One day, when Sri Krsna was out grazing the cows with His akhas, nearby in a field, green chickpea plants were growing. Upon seeing them, Sri Krsna together with His Sakhas broke off some plants. The woman taking care of the field came to know of this and ran to catch them, but Kanhaiya was too swift. Keeping the plants under His arm, He ran very fast through crooked paths and finally came to a stop in Gahvaravana, where He roasted the gre
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One day, when Sri Krsna was out grazing the cows with His akhas, nearby in a field, green chickpea plants were growing. Upon seeing them, Sri Krsna together with His Sakhas broke off some plants. The woman taking care of the field came to know of this and ran to catch them, but Kanhaiya was too swift. Keeping the plants under His arm, He ran very fast through crooked paths and finally came to a stop in Gahvaravana, where He roasted the gre
Q: Lord Buddha described as one of the Dasavataras and as a saktyavesa avatara. Which is correct? What kind of avatar is Lord Ramacandra?
A: Both are correct. The word "dasavatara" or "dasa-avatara" denotes not a category of avataras like yuga-, lila-, manvantara-, or other avataras but the most famous list of ten avataras (in Sanskrit "dasa" = "10"). This list is to be found e.g. in Garuda Purana 1.86.10-11 (or, according to other numbering, 2.30.37). There are other lists as well, li
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 3.26.72
vivicyātmani cintayet
tam — upon Him; asmin — in this; pratyak-ātmānam — the Supersoul; dhiyā — with the mind; yoga-pravṛttayā — engaged in devotional service; bhaktyā — through devotion; viraktyā — through detachment; jñānena — through spiritual knowledge; vivicya — considering carefully; ātmani — in the body; cintayet — one should contemplate.
Therefore, through devotion, detachme
Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill
1. When Indra understood that his sacrifice had been put aside, he became furious with Nanda Maharaja and the other cowherd men, who were accepting Krsna as their Lord.
2. Angry Indra sent forth the clouds of universal destruction, known as samvartaka. Imagining himself the supreme controller, he spoke as follows.
3. [Indra said:] Just see how these cowherd men living in the forest have become so grea
Hare Krishna Friends, The happiest person on earth isn't always happy. In fact, the happiest people all have their fair share of low moods, problems and disappointments. Often the difference between a person who is happy and someone who is unhappy is not how often they get low, or even how low they drop, but instead, it's what they do with their low moods. Many people take their low moods very seriously and try to figure out and analyze what's wrong. They try to force themselves out of their low |
" The final step in the karma-yoga process is to satisfy Lord Visnu, at which point one's own desires are automatically fulfilled. While delineating this point, Lord Krsna says that if work is not performed for His satisfaction, then all activities are tainted with sin and result in sinful reactions, which created havoc in society. In the Bhagavad-gita (3.13), Lord Krsna says, "The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of sins because they eat food which is first offered for sacrifice
Especially when Krsna appears as an avatara, anyone who thinks of Krsna in His different incarnations (ramadi-murtisu kala-niyamena tisthan [Bs. 5.39]), and especially in His original form as Krsna, attains salvation. There are many instances of this, and among them is Aghasura, who attained the salvation of sarupya-mukti. Therefore the process is satatam kirtayanto mam yatantas ca drdha-vratah (Bg. 9.14). Those who are devotees always engage in glorifying Krsna. Advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-r
- From "A Transcendental Diary Vol 4" by HG Hari Sauri Prabhu
viddhah sapatny-udita-patribhir anti rajno
balo 'pi sann upagatas tapase vanani
tasma adad dhruva-gatim grnate prasanno
divyah stuvanti munayo yad upary-adhastat
viddhah -- pinched by; sapatni -- a co-wife; udita -- uttered by; patribhih -- by sharp words; anti -- just before; rajnah -- of the king; balah -- a boy; api -- although; san -- being so; upagatah -- took to; tapase -- severe penances; vanani -- in a great forest; tasmai -- therefore; adat -- gav
Hare Krsna dear devotees, tomorrow is the auspicious appearance day of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur. He is very recognized by his amazing songs and by his writings. Everything he made he put his heart on it and its also very inspiring to read and sing his songs. I remember hearing a devotee singing this song with my Guru Maharaj and everytime I see this song I remember what mood we should have when we chant and when we perform service in our everyday life.
