I got to the sink and coughed up a green and black gob of phlegm after the traffic trail from Pune's Airport. That's quite common after moving through the dusty streets of anywhere in India. I opened the faucet and let the despicable lump wash down the sink's hole. It was a clear confirmation that I'm in the land of Bharat – India.
I do like India, though. You have to see the bright side. When you are a monk, you get all the hospitality of the sweetest kind, greeted by kirtan, garland, and happy faces. My appetite was gifted with spinach soup, veggie sandwiches, and a modestly sized pizza with artichokes and olives. What more can one ask for?
Well, there is good companionship that tops it off. On the plane from Delhi I met my friend Anuttama and another devotee, Sri, from Assam. That was an absolute blessing. Many hours on planes was the day's occupying time, or a wait at the airport with minutes reduced due to time zone alteration.
I'm glad to be settled in while finding it necessary to jack up the air conditioning. Naturally, that's what I will do when it's 33º Celsius out.
Meanwhile, back home, our Saranagati Village in BC just got hit with the first snowfall.
By the way, I enjoyed my stay in France. I spotted a deer running, but didn't get to view a common boar in the wilderness there. I admit, I miss our wild creatures in Canada – the loon, racoon, squirrel, and skunk.
"It's a wonderful world...." sings Louis Armstrong.
Source: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/wonderful-world