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Management to facilitate preaching is spiritual, not material.
Srila Prabhupada: Everywhere, in the office, there is some immediate boss. So you have to please him. That is service. Suppose in office, in a department there is office superintendent. And if you do in your own way, “Yes, I’m doing my business,” and the office superintendent is not pleased, do you think that kind of service is nice? No. Similarly, everywhere we have got immediate boss. So we must work. That is systematic. If ever

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HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj and HH Guruprasad Swami Maharaj launching the book, Svalikhita Jivani at ISKCON Leadership Sanga in Sridham Mayapur on 15th February 2023

By Khusboo Basan 

Svalikhita Jivani, the autobiography of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura published by the Bhaktivedanta Research Center (BRC) in its original Bengali language was released at ISKCON Leadership Sanga by HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj and HH Guruprasad Swami Maharaj facilitated by HG Gauranga Prabhu and HG Braj Vilas Prabhu

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The Inception of the Annual Camp Spark



By Sri Radhika devi dasi

Starting this summer, a team of experienced teachers is organizing a residential summer camp for youth ages 10-17 at the Gita Nagari Eco Farm in Pennsylvania, USA. The Camp will start in the evening of Saturday, July 22nd at 5 p.m., right after the Gita Nagari Ratha Yatra, and continue until the morning of Sunday, July 30th.

The camp is named “Camp Spark” because its purpose is to help spark friendships, adventure, and Krishna bhakti. Camp activities will include kirta

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Health Update: HH Kadamba Kanana Swami


By Svayam Bhagavan Keshava Swami   

In June 2022, HH Kadamba Kanana Swami announced the news that a recent health check indicated cancer that had metastasized into the prostate and lungs from the colo/rectal region. At that time doctors indicated that Maharaja’s life span was now limited.

Soon after, Maharaja decided to make his final visits to many countries he had been visiting over his decades of preaching. In September 2022, Maharaja arrived in Sri Vrindavana Dham to conduct a parikrama wit

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ISKCON Mayapur Master Plan Brochure


Hare Krsna.
Dear devotees,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

On the auspicious occasion of Gaura Purnima 2023, Sridham Mayapur is pleased to launch Mayapur Brochure based on ‘Srila Prabhupada’s Vision for Mayapur’. In the pages of this brochure, you will be invited to envision the future of Mayapur Dham with concept illustrations of future projects.

You can download the brochure here: Brochure-Mayapur-Master-Plan.pdf


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Looking at Buildings by Bhaktimarga Swami

Keshava was kind to look at the cracked bridge of my teeth at the hospital dental clinic.  There’s definitely something there, so we are planning for a replacement.  While there, I went for a guided tour through the local hospital which took on an enhanced importance during the covid outbreaks.  An additional wing to this medical facility is underway, so this is most encouraging for the health needs of the community.
Our group also had the pleasure to see the inside of the Mayapura Institut
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By HH Keshava Swami

Dear Devotees,
Today Maharaja was in good spirits. Yesterday, on his request, we began kirtans in his apartment for two hours in the afternoon (Madhava Prabhu led), and we hope to continue with this kirtana in the coming days.
Overall, however, his health is in a lower phase. Though he does have times when he seems to spring back, the signs of decline are there. Predicting is hard, but realistically it looks as though the duration of Maharaja’s life span is now in the weeks

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The Sanskrit word maya means that which is not. In other words, it is illusion. For example, if a servant of a king thinks that he is the king, that is illusion. Generally, it is the illusion of all human beings that they are the lords of all they survey. But the actual fact is that they are under the grip of strict laws. They are trying to exploit the resources of material nature, but are becoming more entangled in nature’s complexities. Since this maya is illusion, or unreality, it can be s

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I acted as a bit of a guide for the newbie devotees that I travelled with. In the brisk walk of the morning, I pointed out, “This is where the elephants stay. They are well looked after… Over here, you have a field of dhaniya, cilantro. Smells great! Sed that jackal? It’s on a hunt… And here is the goshal where the bulls and cows stay.”
This was the place where we took some time admiring, petting, and singing to the cows. From here, we moved on to the grihasta area where residents from diff
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"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope"
– Martin Luther King, Jr.

Practicing Krishna consciousness helps you become helpless, yet we don’t feel hopeless. A devotee may face repeated disappointments, but he’s never discouraged. That’s because he loves Krishna .

If you make chanting Hare Krishna japa as your number one priority in life, very soon you’d feel helpless in the wake of the innumerable obstacles posed by the mind. Yet, if you persevere, Krishna recognizes y

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Brahmatirtha Prabhu:

Sadaputa Prabhu was a genius. He had a photographic memory. He had idiosyncrasies like any genius. He understood things in a deeper way, and he wanted to share. He never stopped learning.

Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science was my favorite book. God & Science has brilliant essays.

About Jayadvaita Swami:

I got a mantra card from him at Greenwich Village in 1968.

It said chant this mantra, and your life will be sublime. I tried it and could not get it out of my mind.

He i

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Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama Seva Day 1



“Wandering in Navadvipa is the best of all opulence, the best of all religious principles, the best of all kinds of worship, the best of all perfections, the best of all glories, and the best of all oceans of sweetness.”

Parikrama begins today the 23rd of February and will return back on the 1st of March.

This year there will be four parikrama parties- International parikrama, Russian Parikrama, Hindi Parikrama, and Bengali Namahatta Parikrama. Even if you are unable to take part in Parikram

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Long Trip To India by Bhaktimarga Swami


A long flight from Canada to the UK, and finally India, with a super bumpy ride from Kolkata to Mayapura by taxi, landed us (we call ourselves ‘the six Goswamis’) at the international headquarters of ISKCON. This is indeed the place of bhakti on planet Earth, if ever there was one. Our taxi, a twelve-seater van, was stopped at the doorstep of the Gada building by driver, Gopal, which had been arranged by our very own Keshava, from Canada. To get more specific, Dhruva, from Manitoba, got dropped

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List of devotees in Australia and New Zealand who are direct disciples of His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, initiated before his passing on November 14 1977.
ISKCON Australia began in March 1970 when two devotees, Upendra Dasa and Bali-mardana Das arrived from the United States and opened the first Temple in Sydney.
There were no Hare Kṛṣṇa devotees in the 1960s in Australia and New Zealand.
In Australia and New Zealand Srila Prabhupada initiated only 220 disciples and the wor
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Radharani and Forgiveness


Lord Indra was worried Maharaja Prthu might steal away some of his power and prestige, so he stole one of the horses for the sacrifice that Prthu was doing,and when he realized he had done wrong, he took shelter of Lord Visnu who then told Prthu to forgive Indra, which he did.

So even the Lord wants us to be forgiving to an errant devotee. It is actually the will of the Lord that we be forgiving , so if I claim to love the Lord, I must be forgiving so that He may be pleased with me, otherwise w

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The Sacred India Gallery in Perth, Western Australia recently hosted Shri V. Muraleedharan, Indian Minister of State for External Affairs and Parliamentary Affairs, for a VIP gallery tour.

Shri Muraleedharan expressed his heartfelt appreciation for the efforts made by the Sacred India team to share the gifts of spiritual India with the Western Australian community, and for the amazing work being done to further cross-cultural understanding and inclusion.


More photos: Click here

Source: http:/

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Launch of Sankirtan Bus – ISKCON ROHINI


By Raas Raman Krishna Das

Sri Sri Radha Madhav Temple (ISKCON ROHINI, New Delhi) is all set to be formally inaugurated very soon now. The presiding deities namely Sri Sri Radha Madhav with Lalita & Vishakha, Panchtatva, Sita-Ram-Laxman-Hanuman are going to descend here max. by the Kartik 2023. Generous donors have almost done their jobs & stalwart preachers have also been in service for years now.

It’s time now for the sankirtan party of the temple to show its skills & prove to be Srila Prabhup

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We are so very happy to welcome you to the new BLOG LOCATION!

We've said a fond farewell to Blogger (formerly Blogspot), and would like to share A HUGE THANK YOU to all who have followed THE WALKING MONK there over the years.

We now serve you with all of The Walking Monk's engaging, entertaining, and uplifting content in one convenient location right here on his official website!

We're also excited to share new interactive features with you, including personalized emails with a link to the dail

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How could your life change if you choose to think this way?

1. My human life is sacred and I am responsible to honor it in that way.

“The human body, which can award all benefit in life, is automatically obtained by the laws of nature, although it is a very rare achievement. This human body can be compared to a perfectly constructed boat having the spiritual master as the captain and the instructions of the Personality of Godhead as favorable winds impelling it on its course. Considering all th

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The earthquake struck at 4.17am, while everyone was sleeping, the central clock in Adiyaman froze at that time. 10,000 people lost their lives in this city alone. The earthquake was immediately followed by a snow storm, hampering the rescuers.

Most of the buildings are modern seven floor apartment blocks, but the earthquake was so powerful, one of the strongest ever recorded, that no one is able to live safely in Adiyaman at this point in time. A terrible situation.

The emergency services came

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