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Thirty members of the Krishna Culture Festival Tour reached the mid-point of their six-week tour with a visit to the iconic Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork, Utah.

Since 1995, ISKCON Youth Ministry volunteers have led the Krishna Culture Festival Tours (aka Youth Bus Tours) across North America to inspire youth in Krishna consciousness.

“The mission of ISKCON Youth Ministry bus tours is to inspire, train, engage and empower youth in Krishna consciousness to their fullest potential,

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I admit to being a sucker for historic parks such as Old Fort William just outside of Thunder Bay, reconstructed outpost for the fur trading industry back in 1815. This place is inspirational because it takes you to a time of harsh survivalism, simple standards, austerity, and a collaboration. Sounds attractive to a monk.

The collaboration or working in concert is about the Scotsman as the administrators, the French voyageurs from Montreal, and the trapping Indigenous Ojibwe people. While sitti

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As long as we are in this world, we have to work and interact with it. It’s hardly practical, or desirable, to ignore the world or the loving relationships we have with the people in it. Nor is it possible to completely avoid environments fraught with negativity and lower vibrations. So how does one fortify oneself from being influenced by these energies?

Those who daily engage in spiritual practice are content because they enjoy pleasure from within. They understand that everything has a rela

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From Back to Godhead

Since my early childhood, I have wondered about the limits of the universe I live in. At night, as the stars twinkled enigmatically overhead with the moon majestically presiding over the celestial assembly, I used to ponder on what lies beyond this universe. Suppose I ventured out into the enchanting night sky and at some fine hour reached its limit, what would I find beyond it? If I ever found the boundary, would I be able to distinguish between the two sides of it inside

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Time is an important topic in the Bhagavad Gita. Actually it’s one of the Gita’s five main topics. These include: 1) isvara – the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna 2) the jiva – the minute living entity 3) prakrti – material nature 4) karma – our actions and reactions, and 5) kalah – eternal time.

For me, I didn’t detect how much there was about time in the Gita until recently. Now, time is all over the place. Krishna, the Supreme Lord, is instructing the warrior prince Arjuna. He explains His own conn

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The 6th annual MAN-tra Men’s Retreat will be returning to the Holy Dham of New Vrindaban, West Virginia, USA, Friday, September 29th thru Sunday, October 1st.

With an aim to empower devotee men to integrate Krishna consciousness into all aspects of their lives, the MAN-tra Retreat was conceived by H.H. Bhaktimarga Swami and H.G. Anuttama Prabhu in 2018. Every year the retreat features a variety of special guest speakers covering topics relevant to devotee men, as well as dramas, ecstatic kirtan

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On US Mount Rainier flows a majestic waterfall
Dropping a steep 188 feet by a gorgeous rock wall
It commemorates a celebrated eastern mystic
Who connects to the cosmos and all that’s holistic

His name is Narada and he’s so novel
Unconventional in behaviour yet a real role model
At times he may come across as eccentric
But in reality he is most authentic

He moves with heart subtly through all atmospheres
In the heavens, middle, and lower regions he appears
Covering a spectrum like a rainbow’s col

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🌹Ekadashi is known as 🌟Madhav tithi, 🙏🏻Lord Sri Krishna is most pleased when anyone observes ✨Ekadashi for His satisfaction.
😍 Padmini Ekadashi occurring in the holiest month of Purushottam.
“The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna said, the meritorious Ekadasii that occurs during the light fortnight of the extra month of leap-year is called Padmini. It is very auspicious. The fortunate soul who observes it with great determination and faith will return to My personal abode. This extr
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Bhaktivaibhava Swami finished his studies and joined the Hare Krishna movement in 1970. The following year he was initiated by Srila Prabhupada. He has been an initiating spiritual master in ISKCON since 1987, and was awarded sannyasa initiation in 1991.

When he joined, there was only a fledgling group of devotees in Germany and together they recruited eighty members within four years. He began the Berlin chapter of ISKCON during the 1970s, and this became a doorway to share Krishna consciousne

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By Vrsabhanu das

Prabhupada desh, in Albettone in Veneto, is one of the main ISKCON temples in North Italy.

The building dates back to the 16th century and is situated on a ten hectare property with an orchard and a vineyard.

As well as daily spiritual programmes there are regular festivals and seminars being held here.

