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Here is the much talked about project video for Cardiff’s Tŷ Krishna Cymru Project (means ‘Krishna House Wales’ in Welsh language)!

The project will not only be a first class ISKCON temple housing marble deities of Śrī Śrī Gaura Nitāi on a beautiful altar, but a cutting edge preaching centre, equipped to introduce newcomers to Krishna Consciousness at their own pace.

State of the art facilities will include prasadam restaurant, yoga studio, ayurvedic treatments, guest accommodation, rooftop gard

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By Thomas Haribol

Despite the ongoing warfare and shelling, programs for devotees in Tel Aviv are still being held every weekend. According to ISKCON Israel, “Devotees continue to gather almost every day, offer wicks to Lord Damodara and to have kirtan.” In the midst of their travails, they are redoubling their efforts to extend their “Food for Life” programs in the face of overwhelming need.

“The sons and daughters of many devotees have been drafted into the army; we all pray for them, as well

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The day four of the GBC Mid Term Meeting, hosted at ISKCON Pune, commenced with Srila Prabhupada Guru Puja prayers followed by a presentation on the new ‘Transcend‘ app from the BBT.  The meeting was presided over by the GBC Executive Committee, consisting of Revati Raman Das (Chair), Guru Prasad Swami, and Tapana Misra Das.

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Wonderful World by Bhaktimarga Swami


I got to the sink and coughed up a green and black gob of phlegm after the traffic trail from Pune's Airport. That's quite common after moving through the dusty streets of anywhere in India. I opened the faucet and let the despicable lump wash down the sink's hole. It was a clear confirmation that I'm in the land of Bharat – India.

I do like India, though. You have to see the bright side. When you are a monk, you get all the hospitality of the sweetest kind, greeted by kirtan, garland, and happ

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Chaitanya Charan Das, “The Spiritual Scientist,” is one of ISKCON’s premiere teachers and prolific authors. He graciously agreed to share his two-part reflections on the Damodarashtakam with ISKCON News to help devotees enter this month of spiritual auspiciousness more fully.

“Prayer is the universal language by which the human heart communes with the divine heart. Poetry is an artistic means to verbalize deep emotions. Singing is a popular method to express one’s emotions.

The integration of t

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OCTOBER 28 – The Mid-Term (MTM) GBC Meeting is being held this year at ISKCON Pune from October 25-29th to discuss a broad range of topics and proposals.  GBC Communications has shared the following details:
“25 October, 2023 – The GBC Mid Term Meeting, hosted at ISKCON Pune, commenced with Srila Prabhupada Guru Puja prayers followed by a reading from the Srimad Bhagavatam. The meeting was presided over by the GBC Executive Committee, consisting of Revati Raman Das (Chair), Guru Prasad Swami, a

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Leadership by Bhaktimarga Swami


When you are a leader
You are on someone's meter

When your voice is heard
There's analysis on every word

When you simply make a move
Once set, it's hard to remove

You will never satisfy everyone
It's natural for all under the sun

Yet decisions must be made
So one need not be afraid

Just have fixation on duty
​That is a true leader's beauty

Be ready to accept correction
The willingness to take direction

That is the measure of great honour
No personal trait could be stronger

Remember, you are not

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An important judgment was announced by the New York State Court on October 25, 2023.

Below is a previous ISKCON News press release from Oct. 16, 2017, which summarizes the case:

“A North American legal case that has lasted almost two decades took a decisive turn in favor of ISKCON this past week. This long-running case, known in ISKCON as the Long Island Court Case, began in 2004 in Freeport, New York. At that time, a group of “ritviks” opposed to the ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC) from

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A Touch of Class by Bhaktimarga Swami


In a 2X6 metre rustic hut, the home of Gaura Hari, Madan Gopal (my sponsor for this French trip) fixed breakfast with his own homemade bread for the three of us. That provided some energy for our day's journey to Chateau de Chenonceau, a castle located on the Cher River. After Versailles, the structure with the grounds is the biggest tourist attraction for castles.


What did we see?

Impressive architecture, fine interiors of furniture, utilities, and artwork for the high-end folks of the 16th c

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(An Excerpt from the book Mysteries of the Ancient Vedic Empire, by Sri Nandanandana dasa–Stephen Knapp)

As we look over the various cultures and religions of the world, we may ask if all religious systems are divine. Though they seem to conflict with each other on various points, still there are many areas of truth in which they all agree. Or you could say that some of the same essential truths can be found within each of them. And by a careful comparison, we can trace the essence of that trut

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It was the summer of 1969. A brahmacari came up to me and said, “I’m going to Japan to open a temple and I need a wife. Do you want to get married?” I was in shock, as I had never even talked to him before, and I said, “Ask Srila Prabhupada.”

