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VRINDAVAN – The continuing flooding along the Yamuna, 20 feet higher than usual in some locations, has forced many Vrindavan families to flee their homes or find themselves living on rooftops. “Trapped and losing everything, they face unimaginable hardship without food, medical aid, electricity, and water, clinging to hope on 2nd & 3rd floors,” said Food For Life Vrindavan. 

Cooked kitchari and food ration packages are being quickly assembled and distributed to residents. Supplies include water

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Mahaprabhu Das, Director of MOSA (the Museum of Sacred Art) in Radhadesh, introduces a new limited summer exhibit on display for the next two months. Guests can view the two exhibits: “Illuminations from the Bhagavad Gita” and ten additional pieces from the more extensive MOSA exhibition “Narasimha and the Avatars,” which includes a total of 400 works by 60 artists. In particular, the works of Anant Kumar Mishra are on display. Born in 1983 in Bihar, Anant received his Bachelor’s and Master’s d

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There were warnings of thunder showers in the morning, and with today's outdoor event everything becomes quite iffy in terms of execution. But as the saying goes, “The show must go on!”

At the corner of Yonge and Edward, the Chariots were lined up for the procession South on Yonge to the waterfront of Lake Ontario. I took a picture of the Chariots as they stood gloriously before the crowds set in. And did they ever. Each of the colourful conveyances were pulled by people of plenty. In fact, the

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12159110072?profile=RESIZE_584x Online Bhakti Vaibhava Canto 5 to commence from 24th of July 

Srila Prabhupada had envisioned four levels of study of his books—Bhakti-sastri, Bhakti-vaibhava, Bhakti-vedanta and Bhakti-sarvabhauma. The Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education (VIHE) is endeavoring to establish these degrees and thus provide an opportunity for higher studies in Krsna conscious philosophy to interested devotees. The first ever Bhakti-vaibhava Course was started in 2002. Bhakti-vaibhava Course covers the study of

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TED’s Countdown Summit, the invite-only gathering in Detroit, Michigan, on July 11-14th, welcomed the world’s top leaders in technology, science, business, government, philanthropy, and faith to explore solutions to the growing problem of climate change. As part of their mission, the TED events gather “people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world and connection with others, and we invite everyone to engage with ideas and activate them in your community.”

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This year, in anticipation of the opening of the completed Nrsimhadeva Wing in October, we are happy to celebrate the 37th Anniversary of Lord Nrsimhadeva’s arrival in Sridham Mayapur from July 28-30, 2023. In July 1986, the Deities of Prahlad-Nrsimhadeava were completed in Chennai, India, and installed in Sridham Mayapur during a three-day celebration from July 28-30. This year commemorates the 37th Anniversary of that historic occasion.
The history leading to that event is extraordinary
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It was a day of devotional intensity with the building in full vibration of mantra. Swamis and congregants young and old took the lead with schedules. It was a real quality presentation by participants. I mean to say that good voices and easy to follow melodies were executed, keeping in mind the need for inclusiveness.

I was given the honour to begin the 12-hour celebration of the name. The couple, Mahapurna, spun off from there with a rocking kirtan. Now, I was not present at every single sess

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Spiritual Fasting By Yamuna Devi Dasi


From Back to Godhead

With spiritual fasting, you may not make headlines,

but you’ll make headway on the path back to Godhead.

What do Mahatma Gandhi, Dick Gregory, Jane Fonda, Norman Mailer, Bolivian dissidents, British suffragettes, and Irish revolutionaries have in common? Well, for one thing, at one time or another and for one reason or another, they’ve all fasted. Materially their fasting was somewhat successful, whether it was undertaken to free India from British domination, turn public o

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Mataji Ananda Vrindavani is a senior devotee, educator, and member of the Sankirtana harinama group in Mayapur.

Hare Krishna, dear devotees.

Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Ananda Vrindavani mathaji sharing the story of near-death experience and the mercy of Lord Jagannath. So, with Their blessings, She is briefly describing this experience, hoping that it may help someone.
It happened in January 2020 while we were living here in Mayapur. Let me clarify that

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This year, in anticipation of the opening of the completed Nrsimhadeva Wing in October, we are happy to celebrate the 37th Anniversary of Lord Nrsimhadeva’s arrival in Sridham Mayapur from July 28-30, 2023.  In July 1986, the Deities of Prahlad-Nrsimhadeava were completed in Chennai, India, and installed in Sridham Mayapur during a three-day celebration from July 28-30. This year commemorates the 37th Anniversary of that historic occasion.

