Tarun replied to Tarun's discussion Making will for children
"Also another point kids are still study and doing schooling
As death can come anytime.. don't know how breath has given by lord !! So all my saving can get my child's and they can use for their study in case of death .. so making will is  good…"
May 16
Tarun posted a discussion
Hare Krishna!!please let me know should we need to plan for making will for my kids ... or just leave upto god !So my question is this right thinking and planning for children to make will so that they will get all my property after my or spouse…
May 16
Tarun replied to Tarun's discussion Regulative principle intoxication
"Thank you mata ji for your guidance and wonderful suggestion!!
marta ji you are considering wrong .. these are not glassmates! I am staying in Boston with my wife and 2 kids , my daughter do japa daily with me .. it feels so good that she is taking…"
Apr 23
Tarun replied to Tarun's discussion Regulative principle intoxication
"Hare Krishna mata ji 
you are absolutely right !! That devotee should leave all these bad habits 
so for that
1 . Break friendship with all freinds, if you don't go to events then obviously friendship will finished 
2 so looks happiness in Krishna…"
Apr 23
Tarun replied to Tarun's discussion Regulative principle intoxication
"Thank you Prabhu ji !! 
Hare Krishna!"
Apr 21
Tarun replied to Tarun's discussion Regulative principle intoxication
"Hare Krishna 
thanks for video , so per his karma person go to hell
It means soldiers who die for Indian country will go to helll because occasionally they drunk in army party inspiite  of his brave fighting with enemy and they die for India ,but as…"
Apr 21
Tarun replied to Tarun's discussion Regulative principle intoxication
"Hare Krishna!!
as  god told to Arjun shatriya go to heavenly planets if they fight for dharma either win or loss
so my question is about Indian army soldiers if they fight for Indian country and occasionally drink also on Indian army party so will…"
Apr 21
Tarun replied to Tarun's discussion Sex life in marriage
"Thank you Prabhu ji 
I have another question 
What will happen to those person who do pooja daily and do 2-4 rounds of japa and also do Ekadashi fast and he has no desire.. he do his duties without ego  selfless desire but occasionally  take drink…"
Apr 20
Tarun posted a discussion
Hare Krishna devotee!!Please let me know principal of illicit sexIf husband and wife doing love each other and sex once in month not for procreation but for Love bonding and healthy connection And they do With both mutual consent does that also come…
Apr 20
Tarun replied to Tarun's discussion Regulative principle intoxication
"Mata ji  . I have told if next life  born in devotee family then from starting point will avoid alcohol as that will not in culture 
I will hate alcohol if we born devotee family...
this life I want to do but as told due to social and Freind…"
Apr 18
Tarun replied to Tarun's discussion Regulative principle intoxication
"Thank you Prabhu ji 🙏🏻🙏🏻"
Apr 18
Tarun replied to Tarun's discussion Regulative principle intoxication
"Thank you 🙏🏻 "
Apr 18
Tarun replied to Tarun's discussion Regulative principle intoxication
"Prabhu ji 
here again question come 
1) how Ajamala sins got cleared as he was doing sin during that time when he was so attached to his child and calling his names or did he stopped sinful act after his child born ?
2) if he is doing sinful act and…"
Apr 18
Tarun replied to Tarun's discussion Regulative principle intoxication
"1 so Indra got pig body as he did misbehaved to some guru so he got curse
2 why drinking person will get animal body in next life ?
Person is drinking only once in 2 months in get together. So he is not addicted also , he is not misbehaving to…"
Apr 17
Tarun replied to Tarun's discussion Regulative principle intoxication
"In ajamala story he was Brahman he fall down he married to prosituute and did various sins !!  And did not leave all bad habits . In the age of 80 he becomes father of son .. and just by calling his son name due to attachment his alll sin got…"
Apr 17
Tarun replied to Tarun's discussion Regulative principle intoxication
"Yes I agree with drinking one of rule is Breaking of Bhakti but  why next birth person should get animal.
 I have concerns with person got punished, he is not fully devotee due to drinking, but he want to become devotee 
I have concerns of type…"
Apr 17