Hard Season by Bhaktimarga Swami


Ice has become crystal

Beware, for it is now brittle

Anything can break/snap

Water can’t run from the tap

It is a frozen planet

Snow assumes a blanket

A cover over land mass

Water is now glass

Movement is nil in the yard

Most entities are asleep

There’s a secret you can’t keep

It’s a whisper in the wind

Telling that Nature hasn’t sinned

She inserts a truth

With her face-biting tooth

Leaving moments to reflect

Pondering on what to reject

To simplify. Downscale

Life should not be pale

The white canvas is struck

By a brush that paints luck

A thaw will make closure

Opening up patches of clover

And a stirring once again

A cycle continues, and then?

Source: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/hard-season

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