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Dear Devotees,

This is your invitation to join us all at this year's ISKCON
Studies Conference - Transmitting the Truth: Education,
Preaching, and Conversion in ISKCON - to be held at Villa
Vrindavan, Italy on 16-19 July 2010.

These conferences are a good mixture of thoughtful discussion
and good sanga and of course good prasadam:)

It costs 135 Euros including all accommodation, prasadam, and
conference costs. There will also be a day trip to Florence on
Sunday 18 July for which there will be a very smal
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Characteristics of Pure Devotional Service:


In Srimad-Bhagavatam, Srila Kapiladeva, while instructing His mother, has given the following characteristics of pure devotional service: "My dear mother, those who are My pure devotees, and who have no desire for material benefit or philosophical speculation, have their minds so much engaged in My service that they are never interested in asking Me for anything--except to be engaged in that service. They do not even beg to live in My abode with Me."

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On Speaking Strongly in Srila Prabhupada's Service

The Krsna consciousness movement declares war against bogus incarnations. The bogus propaganda put out by people claiming to be God has killed God consciousness all over the world. Members of the Krsna consciousness movement must be very alert to defy these rascals who are presently misleading the whole world. One such rascal, known as Paundraka, appeared before Lord Krsna, and the Lord immediately killed him. Of course, those who are Krsna's ser

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 5 Text 2
yad rupam yad adhisthanam
yatah srstam idam prabho
yat samstham yat param yac ca
tat tattvam vada tattvatah

yat -- what; rupam -- the symptoms of manifestation; yat -- what; adhisthanam -- background; yatah -- from where; srstam -- created; idam -- this world; prabho -- O my father; yat -- in which; samstham -- conserved; yat -- what; param -- under control; yat -- what are; ca -- and; tat -- of this; tattvam -- the symptoms; vada -- please describe; tattv

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Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara)

Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara) - Kusuma-sarovara


One morning, Srimati Radhika and Her sakhis came to the bank of Kusuma-sarovara to pick beli, cameli, juhi, kanera, campaka and other flowers that bloomed here. Srimati Radhika saw a tree with a branch full of flowers. Knowing that she was coming to Kusuma-sarovara to pick flowers, playful Krsna had climbed that very tree. Using all His weight, He pushed the branch down and remained hidden in the foliage so that Srimatiji could not see
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On the day of Aksaya Tritiya in Vrindavan, all large Goswami Temple Deities are covered with chandan Paste and not a bit of cloth used to cover the deities in the afternoon. The festival is also celebrated in our ISKCON Vrindavan temple and it usually continues for 21 days with the Utsava Vigrahas covered in chandan. The Deities are covered completely

with chandan

(sandalwood paste), which provides the Lord relief from the scorching heat of summer in the month of Vaisakha/Jyestha (May/June).


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Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.4.10

jagarha sāmarṣa-vipannayā girā
śiva-dviṣaḿ dhūma-patha-śrama-smayam
sva-tejasā bhūta-gaṇān samutthitān
nigṛhya devī jagato 'bhiśṛṇvataḥ

jagarha — began to condemn; sā — she; amarṣa-vipannayā — indistinct through anger; girā — with words; śiva-dviṣam — the enemy of Lord Śiva; dhūma-patha — in sacrifices; śrama — by troubles; smayam — very proud; sva-tejasā — by her order; bhūta-gaṇān — the ghosts; samutthitān — ready (to injure Dakṣa); nigṛhya — stopped;
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Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi

Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati's
Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi
(The Nectar Moon of Sri Radha's Sweetness)


1. The four goals of life, which begin with material piety, may be glorious to some people, but I think they are useless. Why should I waste my time talking about them? Other people may place on their heads the path of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I am still not interested. The only thing that pleases my heart is the nectar that is service to a wonderful jewel like girl
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Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.4.8

mātrā ca mātṛ-ṣvasṛbhiś ca sādaram
dattāḿ saparyāḿ varam āsanaḿ ca sā
nādatta pitrāpratinanditā satī

saudarya — of her sisters; sampraśna — with the greetings; samartha — proper; vārtayā — tidings; mātrā — by her mother; ca — and; mātṛ-svasṛbhiḥ — by her aunts; ca — and; sa-ādaram — along with respect; dattām — which was offered; saparyām — worship, adoration; varam — presents; āsanam — a seat; ca — and; sā — she (Satī); na
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On Speaking Strongly in Srila Prabhupada's Service

In 1975 there was much protest in American newspapers over Srila Prabhupada's assertion that women are less intelligent than men. Several women reporters came to interview Srila Prabhupada, but he would not compromise with them. Totally frustrated, a lady journalist once stormed out, slamming the door. Srila Prabhupada just laughed. The press coverage went from bad to worse, but Srila Prabhupada stood by his principles.

