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"Because a non-devotee has become a devotee," Prabhupada replied, "he is practicing how to simply accept Krsna's orders. But by his previous habit he's still engaged in 'Do it' and 'Don't do it.' Just like this fan is running. You take out the switch, the current is stopped, but it's still running, at l
nama-dheyani mantras ca
daksinas ca vratani ca
devatanukramah kalpah
sankalpas tantram eva ca
nama-dheyani -- invoking the names of the demigods; mantrah -- specific hymns to offer to a particular demigod; ca -- also; daksinah -- reward; ca -- and; vratani -- vows; ca -- and; devata-anukramah -- one demigod after another; kalpah -- the specific scripture; sankalpah -- the specific purpose; tantram -- a particular process; eva -- as they are; ca -- also.
The Cleansing of the Gundica Temple
August 4, 2009 by srila-prabhupada
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu washed and cleansed the Gundica temple with His devotees and associates. In this way
He made the temple as cool and bright as His own heart, and thus He made the
place befitting for Lord Sri Krsna to sit.
The Gundica temple is situated two miles northeast of the Jagannatha temple. At the time of the Ratha-yatra
festival, Lord Jagannatha goes to the Gundica temple from His original temple
and stays there
He is very energetic and no one can compare with him in strength. While living in Goloka, he was very attracted to you and wanted to marry you. But because he feared Radharani, he did not make any overtures.
"Just as you are a jatismara--that is, one who knows her previousbirths--Sankhacuda also is. Remembering his past desire to be close to you, hehas performed severe austerities to obtain you as his wife. I now wish to granthis desire. Therefore, O beautiful one, please agree to wed him. Howev
Srila Prabhupada:
"You should not just use it mechanically; you should meaningfully apply it."
"Yes, to call one another "Prabhu" is all right, but not to become prabhu. To accept others as prabhu, and remain as servant is the idea. But because somebody is calling you "Prabhu", one should not become a prabhu and treat others as servants. In other words, every one should feel himself as servant, and not to think himself prabhu because he is being called "Prabhu". This will make the relationship con
O young cowherd boy! O ocean of mercy! O husband of Lakshmi, the ocean's daughter! O killer of Kamsa! O merciful benefactor of Gajendra! O Mädhava! O younger brother of Rama! O spiritual master of the three worlds! O lotus-eyed Lord of the gopis! I know no one greater than You. Please protect me.
(Mukunda-mala-stotra- Sutra 44-From Vedabase)
King Kulashekara's prayers are all addressed to the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His various expansions and incarnations. Sometimes he addresses Lord Nar
Shri Yudhisthira Maharaja said, “Oh Madhusudana, Oh killer of the Madhu demon, please be merciful to me and describe to me the EkAdasii that occurs during the light fortnight of the month of Shravana (July-August).” The Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna, replied, “Yes, Oh king, I shall happily narrate its glories to you, for just by hearing about this sacred EkAdasii one attains the merit of performing a horse sacrifice.
“At the dawn of DvArpara-yuga there lived a king by the name of
vastuny osadhayah sneha
rasa-loha-mrdo jalam
rco yajumsi samani
catur-hotram ca sattama
vastuni -- utensils; osadhayah -- grains; snehah -- clarified butter; rasa-loha-mrdah -- honey, gold and earth; jalam -- water; rcah -- the Rg Veda; yajumsi -- the Yajur Veda; samani -- the Sama Veda; catuh-hotram -- four persons conducting the performance; ca -- all these; sattama -- O most pious one.
Srila Prabhupada's quotes.
Bhaktivedanta Manor
Letter to Karandhara
"So, everything is already there but it is now mixed up, we want to bring the whole world in to order by giving the right directions to all classes of men. Right direction means, to deliver the instructions of Krishna, and because Krishna is perfect, if you present this knowledge anywhere it will automatically defeat all the existing concocted hodge-podge ideas congesting the feeble brains of so-called scientist, ph
"This is the test by which one can tell whether he is advancing in devotional service. One must be detached from material enjoyment. Such detachment means that Maya has actually given the conditioned soul liberation from illusory enj
Predictions Revealed in the Sastras
In the Pratisarga part of the Bhavisya Purana, Chapter 20 verses 71-73; we find the following prediction:
"Lord Jagannath, the Supreme Lord Sri Hari Himself, spoke these attractive words for the welfare of all: The mlecchas who are born from mixed countries ruled by descendants of Kasyapa (demons) and the sudras will become brahmanas by initiation. They will wear sikhas and brahmana threads and will become well versed in the uncontaminated fruit of the Vedas (Sr
Chapter Two
As soon as she was born, Tulasi resolved to go to the mountainous region of Badarinatha to practice severe austerities. Though many persons tried to dissuade her, no one
was able to; for she was determined to stay and pray in the forest till Lord
Krsna appeared and agreed to become her husband. During a period of one hundred
thousand celestial years, she endured the following:
In the summer, she exposed herself to four fires
around her and the sun above; in t
The Transcendental Marketplace!
"The mercy of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nithyananda decends through Their devotees. Devotees who have received krsna-prema by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are able to distribute this love of Godhead. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura illustrates this process by using the analogy: 'the transcendental marketplace of the Lord.
In compliance with Lord Caitanya's order, everyone must accept Krishna consciousness and also share it with others. According to individual capaci
"Krishna has taken birth or shelter in the womb of the Krishna Consciousness Movement!" (SB 10.2.20)
When Srila Prabhupada met C. Rajagopal Acharya (known as Rajaji), who was the first Governor General of 'free India' and famous as a religious politician and friend of Gandhi, in Madras, Rajaji expressed his only doubt: "Srila Prabhupada has created such a huge institution that now his disciples might identify with ISKCON rather than Krishna. If that were to happen, then by identifying with ISKCON
tesu yajnasya pasavah
savanaspatayah kusah
idam ca deva-yajanam
kalas coru-gunanvitah
tesu -- in such sacrifices; yajnasya -- of the sacrificial performance; pasavah -- the animals or the sacrificial ingredients; sa-vanaspatayah -- along with flowers and leaves; kusah -- the straw; idam -- all these; ca -- as also; deva-yajanam -- the sacrificial altar; kalah -- a suitable time; ca -- as also; uru -- great; guna-anvitah -- qualified.