Bharat replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Is Srilanka Lanka of Ramayana ?
"Hare Krsna 
Is Srilanka Lanka of Ramayana ?
Hare Krsna"
Bharat replied to kralaro's discussion Location of Shrivatsa ?
"Hare Krsna 
Maa Lakshmi must be residing either in the center of Lord Vishnu's chest or at the heart i.e. the left side of Lord Vishnu's chest.
śyāmāvadāto jhaṣa-rāja-kuṇḍala-tviṣollasac-chrī-vadanāmbujaḥ pumānśrīvatsa-vakṣā…"
Bharat replied to Bhanu's discussion Tulsi Kanthi Mala and Onion Garlic
"Hare Krsna 
Can I still wear the Tulsi Kanthi mala without quitting onion garlic ?
No. But there are no restrictions on chanting. 
can I do japam with Tulsi mala? 
I currently chant on rudraksha. Is that fine?
Hare Krsna"
Jul 4
Bharat replied to Aditya Ramani's discussion Path to bhakti without accepting saffron dress and without marrying?
"Hare Krsna
In general a position in varna and ashrama is based on material considerations and conditionings and not spiritual. There are no restrictions for practice of bhakti in general. Bhakti process does not exclude any person as such. 
Jul 4
Bharat replied to jeevansai's discussion What is tamasic food
"Hare Krsna 
Onion, garlic, masoor dal etc are avoided by vaishnavas as they are tamasic
These 3 are a lot worse than tamasic. They are not creations of Brahma like other eatables like Rice, wheat, etc. These three have their origin in death/flesh/…"
Jul 3
Bharat replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion caste descrimination in India
"Hare Krsna 
Birth Caste based arrogance and descrimination is mostly seen in India only. Nowhere else  in the world it is seen.
There have been aparthied movements, Nazi movements etc. Racial discrimination is/was present outside India also. 
Jun 28
Bharat replied to jeevansai's discussion What is ahimsa
"Hare Krsna 
What is Ahimsa ?
. Real ahiṁsā means not checking anyone’s progressive life. The animals are also making progress in their evolutionary life by transmigrating from one category of animal life to another. If a particular animal is killed,…"
Jun 16
Bharat replied to Mrudhula's discussion Past Sinful life, their affect on bhakti current day, Reformation and Progress into KC!!
"Hare Krsna 
I would like to know about the consequences of enaging in illicit sex before starting to strictly practice Krishna Consciousness and later realizing the grave sin committed in the mode of ignorance.
There have been many great devotees…"
Jun 16
Bharat replied to Harshita Arora's discussion Different forms of the Lord
"Hare Krsna 
very identical with ISKCON except one thing he says that we can choose any form
This is THE MOST IMPORTANT difference. From a distance fake gold and pure gold may look alike, but the difference is oceanic. Requesting you to kindly…"
Jun 1
Bharat replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Bhagavatham says animals are food of human beings.
"Hare Krsna 
Then why it is a sin to eat meat ?
1. Do you know anyone who will agree to be come meat ? Just put yourself in the place of the person who is being killed. 
2. Would you agree to become meat ?
3. If a person kills you and eats you,…"
May 21
Bharat replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Animal Killing
"Hare Krsna 
Please carefully read the purport of the shloka you have stated above, Srila Prabhupada has answered your questions. 
Hare Krsna "
May 21
Bharat replied to Ritik's discussion Kindly guide me.
"Hare Krsna 
Anything else that I can do?
Chant the Hare Krsna Mahamantra -
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna
Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare "
May 21
Bharat replied to Acyuta sevika devi dasi's discussion Sex life
"Hare Krsna 
 Are Couples only supposed to be more of a Mother and Father? 
Couples can decide whatever they want to be, it is their free will and nobody can question or force afterall. The highest goal is to become servant of Sri Krsna. Servant of…"
May 21
Bharat replied to Nikhil kumar's discussion Why laws of karma are so strict?
"Hare Krsna 
Why laws of karma are so strict?
The same reason the rules of prison are strict.
an innocent man who's wife is pregnant
It is highly unlikely that any living being in this world is innocent. 
it seems like that Krsna didn't directly…"
May 14
Bharat replied to Aditya Ramani's discussion Unable to accept or respect redeemed devotees
"Hare Krsna 
I think deep down I am Jelous
This is the main reason why living entity accepts bodies in material world.
Maybe my background plays a role in my thoughts
All these are conditionings and anarthas. We need to be freed from them by practice…"
May 13
Bharat replied to Nikhil kumar's discussion Death of an introvert person
"Hare Krsna 
 If you don't have son to perform rites, you will be tortured by yamdutas.
Yamadutas only torture sinful people, not childless people. If a person has not committed sins, yamadutas have no jurisdiction over such people. 
That our…"
May 9