A critic might contend that

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 5 Text 1
narada uvaca
deva-deva namas te 'stu
bhuta-bhavana purvaja
tad vijanihi yaj jnanam

naradah uvaca -- Sri Narada said; deva -- of all demigods; deva -- the demigod; namah -- obeisances; te -- unto you as; astu -- are; bhuta-bhavana -- the generator of all living beings; purva-ja -- the firstborn; tat vijanihi -- please explain that knowledge; yat jnanam -- which knowledge; atma-tattva -- transcendental; nidarsanam -- specifically direct

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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

The Killing of the Demon Aghasura


1. One day Krsna decided to take His breakfast as a picnic in the forest. Having risen early in the morning, He blew His bugle made of horn and woke all the cowherd boys and calves with its beautiful sound. Then Krsna and the boys, keeping their respective groups of calves before them, proceeded from Vrajabhumi to the forest.

2. At that time, hundreds and thousands of cowherd boys came out of their
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COW FEEDING Program on VYSASA PUJA Celebrations

Hare Krsna Prabhuji's / Mataji's,

Please accept my most humble prostrated obeisances.

I would like to request each one of you to take little time and do a little service to our MOTHER COW

Also I would like to request you all to do a little service in feeding the cows especially which wanders on the street, from today to on or before june 2nd.

Items can be offered to cow

Puffed Rice with Jaggery (or) Chana Dal with Jaggery
Bananas (or) Kheera's (or) Mango
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On Speaking Strongly in Srila Prabhupada's Service

To the devotees it was inconceivable. Why had Prabhupada, in the middle of his talk, invited a crazy hippie onto stage, given him a microphone and a seat, and then argued with him to the point of yelling and shouting? And all before an audience of twenty thousand!

Bhavananda: One man who had helped organize the pandal protested, "Oh, Swamiji has gotten angry. This is not good." But Srila Prabhupada seemed to have done it purposefully. He had spoke
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 4 Text 25
etad evatma-bhu rajan
naradaya viprcchate
veda-garbho 'bhyadhat saksad
yad aha harir atmanah

etat -- on this matter; eva -- exactly; atma-bhuh -- the firstborn (Brahmaji); rajan -- my dear King; naradaya -- unto Narada Muni; viprcchate -- having inquired about it from; veda-garbhah -- one who is impregnated with Vedic knowledge from birth; abhyadhat -- apprised; saksat -- directly; yat aha -- what he spoke; harih -- the Lord; atmanah -- unto His own (Brah
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Gita Govinda

Gita Govinda - Sakhi's request to Radha
Song by Jayadeva Gosvami


When Radha saw Krsna enjoying affectionate exchanges with all the cowherd maidens in the groves of Vrndavana, she became indignant because he had not acknowledged her eminence. She immediately departed for another part of the forest and hid herself inside a shady bower that resounded with the drone of bumblebees. Bewildered by love for Radha, Krsna was sitting in a dense grove on the Yamuna riverside feeling deeply depressed. Radha’
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On Speaking Strongly in Srila Prabhupada's Service

At a public lecture in Glasgow, a young man stood up and loudly declared, ''I am God!'' ''You are not God,'' Srila Prabhupada retorted, ''you are dog!" (From Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta Vol. 5 Ch. 4) And that man also thanked Prabhupada.

At a pandala program in Delhi, Srila Prabhupada called a belligerent American hippie onto the stage in the middle of his lecture.

"Have you realized yourself ?" the young man demanded. "Have you realized the soul in

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 4 Text 24
namas tasmai bhagavate
vasudevaya vedhase
papur jnanam ayam saumya

namah -- my obeisances; tasmai -- unto Him; bhagavate -- unto the Personality of Godhead; vasudevaya -- unto Vasudeva or His incarnations; vedhase -- the compiler of the Vedic literatures; papuh -- drunk; jnanam -- knowledge; ayam -- this Vedic knowledge; saumyah -- the devotees, especially the consorts of Lord Krsna; yat -- from whose; mukha-amburuha -- the lotuslike

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I had a nice experience in Columbus Ohio at Ohio State
University. It was the 7th day I'd worked the school and I
usually don't work the same place that long so I was getting a little
to move on.

I was approaching people and not many were taking, but I continued and
all of a sudden I handed the book to this wonderful soul and he
exploded in jubilation. He said, "Woa! This is incredible!"

He started going off about how he was amazed that this was happening
and how
cool he thought it wa
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Nectar - Books to book Shops

Once I was distributing books in Melbourne with Dhruva prabhu. We
decided to go to Geelong just an hour and a half south of Melbourne.
prabhu went the day before and I was due to meet him the next day. I
got caught
up doing things and although wanting to get out early did not reach
till 3pm. Anyway I thought the day was lost as I would get to where
Dhruva was
with no result.
Just prior to this I had been experimenting with wholesaling books to
alternative book shops with some success (selli
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