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SB 4.7.11: King Dakṣa wanted to offer prayers to Lord Śiva, but as he remembered the ill-fated death of his daughter Satī, his eyes filled with tears, and in bereavement his voice choked up, and he could not say anything.

SB 4.7.12: At this time, King Dakṣa, afflicted by love and affection, was very much awakened to his real senses. With great endeavor, he pacified his mind, checked his feelings, and with pure consciousness began to offer prayers to Lord Śiva.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.7.13

dakṣa uvāc
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Get Cared for...Feel Cared for!

Get Cared for...Feel Cared for!

"One time Prabhupada was sitting with his hand on his head and he was saying, "You don't know what it is like to run a world-wide spiritual movement. You don't know." The inference, with the way that he was holding his head, was that it was a big headache.

Prabhupada was so concerned that we all stay together, that we all work together, that we all cooperate to spread the Krsna conscious movement. We have many, many devotees now and it's important that the devotees

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Change the Public Not the PhilosophyOur process is to show Krishna Consciousness as it is, not as others want to see it. By showing KC in this way, you are making the thing less important. It is not that we should change to accommodate the public, but that we shoud change the public to accommodate us.Bombay 28 December, 1971BrooklynMy dear Yogesvara,Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge your letter of 17 December, 1971, along with copies of your advertising work, slides, and Dutch BTG
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The sixth ring

Srila Prabhupada chose to rest on the balcony rather than his room because of the heat. From 11:15 P.M. until 12:10 A.M. he took his massage, and then he rose around 2:00 A.M. Then, between 3:00 A.M. and 4:30 A.M. he summoned me with his buzzer five times because his dictaphone kept malfunctioning. There was some connection which kept shaking loose and I had to repeatedly jump in and out of my sleeping bag, running to and fro between the rooms to fix the problem.

I was just nodding
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 6 Text 7
vikramo bhur bhuvah svas ca
ksemasya saranasya ca
hares carana aspadam

vikramah -- forward steps; bhuh bhuvah -- of the lower and upper planets; svah -- as well as of heaven; ca -- also; ksemasya -- of protection of all that we have; saranasya -- of fearlessness; ca -- also; sarva-kama -- all that we need; varasya -- of all benedictions; api -- exactly; hareh -- of the Lord; caranah -- the lotus feet; aspadam -- shelter.

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What is this consciousness?

This consciousness is "I am." Then what am I? In contaminated consciousness "I am" means "I am the lord of all I survey. I am the enjoyer." The world revolves because every living being thinks that he is the lord and creator of the material world.

2 psychic divisions of material consciousness

Material consciousness has two psychic divisions. One is that I am the creator, and the other is that I am the enjoyer. But actually the Supreme Lord is both the creator and the enj

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Let's spread Lord Krishna name to everyone in the world and help our soul by chanting this mantra for ever.

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Isn't that unscientific?


Isn't that unscientific?

Question: When I talk about God, soul, rebirth, people often question: why discuss such unscientific things in this modern age of science?

Answer: Their question originates not from their scientific thinking, but from their belief in scientism, the peculiar school of thought that places around science a halo of "omniscience."

The reputed physicist Fritjof Capra in his well-known book The Tao of Physics explains how scientific knowledge is like a map. Just as a map helps in
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Belief and actual knowledge

He ended the discussion by stressing the difference between mere belief and actual knowledge. "The more you become eager to know God, God will reveal Himself. From our side, we should not be stereotyped. People in different sects of religion, they say, 'We believe.' But they do not want to go further than they believe. That is very difficult. You must be dynamic and progressive, then you will have. I have talked with many sects, especially Christian priests. They will
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 6 Text 6
bahavo loka-palanam
prayasah ksema-karmanam

bahavah -- arms; loka-palanam -- of the governing deities of the planets, the demigods; prayasah -- almost always; ksema-karmanam -- of those who are leaders and protectors of the general mass.

The Lord's arms are the productive fields for the great demigods and other leaders of the living entities who protect the general mass.

This important verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam is corroborated and nicely
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SB 4.7.7: Thereafter, Bhṛgu, the chief of the great sages, invited Lord Śiva to come to the sacrificial arena. Thus the demigods, accompanied by the sages, Lord Śiva, and Lord Brahmā, all went to the place where the great sacrifice was being performed.

