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asmat-prasada-sumukhah kalaya kalesa
iksvaku-vamsa avatirya guror nidese
tisthan vanam sa-dayitanuja avivesa
yasmin virudhya dasa-kandhara artim arcchat
asmat -- unto us, beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant ant; prasada -- causeless mercy; sumukhah -- so inclined; kalaya -- with His plenary extensions; kalesah -- the Lord of all potencies; iksvaku -- Maharaja Iksvaku, in the dynasty of the sun; vamse -- family; avatirya -- by descending in; gu
Often we lament upon the loses suffered during our lifetime to such an extent that we star disregarding the life itself which is the most precious gift of the supreme. This occurs due our forgetful nature that we are the part and parcels of supreme personality of Godhead and are his eternal servant. We keep forgetting that happiness and misery appear and disappear as day comes after night and night comes after day.
sukham aindriyakaṁ daityā
deha-yogena dehinām
sarvatra labhyate
Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa Dance
1. Sri Krsna is the supreme Personality of Godhead, full in all opulences, yet upon seeing those autumn nights scented with blossoming jasmine flowers, He turned His mind toward loving affairs. To fulfill His purposes He employed His internal potency.
2. The moon then rose, anointing the face of the western horizon with the reddish hue of his comforting rays, and thus dispelling the pain o
Social Freedom brings Downfall
One should, however, take serious note of this incident. The human being is a social animal, and his unrestricted mixing with the fair sex leads to downfall. Such social freedom of man and woman, especially among the younger section, is certainly a great stumbling block on the path of spiritual progress. Material bondage is due only to sexual bondage, and therefore unrestricted association of man and woman is surely a great impediment. Maitreya cited this example on
Prescription for the whole world
Prabhupada then recalled with a smile how Gargamuni had obtained the mimeographs in New York to begin printing the first editions of Back to Godhead for his newly-formed ISKCON. "The first machine introduced by you, yes. Then other machines came. I did not know, but I was thinking that if some typist would hear my tapes and type -- I was thinking like that -- expert typist. Here, tape recorder, you hear something and then type. Like that. And this machine, automat
Tulasi Dasa Ramayana
Jayapataka said that his ambition was to make the Gitar-gana so popular that it would be sung at every gathering. "When we can hear over the loudspeakers Gitar-gana being sung, then we will feel very happy. When the public begin to recite Gitar-gana at their functions, like they're doing this Tulasidasa Ramayana, if they start that in Bengal, Gitar-gana, then it will be a big success."
Prabhupada commented that the reason that Tulasidasa's Ramayana was popular was because ther
All other auspicious pious results including liberation can be quite easily achieved
ksatram ksayaya vidhinopabhrtam mahatma
brahma-dhrug ujjhita-patham narakarti-lipsu
uddhanty asav avanikantakam ugra-viryas
trih-sapta-krtva urudhara-parasvadhena
ksatram -- the royal order; ksayaya -- for the sake of diminishing; vidhina -- by destination; upabhrtam -- increased in proportion; mahatma -- the Lord in the form of the great sage Parasurama; brahma-dhruk -- the ultimate truth in Brahman; ujjhita-patham -- those who have given up the path of
Interview of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta by
Mr. Willion Henri Jan Vandor Stok of Batavia
Q: -- Your Holiness, kindly enlighten me about the different aspects of human pursuits.
A: -- In India as in Europe we find people holding different views, but here we have attempted to classify them into three divisions. One class of people are seekers of fruits of their action. Another class wish to annihilate their individuality. And the third class want, in their true selves as absolute infintesimals, to be in t
bhayam dvitiyabhinivesatah syad
isad apetasya viparyayo ’smrtih
tan-mayayato budha abhajet tam
bhaktyaikayesam guru-devatatma
(srimad-Bhagavatam 11.2.37)
Fear arises when a living entity misidentifies himself as the material body because of absorption in the external, illusory energy of the Lord, called maya. When the living entity thus turns away from the Supreme Lord, he also forgets his own constitutional position as a servant of the Lord. Therefore, an intelligent person sho
We had a nice experience distributing books on Janmastami -- in Varna, a city in Bulgaria. Just for two hours, before cooking for the festival, we went on sankirtana, door to door.
In one office a lady just looked at the Srimad-Bhagavatam and said, "Wow, it is the Srimad-Bhagavatam. I love to read the Bhagavad-gita."
I offered her three volumes and explained that we have six more.
"Please, please bring them also."
