malaysia (2)


By Khusboo Basan

Noted for her welcoming smile and joyful service as a book distributor, Malini Priti Devi Dasi (Meera Thuraisingam) is an exemplary disciple of HH Jayapataka Swami, serving locally in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, but inspiring devotees worldwide. 

Raised in Krishna Consciousness, her first book distribution service started at fourteen during a Hindu festival called Thaipusam, celebrated for Lord Kartikeya. In addition to this, she served at BBT Malaysia for a few months after her co

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By Mathura Lilesvari Dasi

- Over 6,500 Participated in ISKCON Malaysia’s Virtual Deepavali

KUALA LUMPUR – In view of the upcoming Deepavali Festival of Lights, the International Society for Krsna Consciousness, Malaysia hosted a virtual Deepavali gathering on Sunday, November 1st, 2020. 

The event, which was attended by 6,538 participants from many locations including Malaysia, India, Bangladesh, UK, USA, Russia, and South America, exceeded the previous record of 1,360 participants in the cat

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