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While all the gopīs were hurriedly leaving their respective places, their husbands, brothers, and fathers were all struck with wonder to know where they were going. Being young girls, they were protected either by husbands, elderly brothers, or fathers. All their guardians forbade them to go to Kṛṣṇa, but they disregarded them. When a person becomes attracted by Kṛṣṇa and is in full Kṛṣṇa consciousness, he does not care for any worldly duties, even though very urgent. Kṛṣṇa consciousness is so

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Kartik Month Sevas


Kartik and offering lamps are synonymous. While you must be offering at your home, even at the local Temple but then there is a unique advantage of offering lamps in the holy Dham of Sri Mayapur in the auspicious month of Kartik, so why would one want to miss this cumulative spiritual benefit?

Let’s make the most of our Kartik !! There are nine options for offering lamps for you.  pick the frequency and category that suits you the most from the array of these.

Kartika is the best and most glori

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The Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education is organizing a combination onsite/online CAREER DHARMA seminar by Her Grace Urmila Devi Dasi (Dr. Urmila Edith Best). For all the seekers who wish to know more about their nature and how to find a matching career where our work is our dharma—this seminar will open new horizons of knowledge. One can gain an overview of the nine principles of dharma in work so that you can move towards having a satisfying career that is the best expression of yourself

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By Atma Tattva Das


Left to right, back row, Syama Mohinī dd, Premadhatri dd (TP),  NamaPriya dd, l-to-r,  front row, Parth, Divya & Nikhit (3 of our Child Protection Ambassadors) holding the 2022 Safe Temple Award.

In light of the 25th anniversary of ISKCON’s Child Protection Office (CPO), the devotees at ISKCON of Phoenix, Arizona, have reaffirmed their commitment to creating a safe environment for children and supporting the CPO’s mission. The CPO was established in 1998 as a response to vict

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By Atma Tattva Das

What began as a heartfelt endeavor to share the joys of spirituality and unity has blossomed into a global phenomenon known as the Festival of Colors (FOC). Caru Das, popularly known as Caru-MC, held his first FOC in Spanish Fork in 1995. Little did he know that his unique approach to the Holi Festival, preserved in Indian tradition, would be successfully duplicated across North America and worldwide.

The FOC is grounded in the principle that Krishna Consciousness can be fun

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By Lila Sundari Devi Dasi   

Note: All patients’ names have been changed to protect their identities and the hospice’s name has been deliberately left out. Additionally, the patients’ faces in the photos have been blurred for privacy. 

Many theistic persons and sometimes others turn to God for hope during desperate times. Devotees from Singapore provide spiritual care for patients for whom there is no other hope. At the instruction of His Holiness B.V.V. Narasimha Maharaj, ISKCON devotee Padma

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Sri Bhakti Das: On 10/17/2023 we held a new beautiful concert and cultural program in the Hall of Honor of the Supreme Court of Justice in Santiago, Chile. (Celebrating 200 years of the Courts).

This unforgettable event was dedicated to world peace and was led by His Excellency President of the Supreme Court, Mr. Juan Eduardo Fuentes Belmar. We have the special presence of Ministers, National Authorities, our beloved music teacher Millapol Gajardo, the President of Indian Association in Chile M

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Have you ever experienced the sensation that your mind is without a clear purpose, akin to a playful child stirring up mischief? If you have, rest assured that you are not alone. Our minds, by their very nature, can be unruly, much like an unsupervised child in a room. To restore order, we must become the responsible adult in charge of our thoughts.

This concept is not only relatable but also rooted in profound wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. In these ancient texts, we disc

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Flight 872 via Air Canada was pleasant enough. The meal, a trite bland, was healthy. You don't want to overeat anyways when not being too active. About the most I do on these flights is mobilize my fingers on the right hand while chanting on my japa beads.

Once my prescribed 'rounds' are done, I read, which is nominal movement, and then treat myself to a National Film Board of Canada documentary. Tonight's film was on the topic of throat singing by an Indigenous woman named Tanya. This means my

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Japa Mala Restring Service


 🔅We restring / fix broken Tulsi Mala (Japa Mala) 📿 for devotees FREE OF COST. 
 🔅We offer hand-knotted services and create new tassels with utmost love and care.
 🔅The Before and After image featured is a hand-knotted mala.
 🔅We will restring your mala with knots between each bead using a high quality cord.
 🔅The processing time for restring service is approximately 4-5 business days from the day we receive the mala.
🔅 For further details kindly contact us on: 9920346798


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There is a common saying amongst devotees these days: “I left my heart in Vrindavan.” Well, in all honesty we recently “left our hearts in a destitute South African township” because there we saw and experienced the presence of Lord Caitanya’s causeless mercy upon one and all. Without a doubt, such service is the ticket home to the spiritual world. Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati writes in his epic, Sri Caitanya Candramrita, Chapter 8, text 88: “To the degree that we surrender to Lord Caitanya’s