I ran to the caravan and brought them. She was so HAPPY. She gave a nice donation, and
ओ मेरे कान्हा जी बहुत धन्यवाद
ओ मेरे कान्हा जी बहुत धन्यवाद
जो आपने मेरी नौकरी तुड़वाई
उस नौकरी से आपकी सेवा भली
जिसने आप संग नेह लगाई
खूब मिलता है समय अब
आप के संग गपशप का
भजन कीर्तन दर्शन और
गीता अध्यन सत्संग का
ओ मेरे कान्हा जी बहुत धन्यवाद
जो मुझे अपनों ने दुत्कारा
किसी ने ना सुनी मेरी
जिसने चाहा उसने फटकारा
मेरे मोहभंग के लिए
यह जरूरी था ही ना
अन्यथा मोहभंग कैसे होता
यह आपकी ही कृपा थी ना
ओ मेरे कान्हा जी बहुत धन्यवाद
जो मेरा स्वस्थ्य बिगाडा
बाहर का आना जाना बंद
इसी कमरे में मुझे है गाडा
अब न कही जा पाऊँ
न रहा क
ओ मेरे कान्हा जी बहुत धन्यवाद
जो आपने मेरी नौकरी तुड़वाई
उस नौकरी से आपकी सेवा भली
जिसने आप संग नेह लगाई
खूब मिलता है समय अब
आप के संग गपशप का
भजन कीर्तन दर्शन और
गीता अध्यन सत्संग का
ओ मेरे कान्हा जी बहुत धन्यवाद
जो मुझे अपनों ने दुत्कारा
किसी ने ना सुनी मेरी
जिसने चाहा उसने फटकारा
मेरे मोहभंग के लिए
यह जरूरी था ही ना
अन्यथा मोहभंग कैसे होता
यह आपकी ही कृपा थी ना
ओ मेरे कान्हा जी बहुत धन्यवाद
जो मेरा स्वस्थ्य बिगाडा
बाहर का आना जाना बंद
इसी कमरे में मुझे है गाडा
अब न कही जा पाऊँ
न रहा क
I wish to share this poem.
कान्हा जी हमे अपनी पायल नही तो
पायल का एक घुँघरू ही बना लो
और उसे अपने चरणकमलों से लगा लो
कान्हा जी हमे अपने कंगन नही तो
कंगन में जड़ा हुआ एक पत्थर ही बना दो
और उसे अपनी प्यारी कलाईयों में सजा लो
कान्हा जी हमे अपनी मुरली नही तो
अपनी मुरली की कोई धुन ही बना लो
और उसे अपने अधरों से इक बार तो बजा लो
कान्हा जी हमे अपना मित्र
नही तो दासो का दास ही बना लो
यूं कुछ कृपा दृष्टि हम पर बर्षा दो
कान्हा जी और कुछ नही तो अपने
चरणों की धूल ही बना लो
वो चरणधूल फिर ब्रज में उ
पायल का एक घुँघरू ही बना लो
और उसे अपने चरणकमलों से लगा लो
कान्हा जी हमे अपने कंगन नही तो
कंगन में जड़ा हुआ एक पत्थर ही बना दो
और उसे अपनी प्यारी कलाईयों में सजा लो
कान्हा जी हमे अपनी मुरली नही तो
अपनी मुरली की कोई धुन ही बना लो
और उसे अपने अधरों से इक बार तो बजा लो
कान्हा जी हमे अपना मित्र
नही तो दासो का दास ही बना लो
यूं कुछ कृपा दृष्टि हम पर बर्षा दो
कान्हा जी और कुछ नही तो अपने
चरणों की धूल ही बना लो
वो चरणधूल फिर ब्रज में उ
Ladies, now is your chance to take part in a new study opportunity. Explore Bhagavad Gita, Sri Isopanisad, Nectar of Devotion, and Nectar of Instruction in the association of many serious devotees. Classes are exciting and interactive and will provide you with practical knowledge, important skills, and deep lasting spiritual values to enhance your Krsna Consciousness. Senior Vaishnavis wh
tubhyam ca narada bhrsam bhagavan vivrddha-
bhavena sadhu paritusta uvaca yogam
jnanam ca bhagavatam atma-satattva-dipam
yad vasudeva-sarana vidur anjasaiva
tubhyam -- unto you; ca -- also; narada -- O Narada; bhrsam -- very nicely; bhagavan -- the Personality of Godhead; vivrddha -- developed; bhavena -- by transcendental love; sadhu -- your goodness; paritustah -- being satisfied; uvaca -- described; yogam -- service; jnanam -- knowledge; ca -- also; bh
cakram ca diksv avihatam dasasu sva-tejo
manvantaresu manu-vamsa-dharo bibharti
dustesu rajasu damam vyadadhat sva-kirtim
satye tri-prstha usatim prathayams caritraih
cakram -- the Sudarsana wheel of the Lord; ca -- as well as; diksu -- in all directions; avihatam -- without being deterred; dasasu -- ten sides; sva-tejah -- personal strength; manvantaresu -- in different incarnations of Manu; manu-vamsa-dharah -- as the descendant of the Manu dynasty; bib
Jayapataka said that the only difficulty was that we lacked Prabhupada's books in local langu
nartho baler ayam urukrama-pada-saucam
apah sikha-dhrtavato vibudhadhipatyam
yo vai pratisrutam rte na cikirsad anyad
atmanam anga manasa haraye 'bhimene
na -- never; arthah -- of any value in comparison with; baleh -- of strength; ayam -- this; urukrama-pada-saucam -- the water washed from the feet of the Personality of Godhead; apah -- water; sikha-dhrtavatah -- of one who has kept it on his head; vibudha-adhipatyam -- supremacy over the kingdom of the