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Navakalebar literary means New Body Ceremony of the deities. When one lunar month of Ashadha is followed by another lunar month of Aashadha, the deities change their bodies during the leap month. Last four new body ceremonies of the Lords were celebrated in the year 1950, 1969, 1977 and 1996. On such occasions Puri Witnesses the largest crowd in her fold.

The Daitas plays an important role during Nabakalebar, the ritual in connection with changing of wooden bodies of the deities. It is said that
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Sonic technology awakens our potential
By Chaitanya Charan das

Question: In the Vedic tradition, there seems to be a lot of emphasis on
sound, on hearing from a spiritual master. Why this emphasis?

Answer: Sonic technology is central to the Vedic program of spiritual

The Vedic texts explain that all of us are afflicted by spiritual amnesia.
As spiritual beings, we are eternal and indestructible. But due to
forgetting our spiritual identity, we live in anxiety and fear caused by the
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Counter it!

Came across these beautiful thoughts to counter the Mayavada philosophy (taken from Bhakta's handbook):

1. Since we possess individuality, it is not logical that our ultimate source doesn't possess individuality. Since we can normally observe that personality is superior to an impersonal energy, we can conclude that personality is superior to impersonal energy. Since the Vedanta sutra explains that the Absolute Truth is the source of all existence, it must also be the source of personality and po

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The appearance of Sri Govardhana in Vraja


According to Adi-varah Purana, during the advent of Sri Ramacandra, monkeys and bears all brought large rocks and stones from many places to construct a bridge across the ocean. Hanuman also received the order from Sri Ramacandra to help build the bridge. Hanuman uprooted Govardhana from Uttarancala, but while carrying him to the ocean he heard a divine sound that announced, "The ocean bridge is now complete. No more rocks are required."

Hearing this, Hanu
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Story Of Chokhamela

Here is the story of a great devotee named Chokha mela. He was a staunch devotee of Krishna. He sang and danced before the temple of Panduranga in Pandari puram. Ironically enough the devotees who thronged before the temple were lured to his music like a snake which danced to the juggler’s music. But the minute his music and dance came to a stand still, their interest in him vanished. He became an untouchable and was prohibited the darshan of Lord Krishna. He would dance to his heart’s content a
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Madhava Prema prabhu has passed away on 5 April.
Him and his wife used to be engaged in Mayapur Project in late 90-s into
2000s, they did a lot of research work on Bengali culture, collected lots of
archeological samples and accumulated research material in order to publish
a book on history of Bengaly temples... Their research work started in
connection with preparations for building ToVP.

They were initiated by Harikesa Sw/Prabhu/ as Vrajabhumi and Madhukantha,
got re-initiated as Audarya Dhama devi
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Sri Yudhishthira MahArAja said, “Oh Supreme Lord, what is the name and character of that EkAdasii that occurs during the dark fortnight (krishna paksha) of the extra, leap year month of Purushottama. Also, Oh master of all the universes, what is the process for observing it properly? Kindly narrate all of this to me?”

The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, replied, “Oh Yudhishthira, this meritorious day is called ParamA EkAdasii. It bestows the great benediction of an enjoyable lif

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Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi

Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati's
Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi
(The Nectar Moon of Sri Radha's Sweetness)


1. O Sri Radha, when will I, a maidservant standing at the door, suddenly fall into a lake of nectar as I overhear Your words mixed with the tinkling of Your ornaments as You enjoy a nectar festival in a secluded forest grove?

2. May Sri Radha, who, taking the sweet sounding Madhumati vina in Her hand, and then singing many songs describing Her pastimes with the crest jewel of lovers, suddenly burst
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This is a true story of a young devotee named Yash Prabhu who happens to be from SRI SRI JAGNNATH
TEMPLE, LUDHIANA run by International Society for Krishna Consciousness
(ISKCON) and left his body in perfect Krishna Consciousness way.

When Yash prabhu born his mother saw as if Yash prabhu chant the Holy Name on his finger
tips as if he is chanting on beads.

When his horoscope was made, pandit predicted that the child will become a great man and his name
must be sound as “yea” and thus he was called Ya
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We should always do all our wordly activities for KRISHNA,direct all our activity towards KRISHNA inorder to convert them into spiritual.

As Lord KRISHNA HIMSELF Says"In all activities depend upon ME and work always under MY protection.

In such devotional service,be fully conscious of ME."(18.57)

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Whenever there is KRSNA,THE MASTER OF ALL MYSTICS,AND WHEREVER THERE IS Arjuna ,the supreme archer,there will also certainly be opulence,victory,extraordinary power,and morality."

so, always feel presence of LORD ,HE is with us ,our LORD is waiting for HIS children but its our misfortune that we forget our LORD and engage in our wordly life which is mithya.

