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From purport of SB.6.7.24

From the instructions of Lord Brahmä it is understood that everyone should very
faithfully worship the brähmaëas, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the
cows. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is go-brähmaëa-hitäya ca: He is always
very kind to cows and brähmaëas. Therefore one who worships Govinda must
satisfy Him by worshiping the brähmaëas and cows. If a government worships the
brähmaëas, the cows and Kåñëa, Govinda, it is never defeated anywhere;
otherwise it must

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Contamination of Ghee

Dear ghee enthusuiasts,

Hare Krishna!

Contamination of ghee is a world-wide phenomena. Queensland Butter Board ghee in the green can (QBB) used to be a reputable ghee here in Australia. In fact it was the first ghee ever produced here, back at the turn of the 20th century, when lack of refrigeration in remote farms in Queensland made butter storage problematic.

Apparently it has finally shut down it's operations here in Australia, but the name and label is used in Malaysia. There has bee
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deity worship F.A.Q. Part-6 Sub= Clothes


Anadi (das) (Melbourne - AU)



Can one use clothes (dhotis, chadars) which had been washed in a public laundromat in Deity worship?

Nrsimha Kavaca (das) IDS



… all the 'pujaris' I know wash their own cloth by hand, or it is washed by another devotee, ie. their wife, in the case of grhasthas. Astarata prabhu, as well as Jananivasa and Pankajanghri prabhus in M

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!! राधे राधे !!

क्या बोले कान्हा की धडकन
किसको ढूंढें कान्हा निधिवन
कौन चुराए कान्हा का चितवन
कौन समाया कान्हा के मन

किसको पुकारे मुरली की धुन
दौड़े कान्हा किसकी आहट सुन
वृन्दावन में गूंजे किसकी रुनझुन
ब्रज की भूमि गाये किसके गुण

इन सबका है एक ही जवाब
राधे राधे!! राधे राधे !!
राधे राधे!! राधे राधे !!
राधे राधे!! राधे राधे !!

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deity worship F.A.Q. Part-5 Sub= Cleanliness


Subala dasa



I have a question about cleanliness. I can be probably wrong, but I think I read it in Pancaratra Pradip, that after taking meal one has to brush teeth (and after brushing teeth one must take a bath) and that for pujaris it may not be all the time possible and in this caseone has to wash his mouth thoroughly (something like 16 times) and this replacenecessity to brush teeth and taking bath. And because pra

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An Appeal From ISKCON Vrindavan Goshala

“So our Krishna consciousness movement is not a sentimental movement. It takes care of all-round social organization. It is not something like religious sentiment. Everything should be taken care of. Therefore we say cow protection cow protection.” (Srila Prabhupada - 25 Nov 75-London)
The ISKCON Vrindavan Goshala makes an urgent appeal to its worldwide community of devotees, the goshala which houses over 385 cows, bulls and calves are in urgent need of 30 acres of grazing land, winter and s
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क्योंकि नजर थी आपकी गुरु कि आज्ञा पर
- भगवत चिंतन दास

श्रील प्रभुपाद आपने गुरु कि आज्ञा ली थी सिरपर |
छोड दिया वृन्दावन आपने कृष्ण थे जहाँपर ||
ध्यान दिया आपने विदेश मे प्रचार करने पर |
लक्ष्य था आपका चैतन्य महाप्रभु का संदेश फ़ैलाने पर ||१||
क्योंकि नजर थी आपकी सिर्फ़ गुरु की आज्ञा पर || ध्रुo ||

प्रचार का प्रयास किया आपने खुद्के घरपर
भक्ति को किसीने नही लिया अपने सरपर II
सुमती मोरारजीने आपकी ही जिम्मेदारीपर I
चढ़ा दिया आपको प्रचार के लिए जलदुतपर ||२||
क्योंकि नजर थी आपकी सिर्फ़ गुरु की आज्ञा पर || ध्रुo
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Same type of body as the Lord

Same type of body as the Lord

The living entity creates his own body by his personal desires, and the external energy of the Lord supplies him the exact form by which he can enjoy his desires to the fullest extent. The tiger wanted to enjoy the blood of another animal, and therefore, by the grace of the Lord, the material energy supplied him the body of the tiger with facilities for enjoying blood from another animal. Similarly, a living entity desiring to get the body of a demigod in a higher pl
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Our first birth is from our mother and father. After coming out of our mother's womb we are taught how to engage nicely in eating, sleeping, mating, and defending. But if this is all that we are taught, we are no better than animals because these four activities are the constant engagement of those souls who are presently embodied in the animal kingdom. If we want to rise beyond the animal platform, we require a second birth for entering into the transcendental existence. This birth is given at
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If one takes to Kṛṣṇa consciousness, in the beginning there will be many disturbances caused by Māyā, the material energy of illusion. Māyā will test us to see how firmly we are fixed in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Because she is also an agent of Kṛṣṇa, she does not allow anyone the freedom to disturb Kṛṣṇa. Therefore she tests very rigidly to see whether we have taken to Kṛṣṇaconsciousness to disturb Kṛṣṇa or are actually serious. That is Māyā's business. So in the beginning there will be tests by Māy
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Become Krishna's Dog or Maya's Dog

