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Svarupa Damodara:
It is better than doing something than doing nothing.

Prabhupada: Yes. That dog also doing, jumping, always. "Yes, we get... Bow! Bow! Bow! Ra, ra, ra, ra!" That kind of... Active business. What is called? Active foolishness. They remain foolish, but still, they are active. That means they are simply creating dangerous position. That's all. Jagatah ahitah. It is said in the Bhagavad-gita. These demons, their progress means only for the mischief of the world. That's all. That is
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Raaz Agle Janam Ka


Raaz Agle Janam Ka

Question: What are your thoughts on the recent popular serial Raaz Pichle Janam Ka?

Answer: The serial brought the much-neglected topic of reincarnation to the forefront of the public mind. This is itself a significant and positive development. For too long has reincarnation been neglected as a sectarian, sentimental, religious belief. Reincarnation is not just a Hindu or Buddhist belief; verses confirming it can be found in all the great religions of the world including Christi
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The glories of Shri Ekadashi

“Ekadashi vratam mama sarva kama phala pradam

Kartabyam sarvada viprair Vishnu prinana karanam”

“It is said that the brahmanas should always observe the vow of Ekadashi to please the Lord and to fulfil his desires.”It is stated in the Brihad Naradia Puran that if everyone including Brahman, kshatriya, vaisya, sudra and women observe the vow of Ekadashi then they will certainly attain liberation. Srila Rupa Goswami an associate of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has described the devotional services. Amo

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SB 4.7.18: The great sage Maitreya said to Vidura: My dear Vidura, as soon as King Dakṣa offered the clarified butter with Yajur Veda mantras in sanctified meditation, Lord Viṣṇu appeared there in His original form as Nārāyaṇa.

SB 4.7.19: Lord Nārāyaṇa was seated on the shoulder of Stotra, or Garuḍa, who had big wings. As soon as the Lord appeared, all directions were illuminated, diminishing the luster of Brahmā and the others present.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.7.20
śyāmo hiraṇya-raśano 'rka-kirī
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What is conscience?

What is conscience?

Our conscience - the internal voice that inspires us to do good and to avoid bad - is a great gift from God, for it empowers us to make right choices in life. Every time we abide by our conscience, our moral strength and willpower increases. Every time we neglect our conscience, our moral strength and willpower decreases.

Whenever we act against our conscience, we feel a sense of guilt. When we feel feverish, that feeling is the means by which we come to know that dangerous ger
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

The Forest Fire


1. After the killing of demon Pralamba, while the cowherd boys were completely absorbed in playing, their cows wandered far away. They hungered for more grass, and with no one to watch them they entered a dense forest.

2. Passing from one part of the great forest to another, the goats, cows and buffalo eventually entered an area overgrown with sharp canes. The heat of a nearby forest fire made them thirsty, and they
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Srila Lokanath Goswami - Disappearance Day

Srila Lokanath Goswami was a personal associate of Lord Chaitanya.
Lord Chaitanya ordered him and Bhugarbha Goswami to find the lost Holy Places
of Vrindavan. Years later, the six Goswamis came to Vrindavan and continued
this work. He Constructed the
Radha-Gokulananda temple in Vrindavan. Srila Narottam Das Thakur was his only disciple.

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"Everyone is My Prabhu"

"Everyone is My Prabhu""Verdana","sans-serif""">
Originally compiled in September 1998, by Visakha dasi
Posted August 10, 2009 (

Srila Prabhupada on the use of the address "Prabhu"

1. Even the Spiritual Master sees his disciples as "prabhu"

We are teaching our disciples to address amongst themselves "prabhu." This is not a new thing; this is very old. Now Narada is addressing Vyasadeva as "prabhu," his disciple. His disciple he's addressing as prabhu. Sowe should give respect. Just like w

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HDG. A.C. BhaktiVedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada

Papam means sinful activities, and punyam is pious. So people should consider in every activity, whether it is papam (sinful act) or punyam (good act), whether it is virtuous or sinful activities. But the asuras, they do not know. Pravrttim ca nivrttim ca na vidur asura janah. Those who are asuras, they do not care what is sinful or what is right. "I like it; I must do it." This is asura. There is no reference to the authorities, whether the action
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Indian Heritage

Prabhupada observed that men were creating bad situations by falsely claiming proprietorship over natural resources, although these things were made by God.

Navayauvana said that the Shah had just recently stated that all the forests and natural resources were made by God and that no man could make these things. "But his conclusion was not correct," he added. "He said therefore these things are owned by the government which represents the people. He didn't understand."