The history leading to that event is extraordinary and

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CROATIA – On Wednesday, July 19th, a severe storm with 150 km/hr winds raged across Croatia, killing at least four people and injuring hundreds. In all, 2,000 buildings were damaged in Croatia’s northwestern capital of Zagreb,  including ISKCON’s New Jaladuta Temple.  The deadly storm blew a substantial part of the roof off of the temple, carrying it 300 meters into a local backyard.  “By Krsna’s mercy, devotees were saved. There is no electricity in the temple and no water, so Their Lordships

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Meeting The Sun by Bhaktimarga Swami


A group of us pre-arranged a dawn visit to cherry beach for a thrill. A dip in the shiny waters of Lake Ontario was novel for the rest at this hour, but nostalgic for me. In my earlier years as a novice monk, a companion or two (whoever was available) travelled by wheels to different parts of the country on behalf of the mission to share conscious living, and in the early spring, summer, autumn hours, our shower was the lake or river.

For this morning, friends, twenty of us, braved the waters a

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Can Krishna and Guru be found within one’s heart? Then sent to find you, no matter where you are?

I remember the amazing story of a boy who went into an old Cathedral in Melbourne on February 18th 1972 to desperately pray to God within his own heart and within the Church for guidance and direction, crying out within, ‘Oh my Lord, please show me the way’.

He had entered that church in a totally helpless condition, prayed, and begged to God to ‘please’ show him the way. He felt totally useless a

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Why do so many people find it hard to think of God as a person?

Whenever the press runs articles about faith, the idea that God might be person seems more or less abhorrent to the authors. Even those who may term themselves theists balk at the idea, offering all kinds of alternatives.

The Guardian (London) regularly prints a column dealing with different beliefs. In one article recently published, a professor of philosophy gave his opinion that it is time to discard the "old God concept of West

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The ISKCON Ministry of Education will host its Annual Virtual Symposium of Education, “Pan-America Mini-Symposium 2023,” on Friday, July 28th, 2023, 6:00-8:15 PM CDT. The virtual event will be viewable on ZoomFacebook, or YouTube Live.

“This symposium will provide ISKCON educators and leaders in Pan-America an opportunity to connect with other educators serving in Srila Prabhupada’s mission and expand their frame of reference by hearing from and sharing with them,” said Balimardana Das, Regio

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By Thomas Haribol

Members of the Harmony Collective devotee community in Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA, were awarded “Best Presentation” at the 2023 Ypsilanti 4th of July parade.  This year’s parade was especially significant and well-attended because it marks the small town’s bicentennial (200th anniversary). “It felt extra sweet to get some formal appreciation from the parade crew on such a memorable mark in the city’s history,” said Deva Madhava, Community Director.

The community began as a preac

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Brian Carwana Always manages to bring a great set of people over for a religious encounter experience. The last time he came was in May with folks mainly from the States. Today, he welcomed to our temple people from North America, including some Californians and those from Scotland. From our place he arranged for a visit to a First Nations centre, and then to the Hindu Sabha for an arati (service).

It is my opinion that the caliber of people Brian shows up with are about the best on the planet.

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Through bhakti-yoga we can finally reunite with the person we’ve wanted all along.

The Sixth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, discusses dhyana-yoga, or meditative yoga. Texts 13-14 say: “One should hold one’s body, neck, and head erect in a straight line and stare steadily at the tip of the nose. Thus, with an unagitated, subdued mind, devoid of fear, completely free from sex life, one should meditate upon Me within the heart and make Me the ultimate goal of life.”

Srila Prabhupada’s purport to these

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7989658301?profile=RESIZE_584xWe have entered the auspicious Purusottama-adhika-masa (extra month), which is considered three times more powerful than Kartik. One year, Srila Prabhupada was in Juhu during Purusottama-adhika-masa, and Dr. C. P. Patel, Srila Prabhupada’s regular companion on his morning walks on Juhu Beach, prevailed upon him to take bath in the sea. In an article published in Back to Godhead, Dr. Patel wrote:

“Every third year an extra month is inserted into the lunar calendar to bring it into line with the s

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Dear devotees and well wishers, we need your help urgently!

Yesterday, 19th July 2023, the city of Zagreb was hit by one of the strongest storms recorded in its history, which caused enormous damage.

Unfortunately our temple also suffered a lot of damage. As you can see in the pictures most of the roof was blown away by the storm. The bramachari sankirtan ashram, along with the temple library, is completely devastated. The first floor is also flooded and leaking, and if the roof is not quickly

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