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Ratha Yatra Festival in Colombo

Ratha Yatra Festival in Colombo

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) will conduct its annual Ratha Yatra program for the 12th consecutive year.

The chariot carrying the deities of Lord Jagannath, Baladev and Subadhra will leave the Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple at 188, New Chetty Street, Colombo 13 on September 22 around 7 am and the chariot will make its way back to the temple on the same day around 2 pm and prasadam will be distributed to all the devotees.

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Friday, September 03, 2010
By Damodara Pandita dasa

SCHIZOPHRENIA is a mental disorder characterized by a disconnection between one’s thoughts, feelings and actions. ‘Skhizo’, in Greek, means split and ‘phren’ means mind – the mind is split between discordant thoughts, emotions and activities. Victims ofschizophrenia show some common traits – mistrust, suspicion, lack of reasoning power and selfish tendencies!

Once, the proud and evil-minded Kamsa willingly undertook to escort his newly wedded s

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What Abortionists Don't Know.

What Abortionists Don't Know.

76/12/12 Hyderabad, Bhagavad-gita 2.12

Pradyumna (leads chanting, etc.):

na tv evaham jatu nasam
na tvam neme janadhipah
na caiva na bhavisyamah
sarve vayam atah param
[Bg. 2.12]

"Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be."

Prabhupada: This is a very important verse. The modern scientists, philosophers, they say that after finishing this body, we no more exist, finished, everything finished. Thi
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Should patiently prosecute.

Should patiently prosecute.

Bhagavad-gita 6.24


One should engage oneself in the practice of yoga with undeviating determination and faith. One should abandon, without exception, all material desires born of false ego and thus control all the senses on all sides by the mind.


The yoga practitioner should be determined and should patiently prosecute the practice without deviation. One should be sure of success at the end and pursue this course with great perserverance, not becoming
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Lack of devotion short of Perfection

Lack of devotion short of Perfection

The Mundaka Upanisad (3.2.2) confirms the statements of this verse: kaman yah kamayate manyamanah sa karmabhir jayate tatra tatra. "Even a thoughtful renunciant, if he maintains any worldly desires will be forced by his karmic reactions to take birth again and again in various circumstances." Philosophers and yogis work hard to become free from birth and death, but because they are unwilling to surrender their proud independence, their meditations are devoid o
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Bewildered by false ego.

Bewildered by false ego.

Bhagavad-gita 16.18


Bewildered by false ego, strength, pride, lust and anger, the demon becomes envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in his own body and in the bodies of others, and blasphemes against the real religion.


A demoniac person, being always against God's supremacy, does not like to believe in the scriptures. He is envious of both the scriptures and of the existence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is caused
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Srila Prabhupad on Dogs

Srila Prabhupad on Dogs

He said there is nothing lower than a dog, yet even dogs have one good
quality -- faithfulness. And he told me a story about a man, a dog and a
baby: The man had to leave his house for a few minutes, so he placed his
baby on a bed and left his dog in the room to guard it. When he returned a
short while later, the room was empty. He was horrified to find a trail of
blood leading out into the garden. Following it, he suddenly came upon the
dog running out from the bushes, its mout
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Real Retirement

After breakfast Giriraja prabhu discussed with Srila Prabhupada the requirements for men who desire to live with us after they retire.

Prabhupada said the main thing is that they may not live with their wife and they must attend our programs. "Retirement does not mean everything nil. It means to retire from material life to increase spiritual life." He offered his own example of becoming more and more active in preaching work after his retirement. So anyone who wishes to come and l
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 7 Text 6
dharmasya daksa-duhitary ajanista murtyam
narayano nara iti sva-tapah-prabhavah
drstvatmano bhagavato niyamavalopam
devyas tv ananga-prtana ghatitum na sekuh

dharmasya -- of Dharma (the controller of religious principles); daksa -- Daksa, one of the Prajapatis; duhitari -- unto the daughter; ajanista -- took birth; murtyam -- of the name Murti; narayanah -- Narayana; narah -- Nara; iti -- thus; sva-tapah -- personal penances; prabhavah -- strength; drstva
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All are not Pure Devotees

There are different types of men in this world, not all of them pure devotees. Some are karmis, desiring to acquire vast wealth. There are also persons who are only after reputation. Some desire to be elevated to the heavenly planets or to go to Dhruvaloka, and others want to please the demigods to get material profits. Herein it is recommended by Maitreya that every one of them can hear the narration about Dhruva Maharaja and thus get their desired goal. It is recommended that the devotees (aka
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Book Distribution in Taiwan


I usually keep some small books like "Perfection of Yoga" and "Beyond birth and death" in my bag. I try to distribute them to anyone who seems a little favorable. Taxis are pretty commonplace in Taiwan and I do take them quite often. When it's time to get off, the driver usually extends his hand towards the back seat and then I put a book in his hand. Sometimes they take it and I say they can donate the taxi fare, which is usually NT$ 70 or 100 ie US$2 or 3.

