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[This is an article written for the recent 2023 Hindu Mandir Executives Conference for their “Mandir Vani” magazine. I’m always invited to this conference, and I’ve attended and spoken at several, which is always informative and inspiring as temple executives talk about issues all temple managers face, and any solutions we can share. But since I no longer care much for traveling, I don’t go to as many conferences as I used to.]

Amazingly, I am just turning 73 years old, and I’ve also now been i

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Over 80 ISKCON leaders gathered at the ISKCON temple and cultural center in Houston, Texas, for the annual North American Leadership Conference on October 13-15th to discuss key issues, network, share resources, and empower leaders to serve their respective communities. 

Kumari, North America Co-Director of Communications and one of the event organizers said, “It’s so important to meet regularly and share best practices and sanga; this was very overdue.” 

The multi-day event included plenary pr

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This month,  the Hindu American Foundation (HAF)  interviewed Anuttama Dasa, the International Director of Communications and a member of the Governing Body Commission (GBC), regarding the celebration of Navaratri and Dussehra from the perspective of an ISKCON devotee.

Established in 2003, HAF is the largest and oldest education and advocacy organization for Hindu Americans. The interview by Syama Allard is part of a broader “Living Dharma” series that seeks unique perspectives on key topics. T

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A Need In Barrie by Bhaktimarga Swami


Georgian College hosted an event to encourage students, and it was Mohit, Naina, their son and daughter, and student, Yash, who made the connection for bhakti yoga practitioners. I was really taken by the duo Indradev, on drum, and Ekanath, on harmonium. These boys hail from Lithuania and Latvia. Their bhajan songs were sweet, as was a cozy room we were given to sing and speak in. I didn't mind the high ceilings and glass walls at all; there was a very good energy.

The fact is that many student

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By Gopikā Rādhikā Devī Dāsī & Sundara Gopāla Dāsa

As an unprecedentedly unique offering to our illustrious Guru-paramparā and the Vaiṣṇava community, the Bhaktivedanta Research Center (BRC) established an endowment in honour of Śrīla Saccidānanda Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura, at his alma mater—Presidency University, Kolkata, in September 2023.

Over 150 years ago, in 1853, Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura, then known as Kedarnath Dutta, attended Hindu College as a student. This historic institution, founded i

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On October 15, 2023, ISCKON devotees, locals, and well-wishers gathered for the dedication of the new Krishna Balarama Hall in Vrindavan Dham. This building is part of the larger Krishna Balaram Cultural Center project that ISKCON News will report on this week. The Hall will greatly expand the Krishna Balaram temple’s ability to serve the growing number of pilgrims visiting the holy city, through prasada distribution and devotional events.

The sprawling 15,000 square feet complex promises to be

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As a sannyasi practicing detachment, I accept my services wholeheartedly if the day calls for being put in one place or moving around. Today was one of those nomadic days where i enjoyed being in diverse association.

For starters, It was a great pleasure to be present in the temple room with mostly 20-year-olds who enjoy an early morning chant-and-dance for God. They are genuine party animals, I must say, and they are preoccupied in the program of the Bhakti Academy.

From that location at 243 A

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Since I have a new liver and kidney, we have to make sure the body does not reject them. That is why I am having immunosuppressant medicines. That is why I wear mask when I go out. And my caretakers they come close and talk. They have to wear masks and stay away. I don’t like this, I want to embrace all the devotees! Want to get the blessings of all the vaisnavas, But I cannot do this. If I try to do this and I get some infection, then goodbye! The doctor said, that I need to be in seclusion. B

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GBC Proposals, AGM 2024


Dear Devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

The Annual General Meeting of the ISKCON GBC Society will begin in February 2024. Following the ISKCON GBC Society’s Rules of Order, the GBC Secretariat requests proposals, duly sponsored by two GBC members, to be submitted by December 15, 2023. Note that no proposals will be entertained after this date.

Please follow the format for GBC Proposals linked as a fillable PDF here:

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ISKCON News is continuing to follow developments in the Israel-Hamas war.  Details on the ground are changing hour by hour, but we are striving to bring you the latest from multiple sources.