Srila Prabhup
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 6 Text 10
parabhuter adharmasya
tamasas capi pascimah
nadyo nada-nadinam ca
gotranam asthi-samhatih

parabhuteh -- of frustration; adharmasya -- of immorality; tamasah -- of ignorance; ca -- and; api -- as also; pascimah -- the back; nadyah -- of the intestines; nada -- of the great rivers; nadinam -- of the rivulets; ca -- also; gotranam -- of the mountains; asthi -- bones; samhatih -- accumulation.

The back of the Lord is the place for all kinds of frust
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Krishna Is All-Attractive

Krishna Is All-Attractive

This is the third year ISKCON Hong Kong participated in the Hong Kong Book Fair. One evening during the fair a lady visited our booth and I struck up a conversation with her. I learned she was quite fond of religion and was a vegetarian, so I recommended that she purchase the Bhagavad-gita. She refused, claiming she was too busy to read, and then left with her two full shopping bags.

After a little while she returned and started chatting with other devotees. Then she told
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SB 4.7.16: The great sage Maitreya said: Thus being pardoned by Lord Śiva, King Dakṣa, with the permission of Lord Brahmā, again began the performance of the yajña, along with the great learned sages, the priests and others.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.7.17

vaiṣṇavaḿ yajña-santatyai
tri-kapālaḿ dvijottamāḥ
puroḍāśaḿ niravapan

vaiṣṇavam — meant for Lord Viṣṇu or His devotees; yajña — sacrifice; santatyai — for performances; tri-kapālam — three kinds of offerings; dvija-uttamāḥ —
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From logic to love

Beyond Logic to Love

Question: Aren't the two defining attributes of God - omnipotence and omniscience - self contradictory? If God can do anything, then he can change the future. But if he can change the future, then how can he be said to know the future? So doesn't this mean that God can either be omnipotent or omniscient but not both?

Questions like these arise when we approach God only with our head and not our heart. We then mistake God to be a static, unconscious object and his attributes to
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Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami

The Srimad-Bhagavatam tells the story of Bali Maharaja and Vamanadeva. Vamanadeva is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appearing in the form of a small brahmana boy. He goes to Bali Maharaja and begs three paces of land, “as paced by My own steps.” As the story progresses, Vamanadeva reveals His universal form. His first two steps claim the whole universe, and Bali is then unable to fulfill his promise of three. Thus he is put into difficulty. Vamanadeva arrests him with

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pic38.jpgAfter being instructed by Kamsa, the demon Kesi assumed the form of a terrible horse. He entered the area of Vrndavana, his great mane flying and his hooves digging up the earth. He began to whinny and terrify the whole world. Krsna saw that the demon was terrifying all the residents of Vrndavana with his whinnying and his tail wheeling in the sky like a big cloud. Krsna could understand that the horse was challenging Him to fight. The Lord accepted his challenge and stood before the Kesi demon.

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The Books will Prove

Satsvarupa: They base many of their conclusions on finding of fossils, old remains.

Prabhupada: Eh?

Satsvarupa: Fossils, impressions of animals' bodies in the stone that are left there thousands of years. They gather all these... That's what Darwin's work mostly was. He would sail around the world and collect all these fossils, and make conclusions and write books.

Prabhupada: But where they will get fossils of old intelligent men?

Satsvarupa: Well, they say that they've found just skulls of very pr

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Life in other planets

In the evening, before any visitors arrived, Prabhupada sat in his room with Atreya Rsi, Harikesa, Parivrajakacarya, Jnanagamya and myself. He was again pointing out the defects of the so-called Mars landing, declaring that in the sastras it states very clearly that every planet is full of life. "Jana-kirna, this very word is used, jana-kirna, congested with life. Everything is described there. There is milk ocean, there is this ocean, that ocean, varieties of. So if we have
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 6 Text 9
payur yamasya mitrasya
parimoksasya narada
himsaya nirrter mrtyor
nirayasya gudam smrtah

payuh -- the evacuating outlet; yamasya -- the controlling deity of death; mitrasya -- of Mitra; parimoksasya -- of the evacuating hole; narada -- O Narada; himsayah -- of envy; nirrteh -- of misfortune; mrtyoh -- of death; nirayasya -- of hell; gudam -- the rectum; smrtah -- is understood.

O Narada, the evacuating outlet of the universal form of the Lord is
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Introduction - Aim of Human life

In this world men are not meant for quarreling like cats and dogs. Men must be intelligent to realize the importance of human life and refuse to act like ordinary animals. A human being should realize the aim of his life, and this direction is given in all Vedic literatures, and the essence is given in Bhagavad-gita.

Vedic literature is meant for human beings, not for animals. Animals can kill other living animals, and there is no question of sin on their part, but

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