
On October 17, 2023, devotees from the ISKCON Santiago Chile community held a beautiful concert and cultural program in the Hall of Honor at the Supreme Court of Justice in Santiago, Chile. The event was part of the 200th anniversary celebrations for Chile’s Supreme Court. A beautifully produced YouTube video can be viewed here.

Sri Bhakti Das (Sebastián Kauak), a Chilean lawyer and devotee, helped facilitate the event. “We have dedicated ourselves for the last 20 years to the study of Indian classical instruments. Some of us received a scholarship from the Indian Embassy to study in India,” said Sri Bhakti Das. “We have played in several iconic places in our country. This time we were especially honored to participate in the 200th anniversary of the Supreme Court of Justice.” Though a beautiful concert and showcase of Vaishnava culture, the program also served as an opportunity to share Srila Prabhupada’s books, prasada, and the Maha Mantra with guests.

Sri Bhakti continued, “This unforgettable event was dedicated to world peace and was hosted by His Excellency President of the Supreme Court, Mr. Juan Eduardo Fuentes Belmar. We also had the notable presence of government ministers, national authorities, our beloved music master Millapol Gajardo, the President of the Indian Association in Chile, Mr. Kishan Dadlani, family, and friends. All the attendees enjoyed a wonderful prasada and received books from Srila Prabhupada as a gift.”

​Read more: https://iskconnews.org/devotees-invited-to-perform-at-200th-anniversary-of-chiles-supreme-court/

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