SB 4.7.8: After everything was executed exactly as directed by Lord Śiva, Dakṣa's body was joined to the head of the animal meant to be killed in the sacrifice.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.7.9

sandhīyamāne śirasi
dakṣo rudrābhivīkṣitah
sadyaḥ supta ivotta
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Nrsimha Meditations

Lord Caitanya's darsana of Nrsimhadeva...

...or was it Lord Nrsimhadeva's darsana of lord Caitanya? Upon seeing the Deity of Lord Nrsimha in the temple, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu offered His respectful obeisances by falling flat. Then, in ecstatic love, He performed various dances, chanted, and offered prayers.

sri nrsimha jaya nrsimha jaya jaya nrsimha
prahladesa jaya padma mukha padma bhrnga

“‘All glories to Nrsimhadeva! All glories to Nrsimhadeva, who is the Lord of Prahlada Maharaja and, like a
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1.) First let us analyze what our relationship is with Vrndavana and then see how we can develop it. Lord Caitanya explained that these are the five most important aspects in devotional service, which if even a little bit performed, can quickly bring one to the stage of love of God.

sadhu-sanga, nama-kirtana, bhagavata-sravana, mathura-vasa, sri-murtira sraddhaya sevana

One should associate with devotees, chant the holy name of the Lord, hear Srimad-Bhagavatam, reside at Mathura and worship the
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Nothing could be manifested without being controlled.

Material nature is not independent. She is acting under the directions of the Supreme Lord. As Lord Krishna says, mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram: "This material nature is working under My direction."

When we see wonderful things happening in the cosmic nature, we should know that behind this cosmic manifestation there is a controller. Nothing could be manifested without being controlled. It is childish not to consider the controller

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Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi

Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati's
Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi
(The Nectar Moon of Sri Radha's Sweetness)


1. O Radha, when will I see the moon of Your face, a moon risen from the ocean of nectar, a moon that shames the nectar moon of this world, a moon shining at every moment with a flood of glistening, sweet, ever-new moonlight, moonlight the two cakora birds of Krsna's eyes drink again and again with a thirst that is never satisfied?

2. Will I dive into the flooding current of the nectar of love, a cu
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Om Surabyai Namaha !!!

Hare Krishna,

All Glories to Gaura Bhakta Vrunda !!!

Please follow the below links a very HEINOUS ACT took place in Maharashtra last week.

Our Veda-vajmayam (All the Vedic Literatures) have greatly praised our Mother Cow, what is she to us.

Have a look at the condition of killing our Mother COW in Kali-yuga which has become a Prank toMuslims in ISLAM.
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In Bhagavad-gita it is said that at the time of death one will be absorbed in the thoughts which he cultivated during his lifetime. A person who had no other idea than to properly maintain his family members must have family affairs in his last thoughts. That is the natural sequence for a common man.The common man does not know the destiny of his life; he is simply busy in his flash of life, maintaining his family. At the last stage, no one is satisfied with how he has improved the family econom
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Don't be lazy to understand God

To more clearly present his questions Mustafa began speaking in Parsi with Atreya Rsi prabhu translating. "His question is, 'How can I have more faith in God?'"

"The more you know about these things," Prabhupada told him.

Mustafa's response indicated that he understood that one must inquire. Prabhupada was pleased. "Yes. Oh, very good. Very good. There is a verse in Caitanya-caritamrta-siddhanta boliya citte na kara alasa iha haite krsne lage sudrdha manasa: We have
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 6 Text 5
romany udbhijja-jatinam
yair va yajnas tu sambhrtah
kesa-smasru-nakhany asya

romani -- hairs on the body; udbhijja -- vegetables; jatinam -- of the kingdoms; yaih -- by which; va -- either; yajnah -- sacrifices; tu -- but; sambhrtah -- particularly served; kesa -- hairs on the head; smasru -- facial hair; nakhani -- nails; asya -- of Him; sila -- stones; loha -- iron ores; abhra -- clouds; vidyutam -- electricity.

The hairs
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There Is a Name Written in Each Book


Hare Krishna,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am just finishing up a North American tour, on which I did book distribution and conducted seminars. It has been very enlivening. While traveling I had the good fortune of Jayadvaita Maharajas association in New York City. He gave a very nice class the evening before I left. He spoke about book distribution (it's always nice to hear our leaders speak about it). Here's a little of the nectar: "I was traveling from
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