
Hare Krishna,

I have a doubt.. It is said that " God helps those who help themselves". But then it is said that untill the time we think that we are the doers God wont come and help us. For eg when Dushyasana tried to pulll the saree of Draupadi initially she struggled and tried to save her honour by herself.. at a point of time she gave up and raised her hand praying to Krishna that you are my only saviour.. Then Krishna saved her.. So how should we act when we are struck with difficulties... should we try to help ourselves as much as possible or become fully dependent on God?

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    Hare Krishna Sanjay Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    " God helps those who help themselves".

    In our case IT IS TAKING SHELTER OF KRISHNA BY CHANTING HIS HOLY NAMES. By chanting we are helping to ourselves, by praying and asking for help we are helping to ourselves. Draupadi helped herself by taking shelter of Krishna. If she did not take shelter of Krishna than she would considered as if she did not helped herself nicely. 

    I mean to say there are many ways to help to oneself:

    One is to take shelter of our own strength, mind, intelligence, muscles...

    Other to take shelter of husband, wife, mother, father...

    And better one is to take shelter of Krishna. 

    First Draupadi asked for help from her seniors, but could not get. Then she asked for help from her own body but was useless then she took shelter of Krishna.


    In this way spiritual world does not mean just sit and do nothing. No! In spiritual world everyone is active. Brajabasis were attacked by demons so many times but they did not sit in yogic asanas and did nothing but they took shelter of Krishna. They ran, cried, begged and took shelter of Krishna. In this way they helped themselves. 

    One more thing is about that bird who lost her eggs in the ocean. If she did not try to dry the ocean by heard work nobody would come and help her. But she worked hard in order to get them back from the ocean no matter how difficult it was and she was noticed by Narada Muni then by Garuda who helped her. 



    Your servant, 

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