This afternoon when I was leavin
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 6 Text 43-45
aham bhavo yajna ime prajesa
daksadayo ye bhavad-adayas ca
svarloka-palah khagaloka-pala
nrloka-palas talaloka-palah
ye yaksa-raksoraga-naga-nathah
ye va rsinam rsabhah pitrnam
anye ca ye preta-pisaca-bhuta-
yat kinca loke bhagavan mahasvad
ojah-sahasvad balavat ksamavat
sri-hri-vibhuty-atmavad adbhutarnam
tattvam param rupavad asva-rupam

aham -- myself (Brahmaji);
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Bathing in Radha Kunda

Stressing that everything depends on obedience to the guru's instruction, he pointed out, as he had done so effectively in Teheran, that we have a choice. "You can become independent, nobody can check you. Everyone is independent. Yathecchasi tatha kuru. But one who wants to be regulated, he has to surrender. That is voluntary. And those who are surrendered souls, they will wait for the instruction of guru and do accordingly. Even if I say that you do not do it, you are ind
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Order of reading books

Acyutananda Swami suggested that even Prabhupada's description of rasa-lila in his Tenth Canto summary study, Krsna, should not be narrated in public.

But Prabhupada told him, "No, why? Krsna book must be there, in the book must be there. But you should go gradually. You first of all understand Krsna, then Krsna-lila. If you have not understood Krsna, then you'll think Krsna's rasa-lila is just like we mix with young women, and that becomes as polluted. Because they do not u
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Interactions with Dr.Patel

August 16th, 1976

Prabhupada took his walk on the roof again this morning. When Dr. Patel arrived, they sat for a while in the open air and discussed vairagya, detachment. Prabhupada told him that if one has bhakti, detachment automatically comes. "Now, 'I have got some bhakti and some material desire also.' That is not bhakti; that is markata-vairagya [monkey renunciation]. That does not mean that I shall stop bhakti. No, you take bhakti to the regulative principle, the
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Remembering Srila Prabhupada - Bodyguard


Late in the evening Harikesa Swami and I met with Srila Prabhupada about the possibility of him being attacked by the Communists. Since our arrival several reports have appeared in the newspapers indicating that in Delhi the Communists are instigating the government to investigate our Society. A tabloid-style paper, obviously appealing to the lower class, carried a report saying that the Mayapur scheme was "fishy."

We discussed whether Srila Prabhupada should have a body guard, debating
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Personal medication

Prabhupada is attempting to treat his disease by adjusting the spicing in his diet. In the morning he instructed Palika to soak black pepper and cumin seed and then grind them into a paste. He had her do the same with tumeric. She cooked his lunch using this spicing, carefully mixing the paste with the required amount of water and adding it to his lunch preparations. Then this evening he called her in and had her make two parathas and a potato and eggplant subji. We were delig
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Bell Is Mightier Than The Bomb!

Bell Is Mightier Than The Bomb!

"One time Prabhupada was saying that the 'BELL' of the priest in the temple, when he performs the arati ceremony ringing the bell, that bell is more powerful than the nuclear weapon...the atomic bomb, because the bomb will blow up people's bodies and destroy vegetation and will make a hole in the ground and everything. But the bomb doesn't change spiritually, the situation that's happening with any of those souls, with any of those spiritual beings! Again they stil

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Read with proper understanding

There was no darsana this afternoon, although Srila Prabhupada did go up onto the roof to sit for a while with a few devotees. Then it began to rain so he returned to his sitting room. There he met with Giriraja and Nitai prabhus to discuss requirements for a library for the new building. Nitai has been given Rs. 4,000 by the temple to purchase books for it. Srila Prabhupada said the library should contain all his own books, those of all the acaryas, as well as the
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