When I visited Prabhupada desh I found it to be very peaceful. The setting is remote and quiet – the perfect place for a retreat.


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Transformer replacement took place yesterday cost €24,000, what a feat the electricity is back! (In the picture is the new transformer that came in)
But it’s not over, the first quote we got for standardizing the electrical system of the whole property and increasing its capacity is €200,000.
More quotes and solutions to reduce costs will be evaluated in the coming months.
Thank you to everyone who helped us during these 3 weeks of blackout!


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“Bhaktivedanta Swami in a Historical and Philosophical Context” is a one-day workshop to be held on September 6, 2023, at the prestigious Stockholm University (S.U.). Located in the vibrant Swedish capital, S.U. is a renowned public research university recognized for its academic excellence and diverse disciplines. 

The workshop is part of a collaborative effort of Stockholm University’s Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies, Utah State University’s Department of Hist

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By Atma Tattva Das

In a landmark event, the first-ever Sadhu Sanga Kirtan Retreat is set to take place in the serene surroundings of Las Estacas Resort, Mexico, from September 15-18, 2023. Organized by a dedicated team on behalf of Indradyumna Swami, this retreat promises to be a joyous celebration of spiritual unity and devotion.

Inspired by the desire to strengthen the local Hare Krishna community in Mexico, Sakhi Vrinda Devi Dasi and Syama Priya Thakurani Devi Dasi, two devoted godsisters fr

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The Neebing Park River Trail Is a 4.5-kilometre length that I took two. Pleasant, serene, away from traffic until you get to Arthur St. It is really not much of a river. The Neebing Is more the size of a Creek. Once I reached the trails end, I made a loop to amble along the other side, and there I spotted a black fox, so rare to be seen.

Fox are usually red. Some fox are bred as silver fox, and the mammal I saw is supposed to be in that category, but this beauty was clearly black with a white t

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Bhaktivedanta Manor is a 78-acre spiritual oasis north of London in the Hertfordshire countryside. This year it is celebrating an exciting array of significant events that occurred there 50 years ago. Between August 19th -21st, the community commemorates the 1973 installation of Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda by Srila Prabhupada on the festival of Janmashtami.

The Manor is one of the most significant religious and cultural centers for the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in th

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The innovative idea to go rock hunting happened before the pandemic and was a big hit for the youth bus tour as it was today. There are not many places on the globe where you can gather the semi-precious stone amethyst, but at the Panorama Amethyst Mines near Thunder Bay, it is possible. There are thirty of us, and all but myself went for the collecting of this gorgeous Violet stone as gifts or ornamentation for home altars.

Where I did participate with the group was in delivering some of my po

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By Premanjana Das

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), in partnership with the Ministry of Environmental, Forest and Climate Change (MOEFCC), Mission LiFE Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MOTA), United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Faith for Earth, and the Directorate of Delhi is organizing the 2023 International Value Education Olympiad. The Olympiad inspires and empowers students worldwide to embrace and embody essential values from Gita while making a positive enviro

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In a captivating interview with Jagannath Das, ISKCON News explored both his remarkable spiritual journey and his two newly released books that offer profound insights into the yogic texts of antiquity.

Raised in a Krishna-conscious household, Jagannath Das has inherited a rich legacy of devotion and storytelling. His father, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, played a pivotal role in popularizing Hare Krishna music through his album “A Change of Heart.”

Jagannaths’ decision to immerse himself in

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By The Serpent by Bhaktimarga Swami


Everyone loves Nikhil. Now, with his initiated name, Nityananda, he appears even more lovable. That's just his disposition. He was kind enough to drive me to Serpent River, a usual destination point for our Krishna Culture bus tour. It is nature 's fun place, the only thing is that Chirag lost his phone to the rivers water. It looks like the serpent nabbed it.

“Farewell, Nityananda. You are off to Alberta for new opportunities. Keep Krishna in your centre.”

The fellows from the Festival of Indi

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Essence of Spritual advancement

Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu says that attitude of humbleness is the secret which paves the way to chanting pure holy names, eventually it leads to fully dependence on Shree Krsna. That's why He writes, " Trinadapi sunichena tarorapi sahisnuna" Who thinks himself down even than a grass, who is more tolerant than a tree & who is always ready to give respect to others rather than thinking about his own respect, he can always chant the holy names of Shree Hari. Vaishanavas possess these qualities.

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