
And people are so fool that they send their wife and their daughter for performing rasa-līlā. Things are going on like that. You know the Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura’s life? A similar rasa-līlā was going on. You know that story? Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura was magistrate, and one person in Orissa, he declared himself that “I am Viṣṇu,” and in the village he was enticing young women and girls to dance at night. And some of them protested, and they lodged complaint to the government that “This person is doing like that.” And the government commissioner, he knew that Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura, Kedāranātha Datta, was a very elevated, religious man, and he was magistrate. So the commissioner entrusted the inquiry to Kedāranātha Datta at that time. So Kedāranātha Datta, Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura, took the matter and went to inquire at that village of Orissa, with some constables in plain dress. He had some yogic power, so immediately he could say, “Oh, your name is Kedāranātha Datta. I know you are very good man, but don’t be after me. You will not be happy. And I shall elevate you to become the king of this country. Don’t be after me.” Now He was Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura, a strong devotee. If any other person would have been addressed like that, he would be immediately puzzled: “How this man is talking about me, that I am Kedāranātha Datta, I am magistrate and…?” So he would not do anything. But Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura was so strong, he said, “Yes. Thank you very much that I shall become king. So why don’t you go to Jagannātha Purī and stay there? That is a nice pilgrimage, and you can stay there. Many holy men go there. Why you are in this village?” He wanted to drive him away from that village. “Oh, what is that Jagannātha? That is wood. I am Viṣṇu.” As soon as he said, Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura became fire: “Oh, this rascal is like that.” He immediately ordered, “Arrest him. Arrest him.” And he showed some fiery spark coming from his jāta. So the constables were hesitating to arrest him, but Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura ordered, “Yes, immediately arrest him. Handcuff.” So he took him away, arrested. And as soon as he returned home, all the members of his family were in fever, high degree fever, and Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura himself was in fever. He made some trick, yogic trick. So his wife began to cry: “Oh, you have arrested one great yogī. He is Viṣṇu, and therefore we are now going to die. [laughter] So Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura: “Yes, you die. All die. Still, what I have done is all right.” Then when there is date for appearance in the court,the man was brought, and yogī. And Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura was suffering still in fever. Still, he attended the court and asked the constables that “Cut his jāta.”Hair. Jata. So no barber was available. [laughter] Because they knew that Bhaktivinoda Thakura, after arresting, he is suffering from fever. Whole family is lying down in fever. So nobody came forward to cut his jata. So Bhaktivinoda: “All right, bring one scissor. I shall cut.” So he personally cut,and that man became very thin immediately after cutting his jata. He had some power in the jata. And he ordered six months’ imprisonment. And in the prison he managed to take some poison and die. So devotees are so strong. They can know what is what. He was not puzzled that “He is Visnu.” No. So we should learn from the Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s treatment that this jugglery or this so-called power is not good for advancement in spiritual life.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Lecture – February 17, 1971, Gorakhpur

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