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European Leaders Mela by Praghosa dasa


From the 30th of September to the 1st of October 2023, Krishna Valley in Hungary hosted the 19th annual European Leaders' Meeting. Over these two days, about 90 participants from all over Europe benefited from an array of enriching experiences. The initial day focused on an in-depth exploration of child protection, fostering knowledge, analysis, and understanding of this critical subject. Many participants who would not ordinarily be so expert on this subject, greatly benefitted from all the pr

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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

ISKCON Nairobi – The Bhaktivedanta Nritya Academy, under the guidance of Gitanjali Parida and Sandhya Iyer, recently showcased an enthralling dance drama inspired by the epic saga, “Ramayana,” on the 7th of October, 2023. The play also served as a fundraiser for Mwingi School in Kenya, which seeks to improve educational opportunities for underprivileged children in the community.

With its eloquent choreography synchronized with enchanting melodies, the dance-d

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By Atma Tattva Das

Vrindavan, India — In the heart of Vraj, where the sacred land resonates with the divine presence of Lord Krishna, a remarkable project is underway that seeks to honor a spiritual legacy, uphold environmental sustainability, and serve the growing ISKCON community and beyond. The Krishna Balaram Cultural Center project, nestled within the Krishna Balaram Temple complex, is set to redefine this revered campus’s spiritual and cultural landscape.

The Krishna Balaram Temple, found

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Neat Encounter by Bhaktimarga Swami


It was great meeting Isaac again. Michael, Navi, and I were on our nighttime walk, the one that usually winds me down and makes me fatigued in my endeavour to have a good night's rest. It doesn't always work. Neither does the herbal tea, 'Nighty Night' always sedate or calm me down.

What does work at times is bumping into an old acquaintance you haven't see for a while. "Thirty years," is what Isaac declared. Frankly, he remembers me more than I remember him. Meeting souls from the past is real

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Sri Kshetra Parikrama 2023


Hare Krishna,

🙏 Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, and all glories to Sri Kshetra Dham! 🌟

We are thrilled to extend a heartfelt invitation to all devotees and spiritual seekers to join us for this year’s Sri Kshetra Puri Parikrama, an extraordinary and spiritually enriching journey that will take place in Holiest month of Kartika 29th of November to the 2nd of December. 📅

*Here are the essential details for your reference:*

*Dates:* 29th November to 2nd Decemb

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Shri Madhvacharya appeared in 1238 A.D. near Udupi, Karnataka in South India. He was considered an incarnation of Vayu (wind god). He had an unusually strong physique and extraordinary intellectual power.

Once a fierce tiger attacked Madhvacharya’s sannyasa disciple, Satya Tirtha. Madhvacharya wrestled the tiger and sent him away with his tail between his legs. Madhvacharya took diksha at age five, sannyasa at twelve and left home.

He appeared with a mission to fight and defeat Sankara’s Mayav

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By Thomas Haribol

ISKCON leaders Visakha Dasi, Vinay Tanna, and Radha Mohan Das from the Bhaktivedanta Manor joined senior faith leaders today at St Albans Cathedral as a witness for peace in the Middle East. They were invited by HM Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire Mr. Robert Voss, and Rt. Revd. Dr. Alan Smith, the Bishop of St Albans, to stand in solidarity with other faith groups across Hertfordshire in an act of silent witness and prayer. “It was a show of unity in a prayer for peace and st

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हरे कृष्ण, अनंत कोटि वैष्णव वृंद के श्रीचरणों में मेरा दंडवत प्रणाम 🙏🙏🙏🙏

मैं तन्मय सिन्हा अहमदाबाद,गुजरात से.

हमारे महान सनातन धर्म में 4 वेद, 108 उपनिषद, ब्रह्म सूत्र, श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण, 18 पुराण फिर उपपुराण, श्रीमद्भगवदगीता, महाभारत, रामायण, संहिता के अलावा भी अन्य ग्रंथ हैं फिर महान गुरु - शिष्य परंपरा / अलग - अलग संप्रदाय के महान आचार्यो की अद्भुत टीकाएँ उपलब्ध है.. चाहे अद्वैत, द्वैत, द्वैताद्वैत, विशिष्ट द्वैत, अचिंत्य भेदाभेद मतों के ही क्यों न हों.


श्रीकृष्ण प्रणामी संप्रदाय के बारे म

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“Did you know when you speak, there’s a hush across the entire room?” Danika Zoe whispers in Gopi’s ears, as she wraps her arms around her in love. Danika Zoe is an executive and leadership coach, guiding overfunctioning women in corporate spaces for more than 10 years. Those were the first personal words Gopi heard as she started her preparation at Rockstar Camp, a leadership empowerment program directed by Megan Jo Wilson, inspirational coach to thousands. For years, Megan Jo has pushed Ameri

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