food for life (48)


Priya Gopinath Das, General Secretary for ISKCON Mayapur, has released the following urgent request to devotees: “I am writing to seek prayers from around the world for Myanmar. The country has been facing a severe crisis due to political and armed conflicts for over two years. This turmoil has displaced millions and has now been compounded by natural disasters, including the devastating flooding in Myitkyina, Kachin State. Many devotees from the ISKCON community have also become victims of t

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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

Food for Life Vrindavan (FFLV) has been empowering thousands of girls in Vrindavan and surrounding areas for years. Recently, one of the students, Nandini, won the prestigious “Student of the Year Award.” 

Nandini said, “I’m thrilled to get the Student of the Year award! Thanks to my school and teachers for believing in me and giving me the chance to shine. Receiving this award is like a dream come true for me. It’s not just my success; it’s a victory for ever

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By Atma Tattva Das

A tornado has caused significant damage in the coastal province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, resulting in the loss of eleven lives and injuries to more than 50 people. The town of Tongaat was one of the most affected areas, with numerous homes suffering extensive destruction.  In response to the disaster, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) South Africa and its charitable organization, Food For Life (FFL), promptly launched relief efforts to assist

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On March 26th, UK devotees performed at a special live music event in honor of Alan Ginsberg. They came at the invitation of musician and producer “Youth,” who hosted the event, which raised money for Food for Life prasadam distribution efforts.

“Poet Allen Ginsberg had a lot of personal association with Srila Prabhupada whom he helped on a number of occasions in New York, San Francisco, Columbus and elsewhere,” said a Food for All statement, “While being interviewed in various magazines, journ

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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

Food-for-Life Nepal (FFLN), a non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of marginalized children and communities in Nepal, hosted a hiking program at the Bishnudwar, Shivapuri National Park, Budhanilkantha on February 3, 2024. The tagline for the event was “Hike For A Purpose, Climbing Hills, Nourishing Minds – Every Step You Take Supports a Child’s Education and Nourishment.”

The Hike for a Purpose event brought together 30 individ

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12378955479?profile=RESIZE_584xThe Food For Life Monterrey team of devotees is joyfully distributing prasadam and the holy names in Mexico’s second-largest city, bringing spiritual and physical nourishment to the community’s most needy populations.

Monterrey, located in the northeastern part of the country, nestled against the picturesque Sierra Madre mountain range, has over one million residents. Though it’s a major economic hub, the community still faces issues of economic disparity and food insecurity. 

Different devotee

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By Thomas Haribol

Despite the ongoing warfare and shelling, programs for devotees in Tel Aviv are still being held every weekend. According to ISKCON Israel, “Devotees continue to gather almost every day, offer wicks to Lord Damodara and to have kirtan.” In the midst of their travails, they are redoubling their efforts to extend their “Food for Life” programs in the face of overwhelming need.

“The sons and daughters of many devotees have been drafted into the army; we all pray for them, as well

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On Saturday, 7 October, His Holiness Indradyumna Swami visited the informal Bottlebrush settlement in Chatsworth, south of Durban. Residents were treated to a taste of the spiritual world through a vibrant and colourful harinam party and delicious prasadam distribution.

This location is home to thousands of residents of Durban who live in impoverished conditions. In this area, the residents create small make-shift shelters with minimal living space, no tar roads, or proper sanitation facilities

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By Thomas Haribol

On June 13th, a Food for Life – Odesa team arrived by police escort to serve the Ukrainians in Kherson who have been devastated by the ongoing military conflict and now face the challenges of extensive flooding caused by the recent dam breach.

Odesa devotees arrived in Kherson wearing body armor and helmets while being escorted by the local police. Rasagya Govinda Das, Bhaktin Irina, and their team of blissful devotees engaged the flood victims with both kirtan and prasada. 


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Food For Life Vrindavan (FFLV), a nonprofit organization and school, was formed 30 years ago by the founders to educate young girls in and around Vrindavan, India. It provides free education, skill training, and medical assistance to around 1,500 girls. The organization also provides free meal programs and teaches organic farming regularly.