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On Fulfilling Srila Prabhupada's Desires

Srila Prabhupada told us that the only question he asked of his Guru Maharaja was, "How can I serve you ?" Now, several years after Prabhupada's apparent departure from this world, there is sometimes confusion and disagreement over how we should best serve him. "What does Srila Prabhupada want of us? What do we have to do now to please him?" The answer is simple, for Srila Prabhupada made it clear what he wanted: a world revolution of Krsna consciousness.

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 4 Text 11
suta uvaca
ity upamantrito rajna
gunanukathane hareh
hrsikesam anusmrtya
prativaktum pracakrame

sutah uvaca -- Suta Gosvami said; iti -- thus; upamantritah -- being requested; rajna -- by the King; guna-anukathane -- in describing the transcendental attributes of the Lord; hareh -- of the Personality of Godhead; hrsikesam -- the master of the senses; anusmrtya -- properly remembering; prativaktum -- just to reply; pracakrame -- executed the preliminaries.


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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

The Childhood Pastimes of Krsna


1. Sometimes the gopis would say, "If You dance, my dear Krsna, then I shall give You half a sweetmeat." By saying these words or by clapping their hands, all the gopis encouraged Krsna in different ways. At such times, although He was the supremely powerful Personality of Godhead, He would smile and dance according to their desire, as if He were a wooden doll in their hands. Sometimes He would sing
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 4 Text 10
vicikitsitam etan me
bravitu bhagavan yatha
sabde brahmani nisnatah
parasmims ca bhavan khalu

vicikitsitam -- doubtful inquiry; etat -- this; me -- of me; bravitu -- just clear up; bhagavan -- powerful like the Lord; yatha -- as much as; sabde -- sound transcendental; brahmani -- Vedic literature; nisnatah -- fully realized; parasmin -- in transcendence; ca -- also; bhavan -- your good self; khalu -- as a matter of fact.


Kindly clear up all thes

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 4 Text 9
yatha gunams tu prakrter
yugapat kramaso 'pi va
bibharti bhurisas tv ekah
kurvan karmani janmabhih

yatha -- as they are; gunan -- the modes of; tu -- but; prakrteh -- of the material energy; yugapat -- simultaneously; kramasah -- gradually; api -- also; va -- either; bibharti -- maintains; bhurisah -- many forms; tu -- but; ekah -- the supreme one; kurvan -- acting; karmani -- activities; janmabhih -- by incarnations.


The Supreme Personality of G

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 4 Text 8
nunam bhagavato brahman
harer adbhuta-karmanah
durvibhavyam ivabhati
kavibhis capi cestitam

nunam -- still insufficient; bhagavatah -- of the Personality of Godhead; brahman -- O learned brahmana; hareh -- of the Lord; adbhuta -- wonderful; karmanah -- one who acts; durvibhavyam -- inconceivable; iva -- like that; abhati -- appears; kavibhih -- even by the highly learned; ca -- also; api -- in spite of; cestitam -- being endeavored for.


O learned

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On Fulfilling Srila Prabhupada's Desires

"Satisfaction of the self-realized spiritual master is the secret of advancement in spiritual life."

This dictum (noted in the purport to Bhagavad-gita As It Is 4.34) formed the basis of Srila Prabhupada's approach to Krsna consciousness and his attitude towards his guru. He communicated this vital essence to us also: "We have to do something to please Srila Prabhupada."

Once a sannyasi asked a group of devotees, "Are you ready for death?" He let them think

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Getting Srila Prabhupada's Mercy

Sastra states that only the most pious and fortunate can take to devotional service. Considering this, a devotee put it to Srila Prabhupada that his disciples were previously almost all wretched, unfortunate and devoid of pious activities. How, then, could they have got the opportunity to serve Krsna? "I have made your pious activities," Srila Prabhupada retorted.

Srila Prabhupada came to spread good fortune to the world. All who came in contact with His Divine Gra

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Love Means to Follow

I want one student who follows my instruction. I don't want millions. Ekas candras tamo hanti na ca tarah-sahasrasah. If there is one moon in the sky, that is sufficient for illumination. There is no need of millions of stars. So my position is that I want to see that at least one disciple has become pure devotee. Of course, I have got many sincere and pure devotees. That is my good luck. But I would have been satisfied if I could find out one only. Lecture, San Francisco, Ju

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