Hare Krishna respected devotees

Pamho AGTSP,

I am new to KC movement and its culture, so its obvious to have doubts in my mind.I need your valuable replies on this topic

This question troubling me from a while that Why Chanting on Beads is necessary as we can chant on some counter or some other devices or even dont count our mantras we chant. Having well known that chanting the Holy Name of Lord is the only shelter for us in this Kaliyuga, why dont we just chant and donot count how much rounds we chant.

I know we should follow and respect the orders of our Spritual master and I have full faith in them , still I humbly request all to kindly explain the reason behind Chanting on beads if there is any.

 Your valuable replies, helps me  to explain to others the Glory of Chanting of Mahamantra on Beads.



your's Aspiring servant

Bhupendra Hada


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    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Lord Chaitanya used to chant on beads, similarly all other Devotees also used to chant on their beads. Even Haridas Thakur who used to chant whole used to chant on beads then what to speak of us - new comers???

    Vishvamitra also used to use beads...then what to speak of us???

    It is essential to count on beads. Even Krishna Himself used to count while chanting the names of His cows. In this way counting is essential. It will make us responsible. We will chant needed amount of rounds daily.


    And about the different effects of beads:

    One who chants in golden beads will get all his desires fulfilled. (material desires).

    One who chants in sandalwood beads other result, one who chants in neem beads become healthy. .. But one who chants in Tulasi beads will achieve love for Godhead. Because Tulasi Maharani is very dear to Krishna.

    She helps us to chant nicely. Only a touch to Tulasi tree purifies mind and body.

    Because of that we not only have Tulasi beads but kanthimalas also. And also we sit before Her while chanting our rounds.

    Also beads should be protected from external visions. For that we use bead bags. And also bead bag keeps our beads clean.

    Your servant,  

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