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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

The jackfruit tree under which Srila Prabhupada, the founder-acharya of ISKCON was born on 1st September 1896, is now withering and needs attention. It is situated at Srila Prabhupada’s birthplace in Kolkata, which was opened in 2021. A memorial is being built here and the preservation of the tree is a part of this project.

“It seems like the whole life of the jackfruit tree was for Srila Prabhupada. The tree was completely green after celebrating the inaugur

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The new Bhaktivedanta Institute journal, Purva-paksa: Fine-Tuning Opposing Views, was a  “#1 New Release” in the Hindu History category for its inaugural edition of the publication.

The multivolume journal features recent research of scholars worldwide who have presented at seminars, conferences, and other events hosted by the BIHS. Purva-paksa is now available as both a paperback edition and a Kindle download on Amazon sites from around the globe, including India, where a “read sample” option

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Nrisimha Monthly Abhishek


"I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Nrisimhadeva, the source of all power. O my Lord who possesses nails and teeth just like thunderbolts, kindly vanquish our demon-like desires for fruitive activity in this material world. Please appear in our hearts and drive away our ignorance so that by Your mercy we may become fearless in the struggle for existence in this material world." (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 5.18.8)

For the pleasure of Lord Narasimhadev and the persistent request from devotees a

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Going to a funeral and showing support is a willing obligation that I like to fulfill. Today's rite for passing was executed by a pandit who spoke in Hindi. In attendance were family and friends of the dearly departed person.

In some respect, the events leading to the death of this middle-aged woman were tragic. She gave up her life after a difficult divorce. Surviving are her two daughters and ex-husband with whom I spent some time and shared some dialogue. I actually didn't know the family pe

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Rupotsava, an annual celebration dedicated to Srila Rupa Gosvami, unfolded its enchanting festivities at the Vrindavan Institute of Higher Education (VIHE) this year. Commencing on the 25th of August and concluding on the 28th, the event marked the disappearance day of Srila Rupa Gosvami.

The inaugural day dawned with the resonating melody of mangala arati at 5:15 a.m. As the VIHE staff and students formed a harmonious harinama team, the procession wound along the Vrndavana parikrama path towar

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October 12, 2023

Dear Devotees of ISKCON,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Many devotees have contacted the Communications Ministry in the last day or two with concerns regarding the Peacock Studio’s film that will be released on October 24, 2023. It is named “Krishnas: Gurus. Karma. Murder.”

The film is a 3-hour, 3-part production that Peacock has been working on for well over a year. We were told that all three parts will be released at once, via a streamin

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Mahalaya Pitri Seva 2023


🌟 On the auspicious day of ✨💫🌺Mahalaya Pitri seva, we are happy to inform everyone who showed tremendous interest during the Pitru Paksha period and offered some seva on behalf of their ancestors and forefathers. 🪷🌟🙏🏼We are deeply thankful for performing some seva towards the welfare of our ✨🪔forefathers, and we truly appreciate all those who gave some donations 💰🥙🌠to take care of Sri Radha Madhava 🐄🌸🥙cows and bulls during this period and for all the 🍲🥗🍛prasadam distribution sevas. Our hearts a

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12255091863?profile=RESIZE_584xThe largest Hindu temple in the U.S. recently held a multi-day inauguration celebration in Robbinsville, New Jersey. Leaders from Hindu organizations worldwide participated in the festivities held on the 183-acre BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham property, named for its founding Hindu spiritual organization. 

Madana-gopala Dasa, Co-Director of ISKCON Communications North America, was among the leaders of Hindu organizations welcomed by BAPS leaders. 

“Speakers at the event included Swami Mukundananda

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By Atma Tattva Das

San Antonio, Texas, often renowned for its rich history, vibrant culture, and scenic beauty, is also home to a thriving and dynamic ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) community that is making waves in the world of spirituality and the arts. Led by the dedicated couple Bhagavan Narada Das and his wife Naradi Lila Devi Dasi, this community is fostering spiritual growth, artistic expression, and unity through a series of initiatives that have garnered atten

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Everyone in a rage by Bhaktimarga Swami


Gaurav was kind to give me a ride to my dentist's on Eglinton Avenue. My appointment was about receiving a new night guard – something a lot of people use to protect teeth from grinding down from stress and tension.

The dental clinic is great. The dentist and staff are very respectful to a swami. I'm grateful for their kindness and my device.

