
  • Hare Krsna Prabhu 

    In the Bhaktivedanta literature, soul, spirit and atma have been used synonymously. They mean exactly the same. 

    dehino asmin yatha dehe

    kaumaram yavaunam jara 

    tatha dehantar praptir 

    dhiras tatra na muhyanti 

    As the embodied soul passes continuously in this body from boyhood, to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change. 

    Now, the body is an instrument given to us by material nature. 

    'yantra rudhani mayayaa' 

    BG 18.61

    By nature’s arrangement we are given a certain kind of body as per our karma.  Now, if someone breaks the stringent law of nature by committing suicide, say, then he may not get a gross body because he chose to destroy it. However,  since he is not yet liberated from the coverings of mind, intelligence and false ego, he will wander without the gross body till he gets one. 

    If you are interested to learn more about this subject then you can refer to Garuda purana. 

    Hari Bol

    • Thank you

      hari hari

  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna

    Soul and atma are similar. But they are from different languages, so need to see context in which they are used,

    Ghost is usually when a soul has left previous gross body but has not acquired a new gross body.

    Spirit is very generic, usage varies

    Hare Krsna

    • thanks prabhu

      I heard from a leacture that Soul atma is divine. How is Ghost being a soul not spiritual? 

       is ghost a different type of soul ?

      • Sevak

        Hare Krsna

        I heard from a leacture that Soul atma is divine.

        In pure state atma is divine.

        How is Ghost being a soul not spiritual? 

        All living beings in this material world are souls covered with subtle body and gross body.

        Gross body is made of 5 gross material elements - earth , water , fire, air ,ether

        Subtle body is made of 3 suble material elements - mind, intelligence, ego

        Most living beings - trees, insects, fish, snakes, birds, dogs humans etc have goss and suble bodies. So it is combination of spiritual soul and material bodies.

        All living beings in this world are combination of material and spiritual elements.

        So ghosts are also spiritual soul but with subtle body but hankering for material body.

        Krsna is purely spiritual personality.

        Highest goal of human life is to attain pure spiritual state and serve Sri Krsna who is also pure spiritual always.

         is ghost a different type of soul ?

        Composition of soul is same. But conditioning of souls are different.

        Hare Krsna

        • Thank you prabhu ji

          Hare Krsna

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