gaurav chauhan replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Bhagavatham says animals are food of human beings.
"God gives his opinions regarding mundane matters in some incarnations and in others he refrains from the mundane topics to deal in the esoteric.
Actually i know that none of this is not known to you.e.g Lord buddha is one the bonafide 10…"
May 20
gaurav chauhan replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Bhagavatham says animals are food of human beings.
"Your question in a more generalised fashion would be .." why should we stay away from the negative allure, when we don't really want to"
I may ask that even if Lord makes a perfect list of do's and dont's,what is the use of it?
An exemplary behavior…"
May 18
gaurav chauhan replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Bhagavatham says animals are food of human beings.
"Not answering the question directly because somewhere you know the answer.
A different point pulled from your writing..."when God himself is indifferent and silent.."
Well he is God , isn't he?
Why Krishna does something or when he doesn't.It is…"
May 17
gaurav chauhan replied to Slamet Toro's discussion Looking for some pointers and try to get you our of your shell.
"i am exactly in your shoes as they say       so here is my recommendation
Try to stay connected to Krishna always,i know this sounds really a platitude but this works.You already know the hows of it but still a little explanation from me may…"
Feb 17
gaurav chauhan replied to De's discussion Lord Krishna appearence
"Vishnu is Krishna only just dressed differently, like a person dresses different for meeting in office and dresses differently for sleeping at home.
What difference does it make if Krishna comes at nidhivan at night or day?
What exactly do you want…"
Dec 28, 2023
gaurav chauhan replied to Devmalya's discussion Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu
"Bharat prabhu g has very elegantly answered your question and there is nothing more to add to it.
I have added this reply only to prick you into doing some homework.
Why don't you atleast finish BG and SB from start to end and then come back here?…"
Dec 27, 2023
gaurav chauhan replied to Krishna Sakhi's discussion Controlled Senses without Bhakti ? Is that even possible?
"More than how is it possible is the question that "will it last forever"
it may be possible due to reasons like you already mentioned --coming from previous lives etc.
One thing is 100% certain that senses not engaged in service of hrishikesha WILL…"
Dec 20, 2023
gaurav chauhan replied to Devmalya's discussion Lord Krishna in Jainism
"He can go whereever he likes to!!
He can't be forced to go anywhere.."
Dec 12, 2023
gaurav chauhan and ALKESH KUMAR are now friends
Jul 24, 2023
gaurav chauhan replied to Anindita's discussion My troubled sex life
"On reading your post i just felt my life being echoed albeit  in different type of body..
the good news is that whatever you are wishing to achieve is possible in Krishna consciousness.The bad news is that it will need lots and lots of patience.It's…"
Jul 18, 2023
gaurav chauhan replied to Anonymous's discussion International student's Devotional life.
"there is no denying the fact that you are accumulating bad karma.
You could try something drastic skipping meals to save up till you find suitable job while praying to the Lord of our lives all the time.
This might work as Krishna does relish…"
Jul 16, 2023
gaurav chauhan replied to Radhe's discussion What should be our mood to serve between devotees?
"actually it should be different in temple.Afterall don't we behave differently at work place and home?"
Jun 26, 2023
gaurav chauhan replied to Harenaveen's discussion Krishna sadhgurum
"going by word translation sadhguru means righteous guru,which seems like word play,for if the guru is not righteous then that person can't be termed as  guru(when dealing with gurus that you have in mind not the gurus like honey bee etc).
Krishna as…"
Apr 24, 2023
gaurav chauhan replied to Harenaveen's discussion Krishna sadhgurum
"Is/Was question regarding initiation?"
Apr 24, 2023
gaurav chauhan replied to Varun Pant's discussion Joining a course for career
"How can such a study be opposite to KC??"
Apr 24, 2023
gaurav chauhan replied to Harenaveen's discussion Krishna sadhgurum
"Question is highly vague,kindly elaborate.."
Apr 24, 2023