My appointment was finished after an hour, and Gaurav was just starting a meeting with his company in his car. "I'm going east on Eglinton – walking," I s

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By Yamuna Devi Dasi

What a week of Vaisnava sadhu-satsanga this has been! I leave the richer, having exchanged with my family members, old and new, Godbrothers, Godsisters, nephews and nieces. While I feel most unqualified to speak to you today, I am honoured and privileged to join my Godsisters in voicing my concerns as a woman in ISKCON.

As the GBC body, all of you are responsible for establishing Srila Prabhupada’s legacy, which, in these difficult and turbulent times, is at stake. One realm

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From Back to Godhead

By Narasimha Swami Dasa

Lord Krishna’s main message in the Bhagavad-gita is clear: He wants us to fully surrender to Him. The most vital part of the Bhagavad-gita deals with the advice Lord Sri Krishna gives to Arjuna on the surrendering process. One of the dictionary meanings of surrender is “to give (something) up voluntarily to another.” Lord Krishna’s simple words of advice on surrendering are easy to understand. So why do most people, including those of us practicing K

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New ISKCON Temple Opens in Bengaluru, to serve as a Spiritual & Cultural Centre

ISKCON has brought great joy to the devotees of Sri Krishna by executing the inauguration ceremony of Sri Sri Radha Vinoda Temple & Cultural Centre (ICC) which also houses the shrines of Sri Sri Jagannath, Baladev & Srimati Subhadra Mai, Sri Sri Gaura Sundara Nityananda Natavara at Kumaraswamy Layout, Bangalore. A separate altar has been dedicated for Srila Prabhupada, where his murti is installed.


Sri Sri Radha V

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By Kaliarupa Jagannath Dasa 

Dignitaries on the Dais- Left to right (audience perspective): HG Varada Krishna Das ( Temple President – ISKCON HBR Layout), HH Bhakti Vinoda Swami (Zonal Supervisor & ISKCON Coimbatore Temple President), Honourable Member of Parliament Sri Tejasvi Surya, Honourable Governor Thawar Chand Gehlot, HG Narahari Chaitanya Das (Temple President – ISKCON South Bengaluru), HH Jayapataka Swami (GBC), HH Bhanu Swami (GBC), HH Bhakti Prachar Parivrajak Swami (Chairman – ISKCO

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It had been a long enough drive from West Virginia to Canada, and then another two hours beyond the border at Fort Erie. You never know what is going to happen at the border with custom authorities. There is really not much to worry about, though. Those of us in the car – Krishna Kala, Stephen, and I, are natural citizens.

"Are you bringing in alcohol...?" etc.


"Where did you go?"

"West Virginia."

"What did you do?"

"Had a men's retreat. Put on a drama."

"How do you know each other?"


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HG Jananivas Prabhu’s, ISKCON Mayapur’s head pujari ,service was to bring frankincense to Srila Prabhupada’s room in the evening. He mentioned that usually after you fill a room with frankincense, you open the doors and windows so that the mosquitos go out with the smoke. Srila Prabhupada however liked to keep the smoke within the room and stopped Jananivas Prabhu from opening the doors and windows. Since it was Srila Prabhupada’s darshan time, there would usually be many western devotees in t
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ISKCON Sri Sri Radha Vinoda Mandir and Cultural Centre, South Bengaluru

New ISKCON Temple Opens in Bengaluru, to serve as a Spiritual & Cultural Centre


ISKCON has brought great joy to the devotees of Sri Krishna by executing the inauguration ceremony of Sri Sri Radha Vinoda Temple & Cultural Centre (ICC) which also houses the shrines of Sri Sri Jagannath, Baladev & Srimati Subhadra Mai, Sri Sri Gaura Sundara Nityananda Natavara at Kumaraswamy Layout, Bangalore. A separate altar has been dedicated

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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

The Vrindavan Institute of Higher Education (VIHE) is organizing a dynamic six-day onsite Teacher Training Course (TTC) in the holy month of Kartik from 18th-23rd November 2023 with Aniruddha Dasa and Bimala Prasad Dasa leading TTC1 and TTC2 respectively.

The course will be held on the premises of VIHE in Vrindavana. Students will benefit greatly by learning the philosophy of learning in the supportive environment of Vrindavana. 

The curriculum involves numero

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On Saturday, 7 October, His Holiness Indradyumna Swami visited the informal Bottlebrush settlement in Chatsworth, south of Durban. Residents were treated to a taste of the spiritual world through a vibrant and colourful harinam party and delicious prasadam distribution.

This location is home to thousands of residents of Durban who live in impoverished conditions. In this area, the residents create small make-shift shelters with minimal living space, no tar roads, or proper sanitation facilities

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