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Hare Krishna

What the world needs for true happiness is a shift from exploitation to service, arrogance to humility, selfish cruelty to compassion and hatred to love.

His Holiness Radhanath Swami

Srila Prabhupad Comments

Just as Kṛṣṇa is addressed in the Brahma-saḿhitā as ādi-puruṣa, the original personality, so King Pṛthu, being an empowered incarnation of the Lord, is referred to in this verse as ādi-rājaḥ, the original or ideal king. He was a great devotee and at the same time a great hero who

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Democracy or Demon-crazy?

Hare Krishna

A good leader is hard like a thunderbolt and soft like a rose. One without the other does not work. If a leader is just soft like a rose, he cannot train anyone. If he is just hard like a thunderbolt, he will burn everyone out.

His Holiness Radhanath Swami

Democracy or Demon-crazy

To give protection to the general mass of people who are citizens of the state is the prescribed occupational duty for a king. By acting in that way, the king in his next life shares one sixth of the result

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 6 Text 4
tad-gatram vastu-saranam
saubhagasya ca bhajanam
tvag asya sparsa-vayos ca
sarva-medhasya caiva hi

tat -- His; gatram -- bodily surface; vastu-saranam -- of the active principles of all articles; saubhagasya -- of all auspicious opportunities; ca -- and; bhajanam -- the field of production; tvak -- skin; asya -- His; sparsa -- touch; vayoh -- of the moving airs; ca -- also; sarva -- all kinds of; medhasya -- of sacrifices; ca -- also; eva -- certainly; hi
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Vedic roots of Iran

Srila Prabhupada nibbled on various pieces of local fruit, appreciating their flavors. Telling Atreya Rsi to distribute some to all the devotees he asked if the people in Iran ate much meat. Dayananda told him that according to an old epic poem, people were formerly all vegetarians. Atreya Rsi added however, that due to western influence, they are now eating beef.

Prabhupada told us about the Vedic roots of Iran. "It is Aryan culture. Iranian means Aryan. It is an apa-brahmsa o
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Our Ultimate Refuge: KC!


"We want that people should be successful in their life and they get back to Krishna in the end of life. It used to be that people would live until they are old and renounce and take sannyasa, leave their bodies and go back to Godhead. But right now, there is no guarantee how long someone is going to live. I mean, the people in the world tower didn't know that they are going to leave their body in the next minute or the people in the hijack aircraft. So many things are happening now.

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Srimad-Bhagavatam says

From Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.6.27:
> evam krsna-mater brahman
> nasaktasyamalatmanah
> kalah pradurabhut kale
> tadit saudamani yatha
> evam -- thus; krsna-mateh -- one who is fully absorbed in thinking of Krsna;
> brahman -- O Vyasadeva; na -- not; asaktasya -- of one who is attached;
> amala-atmanah -- of one who is completely free from all material dirt; kalah
> -- death; pradurabhut -- become visible; kale -- in the course of time;
> tadit -- lightning; saudamani -- illuminating; yatha -- as
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Ujjain Rathayatra 2010

Ujjain update 15th July, 2010

On 13th July we celebrated our fourth Rathya Yatra in Ujjain.

The day started with Mangal arati in the presence of over a hundred college
students who had come from various cities of the state plus all the
congregational devotees in Ujjain. After the rousing kirtan a message was
read out from our beloved Guru Maharaj who regretted not being able to
attend this year’s function but encouraged all of us to work in a united
manner and make the Rathya yatra a grand success.

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People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered; forgive themanyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of being selfish or havingulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win somefalse friends and some true enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest andfrank, people may cheat you; be honest and frank anyway. What you spendyears building, someone could destroy overnight; build anyway. If you findserenity and happiness, they may be jealous; be happy anyway.T
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba


1. While Krsna and Balarama were enjoying life in Vrndavana in the guise of ordinary cowherd boys, the summer season gradually appeared. Because the Supreme Personality of Godhead was personally staying in Vrndavana along with Balarama, summer manifested the qualities of spring.

2. Intending to engage in pastimes, Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, accompanied by Lord Balarama and
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Radha hi bawari

रंगात रंग तो शामरंग पाहण्या नजर भिरभिरते,ऎकून तान, विसरून भान ही वाट कुणाची बघते,त्या सप्त्सुरांच्या लाटेवरूनी साद ऎकूनी होई,राधा ही बावरी हरीची राधा ही बावरी ॥ धॄ॥हिरव्या (२) झाडांची, पिवळी पाने झुलताना,चिंब (२) देहावरूनी, श्रावणधारा झरताना,हा दरवळणारा गंध मातीचा मनास बिलगून जाई,हा उनाड वारा गूज प्रितीचे कानी सांगून जाई,त्या सप्त्सुरांच्या लाटेवरूनी साद ऎकूनी होई,राधा ही बावरी हरीची राधा ही बावरी ॥ १॥आज इथे या तरूतळी, सूर वेणूचे खुणावती,तुज सामोरे जाताना उगा पाऊले घुटमळती,हे स्वप्न असे की सत्य
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(Prayers to Sri Radha)


1. O beautiful-eyed one, will I soon worship Your two lotus feet with jeweled anklets and the petals of Your lotus feet with toe-rings? With a splendid belt will I soon worship Your hips, the sacred pilgrimage place of Lord Krishna?