This is the translation of this song, I am
Sometimes the word 'incarnation' (lit. 'one w
sri-bhagavan uvaca
devanam guna-linganam
sattva evaika-manaso
vrttih svabhaviki tu ya
animitta bhagavati
bhaktih siddher gariyasi
sri-bhagavan uvaca - the Supreme Personality of Godhead said; devanam - of the senses or of the presiding deities of the senses; guna-linganam - which detect sense objects; anusravika - according to scripture; karmanam - which work; sattve - unto the mind or unto the Lord; eva - only; eka-manasah - of a man of undivide
वो तकलीफों में बह रहे हैं.
रोना था हमें तेरे लिए प्रभु
पर अपनी परेशानियों पे रो रहे हैं.
तेरा विरह मुझे
बेचैन नही कर पाता उतना .
ये संसार,ये माहौल
कर जाता है जितना.
तेरे मिलन की तड़प
अभी भी इस कदर न तडपाये
कि बाकी सारे सुख-दुःख
मुझे नजर ही न आये.
भक्ति के एक भी चिह्न
मुझमे दिखाई नही देते.
सुध बनी रहती है अब भी
तेरे नाम लेते-लेते.
कब मेरी भक्ति की शुरुआत होगी
कब होठों पे मेरे तेरी ही बात होगी.
कब खुले आँखों से तेरे दर्शन होंगे
कब स्वप्न में भी मुलाकात होगी.
I was distributing books in Northampton (in the Midlands of England) and stopped a young man who seemed quite well-natured. He had grown up in a Catholic family, but he introduced himself as a 21-year-old searcher looking deeply into Buddhism. I showed him our new VEDA book and told him that the article on Buddhism and KC may interest him. He had heard of the Vedas and was happy to take it away, along with a couple of other books, and generously gave a £20 donation.
Two weeks later, I decid
Discussion with evidences - Maha-mantra Das
(1) smaranam - One should not think of the opposite sex. One should think of Krsna and His service as given by the spiritual master. Memorize favorite passages or verses from the sastras.
(SB 7.15.36 purport) "In our Krsna consciousness movement it is advised, therefore, that the sannyasis and brahmacaris keep strictly aloof from the association of women so that there will be no chan
After this time he is allowed to marry and enter the stage of householder life (grhastha asrama). Some brahmacaris, however, remain celibate the whole life.
Brahmacarya is defined as an absten
आत्मा को घुटन-सी होती है.
भौतिक बातें तो दिलोदिमाग
को जल्दी-ही थका जाती हैं
ये माया हमारी भक्ति को
परख रही है .
या प्रभु के प्रेम से
विरक्ति उपज रही है.
दुविधा खड़ी हो जाती है
हर एक कदम उठाने पर.
कही ये प्रभु से दूर न जाए
कुछ भी न बचे आने तक.
जो भी हो संभालना मुश्किल है
दोनों को साथ ले चलना मुश्किल है.
दोनों को कैसे मै दिल से लगाऊं
मेरे पास एक -ही तो दिल है.
कान्हा तुझे मै छोड़ नही सकती
और दूसरे को भी साथ ले चलना है.
मेरे वश में कुछ भी न रहा अब
अब जो भी है तुझे ही करना है.
It has been estimated that the average human being has around 60,000 thoughts per day. That's a lot of thoughts. Some of these thoughts are going to be positive and productive. Unfortunately, however, many of them are also going to be negative—angry, fearful, pessimistic, worrisome. Indeed, the important question isn't whether or not you're going to have negative thoughts — you are—it's what you choose to do with the ones that you have.
In a practical sense, you really have o
Sakama Devotees
One who is in distress
One who need Money
One who is inquisitive comes to Krsna
Wise come to me (someone wants to know the Lord as a philosopher can know Him)
Akama devotees
Akama and Sakama Devotees
Those who approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead with desires for material enjoyment are called sakama, and those devotees who have no material desires for sense gratification but serve the Supreme Lord out of spontaneous love for Him are called akama. Sakama devotees are divided into