From ISKCON Israel, “At the moment, devotees are following the instructions of the Home Front Command and are safe. Families living in the south and north of the country have moved to the center, to safer cities. Around 20 devotees are participating in the military operations [another source mentioned that

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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

Chaitanya Chandra Dasa has unveiled his latest offering, an e-book titled “Traps in our Path Back to Godhead.” Drawing inspiration from a publication by Suhotra Swami during the 1990s, this e-book sets a philosophical foundation to illuminate the common pitfalls in one’s spiritual evolution, empowering one with the wisdom required to navigate and transcend these impediments.

Currently staying in Mayapur with his family, Chaitanya Chandra Dasa started his journ

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Happy Hare Being! by Bhaktimarga Swami


Hallowe’en is approaching – that creepy and ghoulish time of the year. At least, in North America the hype or craze of this more tamasic custom is practically ranked as no. 2 in the list of favourite celebrations, leaving the sweeter events like Easter bunnies to trail way behind. Hallowe’en is challenging the whole Christmas Yuletide celebrations as far as participation is concerned. For our community, festivals such as Govardhana Puja and Diwali, the festival of lights, preoccupy us.

With all

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By Sri Nandanandana dasa (Stephen Knapp)
This article gives quotes from numerous Western poets, writers, thinkers and philosophers from over the years who have written about and given praise to India and its spiritual culture.
There is a renaissance of Vedic Culture, Sanatana-dharma, that is going on now more than ever. We can see this in numerous ways, such as the popularity of Yoga, or even Vedic astrology, or Vastu Shastra, Vedic art, or Indian dance, or how even Christians, though sol
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A few days ago, as I was traveling on the ferry that takes us to our ISKCON Center at Chodan island, a relatively young man approached me and started to talk to me. My Vaishnava (devotee) attire probably attracted him to me. He was asking me if I was a preist in a temple. To which I said "Yes". I asked him where he stays and what he does. He told me that he stays in Panjim and runs a chicken shop in Porvorim. I asked him his name and as I guessed, he happened to be a Muslim. I could see marks
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Śrī Jānakī Jayam

        सीतानाथ समारम्भां रामानन्दार्य मध्यमाम्।        अस्मदाचार्य पर्यन्तां वन्दे श्रीगुरू परम्पराम् ॥

This verse is a Jayaghosha to Sri Jānaki who is the eternal beloved Consort of Sri Rāmachandra, The Original Personality of Godhead. Please Comment Jaya Sitey

जय हरिहरिजाये कांचनत्कम्रकाये

जय रघुवरमाये प्रोल्लसत् सन्निकाये ।

जय निमिकुलकन्ये धन्यधन्ये वदान्ये

जय जय जय सीते देहि शं मे विनीते ॥

The one who’s complexion is like pure gold, O Sri Sitey ! The Eternal Divine Consort of Sri Rama ! Jaya to y

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By Atma Tattva Das

Located in the wealthiest mile of Africa, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Sandton – South Africa has embarked on an endeavor to share the wisdom of Bhakti yoga with a global audience. Their new podcast, “Unveiling the Spirit,” hosted by Temple President Vibhu Chaitanya Das, aims to bridge the gap between ancient spiritual wisdom and contemporary living. Through interviews and discussions, the podcast explores the spiritual journeys of devotees, wi

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By Atma Tattva Das

Alachua, Florida – The Bhakti Recovery Group (BRG) Convention, held recently in Alachua, Florida, has emerged as a beacon of hope for individuals navigating the challenging path of addiction recovery within the devotee community. The convention, spearheaded by Jiva Gaurangi Dasi, “Jiva G,” the founder of BRG, and co-organized by Namamrita Das, brought together devotees from diverse backgrounds to explore the powerful fusion of Bhakti spirituality and the 12-step recovery prog

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Mukunda Madhava and Nancy, along with their four children, recently moved to their new residence in Maple Ridge, and as a form of housewarming, decided to host a few of us for a Gita Chat on Zoom, a chanting session, and eating. It just so happens to be Thanksgiving Day, that special time express gratitude for all the facility, food, family, and friends. The truth, however, is that adequate thank yous can never be a reality. It is a time to do inventory or stock of all the blessings to the best

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Holy Name Retreat at Ekachakra Dham

Please come and chant with us.....
                     in japa aswell as in kirtan

                 From 23rd to 27th of December 2023
                       At Ekachakra Dham, India


* Deepen your relationship with the Holy Name.

* Spend these days in seclusion in beautiful Ekachakra - away from all usual distractions.

* Hear about the glories of the Holy Name in the association of like- minded devotees and pra
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