2. Bowed down with intense bliss, with two jeweled armlets will I decorate Your two graceful lotus arms, which expertly destroy the peacefulness of the swan of Lord Krishna's heart?

3. O beautiful one, will this person some
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लाल अंगोछा,पीली धोती
हाथ में कंगन,गले में मोती
ऐसा रूप सजा कान्हा का
लगता जैसे जगमत ज्योति

बैजयंती माला है लटके
पैर में पैजनिया बाजे
केसर तिलक शोभे सिर पे
कमर में करधनी साजे

कान में कुंडल,आँखों में काजल,
और होठों पे है लाली
मोर पंख के साथ है खिलती
सिर पे ये पगड़ी निराली

काली-काली लटों के बीच
श्यामल-सा ये मुखड़ा
जैसे सूरज चमक रहा हो
और पीछे बादल का टुकड़ा

मंद-मंद मुस्काए कान्हा,
वंशी बजाये मीठे गीत
मादक मुरली सुनके राधा
आ गयी तोड़ जगत के रीत.

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Dear devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Srila Prabhupada ashram, the boys' residential campus of Sri Mayapur International School, invites applications from worldwide devotees for admission of their children to the ashram. Provide your child a holistic and balanced training in spiritual and material education, in a eco friendly and peaceful environment of Sri Mayapur dhama.

Students will learn and practice Krishna consciousness as presented by Srila Prabh
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Nakula Kaufman: For many, many years H.G. Aindra prabhu presided in Vrndavan over the group of boys and men that comprised the 24 hour kirtan yatra. The ashrama became famous not only for exporting the most attractive, potent and infective Kirtan in the world but as a training ground for many a young devotee to imbibe the mood and hone the skills of the performance of Hare Nama Sankirtana. Aindra prabhu was a master of inspiring and training such boys, many of whom often entered as rough cut sto

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In Loving Memory of Aindra Das

The first time I visited India was in 1989. My flight arrived at the Delhi Airport at some early hour and I took a precarious taxi ride through the morning fog to the holy town of Vrindavan. Upon arriving, I prostrated in the dust of Vraja and headed straight for the Krishna Balaram Temple. It was shortly after the daily scriptural discourse and the place was nearly empty. As I approached the foot of the alter a musician caught my attention. He was alone, sitting before the shrine of Sri Sri Rad

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Gopi Geet

Jayati te dhikam janmanaa vrajahshrayata Indira shashvadatra hi |Dayita drishyataam dikshu taavaka-stvayi dhritaasava-stvaam vichinvatey || 1 ||O Dearest Lord, by your incarnation the land of Vraja (Vrindaban) hasSurpassed all the other places, that’s why the goddess of beauty andModesty has left “vaikuntha” and has made it her permanent abode here.But, O beloved Graciously take notice of us Gopis who are dedicated inYour lotus feet and are wandering in all directions looking for you.Sharadudaas
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Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara)

Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara) - Vyomasura's cave


Once, Krsna came to this place while grazing His cows. The forest was filled with green grass, which the cows happily ate. Without any care, Sri Krsna and the sakhas began to play a game of "cops and robbers". Many of the sakhas pretended to be sheep while others pretented to be their keepers. Still others took on the role of thieves and stole the sheep. Krsna played the judge. The owners of the sheep filed a lawsuit with the judge ag
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Destiny = The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is

destined. A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human

power or control

Arjuna was a military man, and born of the nature of the ksatriya. Therefore his natural duty was to fight. But due to false ego he was fearing that by killing his teacher, grandfather and friends he would incur sinful reactions. Actually he was considering himself master of his actions, as if he were directing the good
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In Teheran

Teheran, Iran

August 7th, 1976

The Air France flight brought us into Teheran airport at 7:30 p.m. Srila Prabhupada's GBC for the Middle East, Atreya Rsi prabhu, and Mr. Patel, a Gujarati Vaisnava with the Vallabhacarya sect, were already inside the airport waiting to greet Srila Prabhupada. In order to expedite our entrance into the country Atreya Rsi asked us to sit to one side while he and his companion approached the immigration counter with our passports. Within a few minutes entry w
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