care (14)

13476879487?profile=RESIZE_584xJoin us for an enriching online workshop “Building the Future of ISKCON with Care, Part 2” on Saturday, March 1st, 12:30-2:30PM EST facilitated by Jai Nitai Das, North American Representative, ISKCON Devotee Care Office.

Following the initial well-received workshop from November 2024, sponsored by the North American Regional Governing Body, this second workshop will focus more on practical application strategies to cultivate and embed devotee care in our Vaishnava communities.

This workshop will

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7817479278?profile=RESIZE_400xWhy is devotee care important in our society?

We have the most complete philosophy, and Srila Prabhupada has given us the wonderful process of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Part of that process is taking care of the devotees. Actually, Krishna says that He has nothing else to do but to take care of His devotees. And since His devotees are always thinking about Him, He is also always thinking about His devotees. So actually, devotee care is one of the primary angas or aspects of Krishna consciousness

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Caring for cows by Krishna Kshetra Swami


Here is the text of the Speaking Tree article:

Caring for cows can have a healing effect, says Iskcon monk KENNETH R VALPEY, aka Krishna Kshetra Swami, to SONAL SRIVASTAV

French philosopher Rene Descartes suggested that animals are merely reflex driven and have no intellectual capacities that imply self-consciousness. “It actually goes all the way back to Aristotle,” says Kenneth R Valpey, aka Krishna Kshetra Swami, a Gaudiya Vaishnava theologian with a D Phil degree on Gaudiya Vaishnava philos

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From a series of lectures by HH Radhanath Swami, introducing the Spiritual Counselor System that has been successfully deployed at Sri Sri Radha-Gopinath Temple in Mumbai, Chowpatti.

Inroducing the Counselor System

Service To The Vaishnavas – The Highest Religious Principle

Vaisnavism has been manifested in its purest and most wonderful form through the love and teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates. The most beautiful aspect of Lord Caitanya’s pastimes is the loving interac

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A devotee sees all as God’s dear children and wants to relieve their misery.

As eternal parts of Krishna, we naturally possess some of His quality of being concerned for the welfare of all living beings.

Krishna, the seed-giving father of all living beings (Gita 14.4), is also the well-wisher of all living beings (Gita 5.29). As a father wants the best for his children, Krishna wants the best for every one of us. And as a father provides for his children, so Krishna provides for all of us – eko

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Poem: Care by Bhaktimarga Swami


When we actually care
We are prone to share
With those in times of need
In any physical/emotional bleed
With a gentle pinch of courage
Caring becomes a universal language
Understood by plants, vegetables
Bugs, birds, and all animals
True humans are quite aware
Of the sensitivity called care
By way of touch, a smile
Kind words, listening – all worth while
But we cannot monopolize
Rather own up and apologize
For past abuses done
With a violent cleaver or gun
To compensate, begin this day
With so

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Why is devotee care important in our society?

We have the most complete philosophy, and Srila Prabhupada has given us the wonderful process of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Part of that process is taking care of the devotees. Actually, Krishna says that He has nothing else to do but to take care of His devotees. And since His devotees are always thinking about Him, He is also always thinking about His devotees. So actually, devotee care is one of the primary angas or aspects of Krishna consciousnes

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Many of the Vaishnavas CARE — Philadelphia Team along with other temple Devotees and Congregational Members who Volunteered at the Holistic Health Fair gathered for a photo after a blissful day of serving our new friends in the neighborhood.


Neighbors living near ISKCON Philadelphia spent the afternoon at the temple for a pleasant introduction to Krsna consciousness.

By Sangita devi dasi (ACBSP)

On Saturday, October 8, 2022, ISKCON Philadelphia and our Philadelphia Vaishnavas C.A.R.E. Team pre

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During the current Covid 19 pandemic threat period, to share and care deeply about each other is very important at the same time as Krishna devotees we should have an implicit faith in Krishna. avasya raksibe Krishna visvasa palana leaving it upto Krishna.. mar bhi rakha bni jo icch tohara Nitya dasa prati tuva adhikara (Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur’s saranagati songs) Relevant to this Covid 19 situation, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur wrote a short article during the period of the Bubonic Plague outbr

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This year, we celebrate the 125th anniversary of the appearance of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acharya of ISKCON, born in 1896 in Calcutta. Leading up to his Appearance Day or Vyasa-Puja on August 31st, ISKCON News is commorating the occasion with a series of articles glorifying his achievements, contributions and qualities.  

A Mission of Care

One of Srila Prabhupada’s prominent qualities, embodied in his entire mission, was care for all living beings. Out of

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I care by Devotee Care Committee

7824587689?profile=RESIZE_400xSometimes ISKCON members think about ISKCON as an institution, or as the “leaders” of the temples, or the GBC, or someone else other than us. We expect ISKCON to care for devotees, and we may feel hurt or disappointed when care is not given as we would expect or as we would like. ISKCON is a society made up of members. Each of us is ISKCON. When each one of us feels that we have the responsibility to care for one another, then ISKCON will be a caring organization, with a family atmosphere based

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Care and Caution by Bhaktimarga Swami

8861050291?profile=RESIZE_400xWith care and caution, “Govinda’s Restaurant” is up and going again. And with its self-imposed Covid restrictions for some days its management was determined to re-open after the break. The facility, which is open only for takeout, is located under the quarters where I stay. Sri, the hands-on (gloves-on) personnel on the ground, stirs around in preparation for customers. Better still, we’ll call them recipients of prasadam, food that’s blessed. There’s a spiritual benefit on top of the nourishme

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As a medical doctor and a practicing devotee, I sometimes happen to help devotees with their medical illnesses in my community. And it is saddening to see how devotees neglect their health and pay a much higher price later.

There are many reasons why devotees suffer from health problems. Some of these reasons are unavoidable – like old age, genetic causes (diseases running in families), unexpected incidents like injuries, accidents etc.

But many times, devotees get diseases which can be totally

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