puri (4)

Ratha means chariot, and yatra means journey or procession. Generally, people are expected to go to the temple to see the Lord. That is the rule, and that is our duty. But on the day of Ratha-yatra, the Lord is so merciful that He comes out of the temple to see the people. In general, the worshiper goes to the temple to receive the Lord's mercy, but on Ratha-yatra the Lord comes out of the temple to give mercy to the people. So He is in an especially benevolent mood in Ratha-yatra. And we can
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By Aseem Krishna Das

Associating with a pure representative of the Supreme Lord along with hundreds of other sincere devotees in a holy place is very rare and precious. Such divine moments spent with other devotees engaged in the service of the Lord leaves an indelible imprint on the mind and gives us the strength to face this turbulent material world. As we keep on remembering those happy moments spent in the association of devotees, we develop a longing for that association and thus secure a

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Sri Kshetra Parikrama Team thanks you!

8264866659?profile=RESIZE_584xWith folded hands, we thank all the Vaishnavas for participation in this year’s Kshetra Parikrama.  Irrespective of the pandemic and the bridge in physical association it has caused, in great numbers from all around the world, has tuned in daily to participate in the parikrama engaging our minds fully in Puri Dham.

This has proved to us that indeed we can systematically and devotionally engage modern day technology fully for the service of the Lord and how it can be used perfectly in this period

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The history of the establishment of the great temple in Puri, and the hypocrisy of temple priests as opposed to sincere devotional worship in pure love of God. Written by the Thakur in English, 1871.

There is not a Hindu who has not heard the name of this temple. The old and the young, the male and the female, the Rajah and the ryot, and the weak and the stout, all visit this temple out of a religious curiosity. Three hundred and one miles south-west of the Vice-Regal palace at Calcutta, stands

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