about how we are supposed to live in the world. Nothing in our tradition says the world was created for us to have dominion over. Everyt

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Unity and Diversity by Bhaktimarga Swami


A letter was dispatched in 1973
Meant for leaders, the you and me
Penned by our dear His Divine Grace
Of the concept he willed us to embrace

It was 50 years ago that his message came through
Very thematic to the belief of Mahaprabhu
One that Krishna taught in chapter 9
Of His presence and absence both at the same time

The topic was one of unity and diversity
And how to apply it to country and city
To our daily life and to our every moment
All along it's been there but we were dormant

Like a tre

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Time caculation on Bhagwatam Kaal ki gadna


 त्रुटि से चुटकी तक

(भागवतम तृतीय स्कंध)

अध्याय ग्यारह (परमाणु से काल की गणना)


विज्ञान में हम सब ने पढ़ा है, एक परमाणु होता है।

सृष्टी का ये सूक्ष्म कण है, जो अविभाज्य होता है।।

सृष्टी का जब प्रलय होता, तब भी परमाणु रहता है।

एकत्व रूप में रहकर तब ये कैवल्यं कहलाता है।।

इसके संयोजन से ही, सृष्टी का रूप निखरता है।

काल भी इसके संयोजन, अवधि से ही नपता है।

आओ मैं तुमको बतलाऊँ, ये कैसे कैसे होता है ।

परमाणु संयोग से कैसे, काल का मापन होता है।।

दो परमाणु जब मिलते, तो एक अणु बन जाता

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भ्रमर गीत

 मालिनी छंद १५ वर्ण १११ १११ २२,२ १२२ १२२

गुनगुन कर भौंरे, हाय तू क्यो चिढ़ाये,

सुनसुन कपटी क्यों, तू हमें यू सताये।

लमपट छलिया वो, श्याम तेरा सखा है,

चल हट उड़ जा क्यों, पाँव छूने खड़ा है।

नितनव कमली पे, प्रेम सारा लुटाता,

चुनकर मधु मीठा, रंग प्यारा जमाता।

मत कर विनती रे, जा हमें ना सता रे,

कुमकुम कपटी का, तू हमें ना दिखा रे।।1।।

गुनगुन कर भौंरे, हाय तू क्यो चिढ़ाये,

सुनसुन कपटी क्यों, तू हमें यू सताये।

सुन मधुकर श्यामा, श्याम के रंगवाला,

अधर रस चखाता, छोड जाता गवाल

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गोपी गीत (हिंदी में)

रचयिता शालिनी गर्ग

इंदिरा छंद 11121221212

ब्रज धरा हुआ, जन्म आपका,

ब्रज निवास बैकुंठ धाम सा।

मृदुल श्री प्रिया, आपकी रमा,

प्रभु यहीं करें, संग आपका ।।1.1।।

छिप गये कहाँ, साँवरे सखे,

चरण धूल में, प्राण हैं पड़े।

भटकती फिरें, नाथ दासियाँ।

पकड कान को, माँग माफियाँ।।1.2।।

हृदय में बसे, प्रेम से प्रिये,

कमल नैन से,घायल किये।

प्रभु कहो जरा,प्रीत क्या नहीं,

वध किया बिना,अस्त्र के यहीं।।2।।

असुर मारते, मारते रहे,

ब्रजधरा सदा, तारते रहे।  

रक्षक गोप के, आप ही रहे,

हँस दिय

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Is our free will under Krsna's control?

The paradox of free will is the marginal living entities (jiva-souls) can always express their own unique independence and individuality, even though Krsna is ALWAYS the Supreme Personality of Godhead and cause of all causes, and not a blade of grass moves without His will or sanction as Bhagavad Gita As It Is explains.

Srila Prabhupada - "As we generally say, not a blade of grass moves without the will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thus everything is moving under His will: by His will e

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The City of Miami published an article on their website advertising the Coconut Grove Mango Strut Parade “For over 30 years, Miamians have kept the tongue-in-cheek parade alive with satirical costumes, marching bands and floats, usually with a facetious focus on local, national and global events from the last year. The parade also features actual marching bands, such as the New Orleans Funeral Marching Band and local high school marching bands, and local groups like the Grove Jugglers and the C

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January 27, 2023

Dear follower of Srila Prabhupada,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Kindly submit your homage to Srila Prabhupada for his Vyasa-puja book by April 15.

NOTE: This year a new team of devotees will be producing Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa-puja book. Therefore please do not send your homage to Dravida Dasa at but rather to Ananda Tirtha Dasa at

In addition, if you’re a direct disciple of Srila Prabhu

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