Soul (88)


Hare Krishna everyone

Please accept my humble obeisances


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Is spirit equal to soul? If not, what is the difference between a spirit and a soul?

Many devotees i know told me that we are indeed "spirit souls".

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Does bacteria have a soul?

Hare Krishna! These days I see a lot of food stuffs like Probiotic drinks that claim to contain billions of good bacteria which help in improving digestion & building immunity. However, I was wondering do these living micro organisms have a soul like

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6 Replies

84 Lakh Species ?

Hare Krsna ,

Scriptures say about 84Lakh Species ,

but we can see many species vanishing from earth ,

So where they have gone , if 84 lakh is fixed .

Also 84 lakh species only on earth or total of unlimited universes ..

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5 Replies

Do we have three bodies?

Hare Krishna,

Dandavat Pranam,

All glories to Prabhupada,

I read the below article today :

Indian philosophy tells us that when you are born your consciousness becomes embodied and sheathed in energies that form your physical body and mind.

The embodied s

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4 Replies

Existence of Souls

Hare Krishna. Dandvat Pranam.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all Vaishnavas.

I want to understand:

1)How souls came into existence? if we are eternal then there is no question of coming into existence at some point of time anywhere whether in spiri

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12 Replies
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