gaurav chauhan replied to Madhava das's discussion How is everything material a mental concoction?
"As you have writen "Only because of our past actions do we create such mental concoctions".Pray what are those past actions or rather what is that solitary reprehensible action?
I think the sloka that explains the nonsense action is Krishna…"
gaurav chauhan replied to Aryan's discussion Caffeine Intake
"From regulative principles point of view it ain't allowed.
Do you offer caffeinated drinks to Krishna?it ain't allowed either.."
Mar 20
gaurav chauhan replied to Varun Pant's discussion Recent challenges in Krishna Consciousness
"When is outside food compulsory?even if it is go for packaged food like biscuits.The idea is food prepared by a machine than prepared by a karmi.
many medicines contain self generated alchohol.that does not come under breaking of regulative…"
Mar 19
gaurav chauhan replied to Jitender Verma's discussion Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
"it is mentioned in SB,search it out!!"
Mar 11
gaurav chauhan replied to Govind Sharan's discussion If Krishna is already in my heart, why do I have to go to the temple to see Him? Can’t I just close my eyes and talk to Him?
"Can you?"
Mar 1
gaurav chauhan replied to Govind Sharan's discussion They say chanting the Holy Name is the only way in Kali Yuga, but what if my mind keeps wandering while chanting? Will Krishna still accept my chanting even if I get distracted by thoughts?
"The sequence of chanting(over a period of time) for almost everybody is from naamapraadh to naamabhaas to shuddhanaam.You are talking about the first one."
Mar 1
gaurav chauhan replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Animal Sacrifices allowed or not ?
""the fact is that he was deluded"
That is not a fact but pure fiction.
Feb 28
gaurav chauhan replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Animal Sacrifices allowed or not ?
"we don't think but know Srila Prabhupada to be supremely enlightened.
It might be difficult for you to believe but it is the truth.Just like in ancient times it was difficult for some to believe that earth is round.Difficult in believing didn't make…"
Feb 17
gaurav chauhan replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Bhagavatham says animals are food of human beings.
"it's kinda akin to understanding sweetness without tasting anything sweet"
Jan 7
gaurav chauhan replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Bhagavatham says animals are food of human beings.
"Of course all positives and negatives that you see are God's wish in some way because a thing can't happen unless sanctioned by the supreme authority.
BUT there is something else too.A living entity can side with the pious or the impious and that…"
Jan 1
gaurav chauhan replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Bhagavatham says animals are food of human beings.
"See you are calling some creature harmless and innocent based upon their current bodily forms.How do you know how much harm has been done by them in their previous lives?
All around in this material universe is action and reaction going on.Normal…"
Dec 31, 2024
gaurav chauhan replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Bhagavatham says animals are food of human beings.
"When a living entity is housed in the prison house of material world,then is it really important to be compassionate towards it?
I mean can anyone put up a case of showing mercy to a serial killer or something..
regarding the issue of Lord himself…"
Dec 30, 2024
gaurav chauhan replied to mx's discussion Thoughts in the age of Kaliyuga
"If i correctly remember listening about these from one great soul,it is a yes for both questions but we might not be able to have a tangible comprehension of these."
Aug 21, 2024
gaurav chauhan replied to dr nitin mohade's discussion Heart transplant surgery in relation to the soul
"Subtle body is what acts as an vehicle for the subtlest i.e the soul.
In heart transplant we are just dealing with the gross body."
Aug 17, 2024
gaurav chauhan replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Bhagavatham says animals are food of human beings.
"God gives his opinions regarding mundane matters in some incarnations and in others he refrains from the mundane topics to deal in the esoteric.
Actually i know that none of this is not known to you.e.g Lord buddha is one the bonafide 10…"
May 20, 2024
gaurav chauhan replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Bhagavatham says animals are food of human beings.
"Your question in a more generalised fashion would be .." why should we stay away from the negative allure, when we don't really want to"
I may ask that even if Lord makes a perfect list of do's and dont's,what is the use of it?
An exemplary behavior…"
May 18, 2024