Hare Krishna, PAMO,

Some where I read an article where it has been mentioned in family life one should not worship lord nrusingha in his ferocious form and only the form where Lakshmi seats on his lap should be worshipped.

I have a small photo of Lord Nrusingha in his ferocious form I worship it and believe me I am very much in love with his. In few months Iam going to marry. Please tell me that the article was wrong.

Your servant,


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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Lord Narasimha Dev in His angry mood removes all material desires of a worshiper. Takes away all his material wealth and all other dirts from heart in this way helps quickly progress spiritually.

    But for family life one needs to have some wealth for maintenance. Because of that Grihasthas do not worship Lord in that angry mood but along with Prahlad or with Lakshmi Devi. In that form when Lord became peaceful.

    Best is to worship the Deities of Goura Nitay. Lord Gauranga is the same Ugra Narasimha and also other Forms of Narasimha. Lord Gauranga knows when to act as a Ugra Narasimha or to be peaceful in this way will help us to progress spiritually according to our capacity. 

    Yes, best is to worship Lord Sri Sri Gaura Nitay. Srila Prabhupada told to make many, many Deities of Gaura Nitay and distribute Them everywhere. 

    They are so merciful that if one just picks up the fallen pen before Gaura Nitay They will consider it as an obeisance and give agyata sukriti. In this way the best way is to worship Gaura Nitay.

    Your servant, 

    • Hare Krishna Mataji, PAMHO.

      I have done a small research. The link is here: http://narasimhalila.com/home.html

      It says worshiping the deity is required strict celibacy but one can worship the photo in the altar.

      Please clear my doubt. Will be grateful if you can suggest any scriptural evidence or any suggestion from fellow members.

      Please forgive me if I have committed any offence. 

      Your Servant.

      • Volunteer

        if You have desire then please worship Him. He is supremely merciful.

        Your servant, 

    • Volunteer

      If You like Him to be Ugra Narasimha Lord Gauranga will become Ugra Narasimha. For Him it is not difficult.

  • Thank You Prabhu Ji for removing my Doubts. I will plan to get this picture very soon.

    Hari Bola.

    Your Servant

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