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The local devotees of Krishna Consciousness pulled off a great fest today; the first of two days to honour Jagannatha, the Lord of the Universe, on this 44th celebration. Back they are to the procession on Ste. Laurent and then to Rue Mont Royale. Our group from Toronto and the Bhakti Academy took to the stage for the performance of “Demon.” Actually, community theatre like this is very meaningful. My experience tells of the best form of teamwork. From age eight up to my age (I’ll be 70 this ye

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Former New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio, made a recent visit to the Bhakti Center located in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Mr. de Blasio was invited to the Bhakti Center by Raj Goyle, a GOPIO member, former state assemblyman, and prominent member of the Indian community in New York City. Mr. de Blasio accepted the invitation to attend the Thursday Night Kirtan and experience the temple and community.

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On Saturday 9th July, Bhaktivedanta Manor near London staged a new and exciting summer festival on its lavish grounds. The event included market stalls, prasad, a kirtan stage, and most notably a Festival of Colours. Four thousand guests enjoyed their visit on that particularly warm and sunny day.


Celebrated since ancient times, Holi traditionally welcomes in the country’s spring. It is also seen as a new beginning where people can release all their inhibitions.

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Being summertime means that guests are coming, both spiritual seekers and spiritual speakers. A very humble and scholarly monk (brahmacari) from Orissa, India, is delivering classes on bhakti and that is bringing attention to morning and evening programs. It’s interesting to see numbers have come back during the post-pandemic period.

From Gainesville came a senior Vaishnava lady, also scholarly, Prabhupada Priya, who delivered a class today from the Bhagavatam, discussing the lack of fulfillmen

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The Simple Things He Taught Us    ⎯

Presented by Srimati Dasi and team
ISKCON, Sri Vrndavana  Dhama

The bhakti-yoga process should be completed in this life, because in this life we have all the instruments necessary to become fully Kåñëa conscious. We have mådaìgas and cymbals and tongues with which to chant Hare Kåñëa. Even if we don't have mådaìgas and cymbals, we have a tongue. No one has to purchase a tongue. 

We also have ears with which to hear the sound that the tongue vibrates. Theref

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This subject is an extension of a frequent topic of mine which I deal with on a daily basis: extolling the virtue of introspection and self-analysis as part of clearing out impediments to devotion in the stage of bhakti called anartha-nivritti (retiring unwanted habits of thought and action)–such anartha’s are often the source of many of our problems. We live in a time of busy-ness and addiction to innumerable distractions, where it isn’t seen as cool to just be sitting down without a handheld

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On June 30th, ISKCON Korea performed a special Narasimhadeva yajna, with special prayers seeking blessings for Reliance Industries Ltd for its new FPSO vessel named KG D6 RUBY. The vessel was built by Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd from South Korea. The ship will be used for transporting oil.


Executive Director of Reliance Industries Ltd Mr. PMS Prasa, his daughter Ms. Juveca, and Mr. Jin-Taek Jung, who is CEO of Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd, were the distinguished chief guests, who pa

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In order to celebrate the disappearance anniversary of His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, and to seek his favor, the devotees of ISKCON of Philadelphia enthusiastically prepared all the items included in his Bhoga arati song and offered them to Sri Sri Radha Saradbhari and Lord Jagannatha.

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My last draft on this poem.

She goes by a sweet Vedic name, Bhoomi

And is worshipped by many a sage and muni

She’s sometimes described as a sacred cow or calf

A sentient being who can cry or can laugh


Speaking of non other than this planet, the glove, the giver

She’s our mother, our sustainer, our deliverer

Her glories are told in ancient folklore verses

She likes the massage when we walk on her surface


Mother Earth is revered but she has been ravaged

We treat her as though we are selfish a

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Freedom through the Holy Name

7956262271?profile=RESIZE_584xBy His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

God’s names are a divine gift that can lift us from the conditions of material life and return us to our original spiritual freedom.

Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you very much for kindly participating in this Krishna consciousness movement. This knowledge, bhagavata-dharma, was spoken by Bhagavan Himself, Lord Sri Krishna. Bhagavan is a Sanskrit word. Bhaga means fortune, and van means one who possesses. So bhagavan means the supreme fortu

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10649421665?profile=RESIZE_584xDear Maharajas and Prabhus,


We are happy to inform you that the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India came up with the concept of ‘Manthan Shivir’, an informal gathering of the national and state tribal department Ministers and officers to share best practices.

Thanks to some of our contacts in the Government of India, the first inaugural edition is being hosted by ISKCON at its Govardhan Ecovillage campus in Maharashtra.

The participants included the Federal (Union) Mini

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One day by the mercy of Krsna, I decided to do sankirtana in a hospital in Tuzla. After a few hours there, I got a terrible headache, probably because of the different energies that run through the hospital and my karma, of course. Nevertheless, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, I managed to visit all the departments in the hospital.

I entered a patients’ room, a triple room. There was a man who could not see on the third bed, near the door. My logic was telling me that there was nothing I coul

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He saw my sign: Meditation, Yoga and Philosophy, then, from a distance he shouted:

“THIS IS WHAT I NEED! THIS IS WHAT I NEED! ANGER IS EATING ME UP.” Then he came to the book table looking for help.

I told him, “The reason you feel so much anger is because you’re thinking you’re something you aren’t. This body – I pointed to his body – is not who you are. You’re the soul within.”

Then I showed him the nice painting of the saintly person seeing the soul in the brahmana, the cow, the elephant, th

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The two lads, middle-aged, were sitting on the steps at Toronto Metropolitan University, at the former sight of the iconic “Sam the Record Man” on south Yonge St. The one more hefty-built one waved me over and had oodles of questions.

“I’ve been with some beautiful women and also some not so beautiful. Some were great people. Some were just demons. Could you comment?”

“We live in a world of duality – good and bad. Life teaches us to keep an even-mindedness in all circumstances and at the same t

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O Vidura, who can estimate or measure the transcendental time, work and potency of the gigantic form manifested by the internal potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?

The froggish philosophers may go on with their mental speculations on the subject matter of the virāṭ, the gigantic form exhibited by the yoga-māyā internal potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but factually no one can measure such a vast exhibition. In Bhagavad-gītā (11.16) Arjuna, the recogn

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Karma Came Up by Bhaktimarga Swami


“Better to suffer than to protest,” is rather a mind-blowing remark when taken out of context. In the Gita, 12.13-14, an insightful purport had us probing into the nature of karma with these above-mentioned, profound words. At this morning’s class, I shared these words expressing the token of pain that a spiritual practitioner encounters against the massive load that one deserves to face on a normal basis.

Our group of monks and a few visitors sat with rapt attention at the exploration of the l

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While distributing at Richland College in Dallas, I met a couple who came to my table enthusiastic to hear about the teachings of the Gita, which they saw on the table. Both of them had heard of it. I showed them the illustrations and explained a little. Then they became more enthusiastic to take one. The young lady was happy to take one and give a donation, but the young man said he would get it another time.

A half hour later they came back to the table. They had been reading it for that half

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Just last week, some Red Cross volunteers came to our neighborhood in Perth. They were going door to door, raising awareness among people that thousands of Australian school kids were not getting proper food, and hunger would force many of them to take to crime.

I agreed that it is sad that kids have to go to bed hungry, but simply feeding their belly is not the solution, unless it is accompanied with spiritual knowledge. The volunteer inquired how one may generate spiritual awareness, so I sha

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It is with great delight that we formally announce the opening of the registration for the International Arcana Diploma Course 2022-23 offered by the Mayapur Academy.

The Orientation class will be held on September 30 and will end on Nityananda Trayodasi 2023, culminating in a 16-week full on-site course.

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Share Your Care by Bhaktimarga Swami


I know you all feel like you want to help with what's going on in Ukraine. Our Hare Krishna movement has an ISKCON temple in Lviv, Ukraine currently serving as a refugee centre. I want to share with you some information so that you can get involved in this important support program. Below is content taken from Share Your Care regarding Ukrainian Krishna devotees needing our help in Lviv. I will include the link to the site at the bottom of this entry for more information.

"Both Share Your Care

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