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And someone says, “What are you doing man?” He says, “I am watering this tree.” “That’s not how you do it! Just put water at one place on the roots and through the roots, the tree will carry water to every single leaf.”
So the root of existenc
All glories to Srila Prabhupada & sri RadhaShyamsundar & world wide Sankirtan movement.
Prabhuji / mathaji, please accept my humble obesiences.
aindra prabhuji was my guru & his sudden depature made all of us a very loss & shocking.i was busy in my exams so i got the informaton very lately, i never atteneded he last journey as well the pushpanjali day on 20 th july , so i request to iskcon vrndavan , all godprabhuji's to accept my humble requst to keep a very big memorable day for AIN
Londonisvara from Amogha Das on Vimeo.
transcription and nectarean photos of Radha Londisvara
and the pastimes of many other Deities
on --find World Deity Pastimes page
memories from hundreds of disciples: and
"The Sankirtana devotees are very dear to Krishna. Because you are doing the field work of book distribution, Krishna has immediately recognized them as true servants. Just like during war time, a farm boy or ordinary clerk who goes to fight for his country on the front immediately becomes a national hero for his sincere effort. So Krishna immediately recognizes a preacher of Krishna Consciousness who takes all risk to deliver His message.
I worship Srila Prabhupada who, at a meeting of influential Hindus in Japan, suddenly shouted, "Stop him!" in the middle of their Mayavadi guru's speech.
I worship Srila Prabhupada who, at a Gita Sammelan, in livid anger challenged the nationally reputed swamis assembled there, "Why are you cheating people in the name of Bhagavad-gita?"
I worship
vacam vahner mukham ksetram
chandasam sapta dhatavah
jihva sarva-rasasya ca
brahma uvaca -- Lord Brahma said; vacam -- of the voice; vahneh -- of fire; mukham -- the mouth; ksetram -- the generating center; chandasam -- of the Vedic hymns, such as Gayatri; sapta -- seven; dhatavah -- skin and six other layers; havya-kavya -- offerings for the demigods and the forefathers; amrta -- food for human beings; annanam -- of all sor
Every one of us is full of anxieties because of this material existence. Our very existence is in the atmosphere of nonexistence. Actually we are not meant to be threatened by nonexistence. Our existence is eternal. But somehow or other we are put into asat. Asat refers to that which does not exist.
A perfect human being - His qualities
Out of so many human beings who are suffering, there are a few who are actually inquiring about their position, as to what they are, why they are put i
Krishna is so high above us
we can see only a flash.
But there’s a pure devotee,
and he can see the Lord with
eyes of pure devotion. He
can see Krishna up close in Vraja
to play with Him.
He’s a rare soul, and out of millions
of liberated souls you might find one
who sees Krishna up close
and plays with Him. The
gopis can do it. They
run out of their houses
and run to the spot where
Krishna stands. And the
birds stand above Him in
the trees meditating on His
form like mystic yogis.
Most people are blind
and can’t
But the two frogs in the pit were unwilling to acce
The assembly of gods once met and decided to appoint a man to the position of Lord of Death, the official title being Lord Yama. They selected the most righteous man for this post. His duty was to take (escort) man at the proper time (upon death) to the celestial regions.
A man by the name of Amrita, living on earth, thought to himself that the one thing he feared most was death. He hit upon a bright idea that if he befriended the Lord of Death, then may be death can be kept at a distance. Amrit