FFLV just finished running the Rise Against Hunger campaign. The program successfully donated 1,800 food packets to school children; the majority of childre

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By Gandharvika Prema Dasi

One week has passed since the Turkish yatra and members of the Hungarian Food for Life team started their food distribution in Turkey for those most affected by the severe damage caused by the earthquake in February 2023. The Hare Krishna Food for Life rapid reaction team was busy serving the locals with hot prasadam for a whole week and they will keep doing so in the future. Let’s have a look into Food for Life in action!

Food for Life devotees are grateful for all t

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Christmas Love Feast – Thousands of families rely on help in the present times of crisis.

Food for Life Hungary, the humanitarian aid arm of ISKCON Hungary has organised food distribution events all over the country on a daily basis for the last thirty years. Although the present difficult economic situation affects the content of aid parcels and the number of portions is also affected, the devotees do not give up and will organise the Grand Christmas Love Feast this festive season as well.


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Mariupol is one of the biggest сities in East Ukraine. There used to be more than 500,000 people before the war broke out. However, now the сity is mostly destroyed. But those that could not leave remain to survive day by day.

The city has no gas, electric power, or water. Many people are living in the basement of buildings. They have to cook with firewood. As winter approaches, it is very important to provide them with a hot meal.

Ukrainian authorities reported outages in nearly 600 towns and

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On July 22nd, a Memorial Service for Krishna Tattva das and Madana Gopal das took place. The devotees died as a result of a missile attack in Alchevsk, Donbass region. According to a Reuters news report of July 17th, the missiles originated from Ukraine’s armed forces.

The survivor of the attack, Arjuna das, is recovering in the hospital. He spoke on social networks about what had happened. According to Arjuna das, on the evening of July 16th, they had just returned from Severodonetsk. There we

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9978047477?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Rati Gopika Devi Dasi 

Over 10,000 plates of full meal Prasadam were distributed to flood victims in various places in Klang Valley (an urban conglomeration in Malaysia centered in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia.)

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9951199653?profile=RESIZE_710xOver 7000 plates of full meal Prasadam was distributed to flood victims in various places in Klang Valley ( an urban conglomeration in Malaysia centered in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia.)

Kuala Lumpur, over 18000 residents have been evacuated from their homes following continuous rain since Friday 17/12. It made several roads impassable with many stranded overnight in their cars. It is Malaysia’s worst flooding in years . The amount of rain in one month fell in Klang Valley in one day inunda

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9840465085?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Madhava Smullen 

After being virtually free of Covid-19 for most of the pandemic, New Zealand instituted a lockdown in August after discovering its first case in six months. Auckland, the epicenter of the outbreak, has remained in lockdown for over 90 days now, while most of the rest of the country has been living with minimal restrictions. Domestic borders around Auckland are set to reopen from December 15th for fully vaccinated people and those with negative test results. Meanwhile, ISKCON

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By Madhava Smullen 

We have to see that nobody goes hungry within a 10-mile radius,” Srila Prabhupada said during the Gaura Purnima Festival in Mayapur in 1973. Inspired by this statement, volunteers for the non-profit organization Hunger-Free Zone are ensuring that no one within ten miles of their kitchen in Baltimore goes hungry. It’s a much-needed service, as the city has the highest poverty rate in Maryland, 131.5% above the state’s poverty line.

Headed up by Baltimore temple president Nila

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9441331253?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Ravi Ramgoolam 

"For most of us, the idea of winter means cozy nights, warm blankets & a cup of hot chocolate near the fire, but for those on the streets the drop in temperature becomes a fight for survival," said Svetadvip Das, the main representative of ISKCON Port Elizabeth's Food for Life project. 

The ISKCON Port Elizabeth, South Africa, congregation, and Food for Life team moved hearts with the Blanket Drive Initiative. The initiative consists of donating blankets to poor people in the

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By Madhava Smullen 

The Food For Life branch in New Jagannath Puri at ISKCON of Phoenix, South Africa – a suburb of Durban – relaunched on August 9th by preparing 108 pots of Biryani, a rice dish with vegetables. As the sun rose in the early morning, the impressive operation saw devotees cooking outside over multiple rows of wood fires against the backdrop of the New Jagannath Puri temple.

Food For Life’s distribution partner network of religious organizations of all faiths then distributed an

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