Krishna (4351)

Glories Of Holy Name Of Sri Radha - A Story !!

Glories Of Holy Name Of Sri Radha


एक व्यक्ति था एक बार एक संत उसके नगर में आये वह उनके दर्शन करने गया और संत से बोला- स्वामी जी! मेरा एक बेटा है, वो न तो भगवान को मानता है, न ही पूजा-पाठ करता है, जब उससे कहो तो कहता है मै किसी संत को नहीं मानता, अब आ

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The END.....

Strike me. Come on, hit me. Hit me with your thunderbolt, do you hear me? Are you there? You can’t be deaf. I challenge you; if you are there then hit me with your thunderbolt. But you can’t. Because you are not there. You don’t exist.

These were the

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Marrying a devotee

Hare Krishna to all Devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisance, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.. One of my devotee friend's sister who is 26yr old wants to get married to a devotee boy, (either in full time temple service or a congregational devotee

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puranic movies

HARE KRISHNA Devotees...

please accept my humble obeisances

Can any of the devotees send some links of Lord krishna movies..not the animated ones...

preferred languages..(hindi,english,malayalam,tamil,telugu,kannada)..can also send those of other langua

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2 Replies

A Trouble!

Hare Krishna!

All Glories to Guru and Gaurang!

Dandvat to all the Devotees!


My friend is in a problem...need a spiritual & 'Shastra Sammat' solution for putting my problem in the lotus feet of all the senoir Vaishnavs to please help my friend

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4 Replies

Krishna and sudama

It is not a special kind of friendship, it is just a friendship. Here too, our ideas come in the way of our understanding. It seems to us that giving away all the wealth of the world in return for a handful of rice is too much. We fail to see that it

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deity worship

I have sri sri gaur nitai  and panchtattva in my altar at home and I want to know is- is it appropriate to offer incense stick to sri sri gaura nitai after offering it to panchtattva if not then what should be done?

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3 Replies


HARE KRISHNA all devotees,all glories to srila prabhupada. to protect himself from bad association,if one cannot get the association of devotee and all day hearing un pure language?

please suggest me.


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