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.29.30-31

kṣut-parīto yathā dīnaḥ

sārameyo gṛhaḿ gṛham

caran vindati yad-diṣṭaḿ

daṇḍam odanam eva

tathā kāmāśayo jīva

uccāvaca-pathā bhraman

upary adho madhye

yāti diṣṭaḿ priyāpriyam


kṣut-parītaḥ — overcome by hunger; yathāas; dīnaḥ — poor; sārameyaḥa dog; gṛham — from one house; gṛhamto another house; caran — wandering; vindati — receives; yat — whose; diṣṭam — according to destiny; daṇḍam — punishment; odanam — food; eva— certainly; v

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Natures check

So to become actual human being, one has to undergo tapasya. Tapasa brahmacaryena, jnanena, samena, damena [SB 6.1.13]. This is the prescription, that if you want to become actually a human being, then you have to undergo tapasya, brahmacarya, sama, dama, titiksa [Bg. 18.42]. These things have to be practiced.Not that because I want sense gratification, therefore let me under the name of independence, let me become naked and have sex life on the street. That day is coming. It already has come to
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Ambarisa prabhu

A letter arrived from Ambarisa prabhu today. He presented Srila Prabhupada with a proposal regarding his donating funds to ISKCON. "I have been thinking about how would be the best way to dispense money, and have come up with an idea. If you approve, I will set this up immediately.

"I would open a savings account here in Boston, whose funds would solely be for your use. I would personally make regular deposits into this account, and also the restaurant would make deposits. I would
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 6 Text 42
adyo 'vatarah purusah parasya
kalah svabhavah sad-asan-manas ca
dravyam vikaro guna indriyani
virat svarat sthasnu carisnu bhumnah

adyah -- first; avatarah -- incarnation; purusah -- Karanarnavasayi Visnu; parasya -- of the Lord; kalah -- time; svabhavah -- space; sat -- result; asat -- cause; manah -- mind; ca -- also; dravyam -- elements; vikarah -- material ego; gunah -- modes of nature; indriyani -- senses; virat -- the complete whole body; svarat --
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हे गोपाल मेरे
हे गोविन्द मेरे
देखो ये माया
कैसे मुझे घेरे

कभी तन को दे पीडा
कभी मन को उलझन
चाहे दूर करना तुझसे
दूरी न हो पाए भगवन

कैसा भी हो संकट
किसी भी विपदा
तेरा नाम ही हो
मेरे होठों पे सदा.

कितना भी तडपाये मुझको माया
कितनी भी दुर्बल हो मेरी काया
महसूस करूँ मै हरपल तेरी छाया
तेरी लीलों में हो मन हर पल समाया .

इतना करना हे गोविन्द कि
मेरी भक्ति कभी न छूटे
टूटे चाहे जग के सब रिश्ते
पर मेरा रिश्ता तुझसे न टूटे

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Savitri gayatri

Mati (das) HKS (Siberia)



I readed about savitri-gayatri. It can used for fire sacrifices. If somebody have this mantra, please send me.

Shyamasundara (Dasa) ACBSP (Astrologer)



All initiated ISKCON Brahmanas chant the savitri gayatri mantra as the first of a series of gayatri and bija mantras that they recite.

Wearing threads

Kasya (das) SS (Prague -

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The Sacrifice of Nama Yajna

From HH Sacinandana Swami's newsletter Amrta-vani

Dear Devotees,
Please acecpt my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We are constantly working on and preparing fabolous Amrta-vani training newsletters. But in the meantime, while we prepare, we don't want to stop sending you spiritual inspirations:

The Sacrifice of Nama Yajna - Singing the Holy Name

A nama-yajna is exclusively for the pleasure of Krsna and doing it, all participants can become priests. You might ask h
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Boxer Mohammad Ali's advice to his daughter

Boxer Mohammad Ali's advice to his daughter

An incident transpired when Muhammad Ali's daughters arrived at his home wearing clothes that were quite revealing.

Here is the story as told by one of his daughters:

“When we finally arrived, the chauffeur escorted my younger sister, Laila, and me up to my father's suite. As usual, he was hiding behind the door waiting to scare us. We exchanged many hugs and kisses as we could possibly give in one day. My father took a good look at us. Then he
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TIRUPATI: The country’s largest ‘Goshala’ in the network of International Society for Krsna consciousness (ISKCON) is coming up 50 km northwest of the temple city of Tirupati.ISKCON has decided to make use of the 50 acres of land donated by a philanthropistin Rangannagarigadda village of Chinnagottigallu mandal by setting up astate-of-the-art cow protection centre to house a whopping 2000 heads of cattle.Given the area’s contiguity to the Talakona forest, known forits serene ambience and dense
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A very influential scholar.

A very influential scholar.

Bhagavad-gita 10.11


Out of compassion for them, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.


When Lord Caitanya was in Benares promulgating the chanting of Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare, thousands of people were following Him.

Prakāśānanda, a very influential and learned scholar in Benares at that time, derided Lord Caitanya for being

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