Being a new devotee and excited about Krishna consciousness, the last thing on my mind was getting married, but I wanted to surrender and do whatever Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna wanted me to do. Looking back now, I don’t think I would have done it

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By Pavni Gaurangi

A grand temple project reaches its completion to help the people of Ludhiana, Punjab, serve the Lord better.

Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, the Spiritual Master of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, wanted him to preach the holy name, far and wide. This gave birth to his mission of introducing ancient vedic wisdom to a global audience and Srila Prabhupada founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). He saw it grow into a

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After WWII, a new hopefulness was in the air. The United Nations had been established to help solve the world’s problems. The economy was booming.  Suburbs were being built at a fever-pitch rate. The G.I. Bill allowed returning veterans free college educations, and there were more students in college than ever before. Every family wanted their own home, their own car, and all the modern conveniences.  Television was a new thing on the market.  The space age was beginning, and education and sc

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By Anuttama Dasa

October 27, 2023 – “Krishnas: Gurus. Karma. Murder.” was released by Peacock via streaming service in the United States on October 24. The documentary, a 3-part, 3-hour mini-series, is an in-depth study of the gradual descent into acts of abuse, violence, and crimes committed by Keith Ham, formerly known as Kirtanananda Swami and his associates. It also carefully showcases, via heart-wrenching interviews with some victims, the culture of secrecy and exploitation that he creat

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Partnership by Bhaktimarga Swami



An assistant, Mahananda, is a local monk (brahmachari) here. He is young, and it's a special day for him. He is transitioning into a different colour of cloth. He will change from the saffron of a monk and now be dressed in white in preparation for householder (married) life. It was announced that he is engaged to a young woman, Elenor. Congrats!

I wrote them a poem:


Partnership is when two are one
In pain and in fun

Sharing any burden
Is the method to learn from

Listening is that

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On October 17, 2023, devotees from the ISKCON Santiago Chile community held a beautiful concert and cultural program in the Hall of Honor at the Supreme Court of Justice in Santiago, Chile. The event was part of the 200th anniversary celebrations for Chile’s Supreme Court. A beautifully produced YouTube video can be viewed here.

Sri Bhakti Das (Sebastián Kauak), a Chilean lawyer and devotee, helped facilitate the event. “We have dedicated ourselves for the last 20 years to the study of Indian c

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By Mother Gopi Gita 

On Tuesday, October 17, Gopi Gita Schomaker, aka Mother Gopi Gita, Founder of Leadership Parenting, presented a western song, bhakti mantras and Leadership Parenting to a full concert hall at the Portland House of Music. This was the culmination of many months of internal work. A live band with drums, two guitars, keyboard, trumpets and more, accompanied the performance. Gopi Gita is a leader in ISKCON, coaches parents and educators internationally, and has served children

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Rural France is indeed peaceful, calm, restful. Gopaswami, a resident for many years, and Gaura Hari from Denmark, were my guides and took me around. There are 200 acres here, and sixty percent of the property is comprised of trees. They are beautiful giants. One had collapsed just last night, missing someone's home almost by a thread. Close call!


We also got close to an older retired ox. Gaurangi was serving him pieces of pears and apples. She would drop a fruit and get out of the way – he is

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Lord Caitanya then inquired: What is the most profitable thing in the world, the essence of all auspicious events? Ramananda Raya replied that there is nothing as profitable as the association of pure devotees.” (Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Page 341)

When did I meet Srila Prabhupada? The year Srila Prabhupada arrived in Butler, Pa. (Sept. 1965). Is it possible I was visiting my Grandparents in Butler? Did I happen to catch a glimpse of Srila Prabhupada? Or the following summer, at the age of 13

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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

The innovative Dāmodara Program, conceived by the Congregational Development Ministry, extends a gracious invitation to individuals to participate in the sacred ritual of offering lamps to Lord Dāmodara during the holy month of Kārtika. This year’s goal is to offer ten million lamps and to establish one million new connections.

In the words of Śrīla Prabhupāda, the Dāmodara month manifests as an opportune time to introduce new souls to the realm of Krishna con

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