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Srila Prabhupada is not just an acharya; not just the founder of a society; he is the Founder-Acharya of the Krishna Consciousness Movement, which is a dynamic spiritual reality - the Yuga Dharma. Therefore, Srila Prabhupada is to be appreciated not merely as the acharya of a few intimate servants or even the acharya of a single generation of disciples. Rather, as the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON, he established the standard of Krishna consciousness to be practiced by all sincere followers for ten
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Love of God is the first commandment and the greatest wisdom. In practice ,love of God means disdain for the things of this present world. Our hearts are now troubled by so many material dreams and desires, which always make us anxious,but we are promised herein that the transcendental medium of submissive hearing will destroy all these dirty things in due course of time. If we are faithful and wait patiently upon Him who is always faithful,we are sure to be successful. Jaya Haribol
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Gutsy Girl Exorcises Past


Survivor of terror attack at ISKCON set to take centre stage again 4 Yrs hence, gutsy girl exorcises past

Imphal, August 17 2010: The physical scars may still be there, but thankfully, the fear, the pangs of sorrow and the wounds inflicted on little Mritika's mind after militants triggered a bloody bomb attack at Imphal Iskcon temple four years ago, no longer haunts her.

This is one solace that has emerged after the murderous and cowardly bomb attack on a group of unsuspecting devotees during Kris
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Radha Rani Hladini Shakti

“Radha Krishna Pranay Bikriti HladinishaktirAsmaat

Ekatmanabapi bhubi pura dehabhedang gatou tou"

- (Swarup Damodar Goswamipad)

The above sloka gives us
some idea about what Srimati Radha is. The meaning of the sloka as given by
Krisnadas Kaviraj in Chaitanya Charitamrita.

“ Radhika hayen
Krishner pranay-bikar

Hladini naam janhar” --

“ RadhaKrishna Ek
Atma dui deha dhori

Anyonye bilase rasa
aswadan kori “ -- (2)

To talk about SriRadha, the above definitions are invaluable and possibly the b

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The Story Of Vrinda DeviPart 3

The demigods went cheerfully to their own abodes, Lord Siva continuing his practice of austerity.
Dharmadhvaja and Kusadhvaja performed harsh asceticism and worshiped GoddessLaksmi. Thereafter, they separately obtained the blessings they desired. ByGoddess Laksmi's favor, they again became the rulers of the earth. Theyacquired great spiritual merits, were married, and begot children. KingDharmadhvaja was married to Madhavi. After some time, she became pregnant witha partial incarnation of Godde

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Those great souls who have surrendered their life at the lotus feet of the Lord, their lotus feet are considered to be the boats which carry us across the ocean of birth and death. So to associate with such persons is most valuable and precious in this entire human life.

Within our existence we work how many hours a day? We work for money eight-nine hours a day. How many hours on spending money? How many hours a day are we protecting our wealth and resources? What is the value of money. It cannot
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How to get shelter at Krishna’s lotus feet ?

If the conditioned soul engages in the service of the Lord and simultaneously carries out the orders of his spiritual master and serves him, he can get out of the clutches of maya and become eligible for shelter at Krishna’s lotus feet.

Chaitanya Charithaamrutha,

Madhya Leela, Chapter - 22, Text – 25

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Destined Salvation given By Krsna

Destined Salvation given By Krsna

Actually, although Krsna was acting so wonderfully, Maharaja Nanda and mother Yasoda could not think of Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Instead, they always accepted Him as their beloved child. Thus Nanda Maharaja did not accept the fact that Varuna worshiped Krsna because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead; rather he took it that because Krsna was such a wonderful child He was respected even by Varuna.The friends of Nanda Maharaja, all the cowhe
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Real determination

In the early morning Srila Prabhupada went to Niavaran park again and spent most of the hour sitting on a bench in one of the many small and pleasant groves. He began speaking about how one becomes qualified as a devotee. He told us that in India, in order to join the civil service, one has to pass a rigorous test before being allowed to accept a responsible post. "Similarly," he said, "to be recognized by Krsna, as He says, na ca tasman manusyesu, one has to pass examination,
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Seeing in right perspective

In mid-evening, Ali came again, asking deep and thoughtful questions which Srila Prabhupada was pleased to answer. Ali is obviously greatly impressed with His Divine Grace and affected by his association. His contemplation of last night's topics led to another pleasing exchange of philosophical insight and practical observation.

On Prabhupada's prompting he asked, "I was thinking about the material platform that you mentioned last night, and I could not figure out how v
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 6 Text 23
yadasya nabhyan nalinad
aham asam mahatmanah
navidam yajna-sambharan
purusavayavan rte

yada -- at the time of; asya -- His; nabhyat -- from the abdomen; nalinat -- from the lotus flower; aham -- myself; asam -- took my birth; maha-atmanah -- of the great person; na avidam -- did not know; yajna -- sacrificial; sambharan -- ingredients; purusa -- of the Lord; avayavan -- personal bodily limbs; rte -- except.

When I was born from the abdominal lot
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 6 Text 22
yasmad andam virad jajne
tad dravyam atyagad visvam
gobhih surya ivatapan

yasmat -- from whom; andam -- the universal globes; virat -- and the gigantic universal form; jajne -- appeared; bhuta -- elements; indriya -- senses; guna-atmakah -- qualitative; tat dravyam -- the universes and the universal form, etc.; atyagat -- surpassed; visvam -- all the universes; gobhih -- by the rays; suryah -- the sun; iva -- like; atapan -- distrib
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Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara)

Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara) - Mana-garh


One day, Sri Krsna sent a message to Srimati Radhika through Subala, who is one of His sakhas, and through Vrinda-devi that They should meet at a certain time. Krsna was on His way when He suddenly met Padma, Candravali's friend (Candravali is in opposite party of Srimati Radhika). Padma described Srimati Candravali's state of seperation from Him and repeatedly requested Him to meet with her. Sri Krsna could not ignore her plea, and went to
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Locana Dasa Thakura in his Caitanya Mangala (Sutra-khanda, song 12,
texts 562-565) refers to Srila Prabhupada. (Lord Caitanya speaking of
the reasons for His descent):

nama-guna-sankirtana vaisnavera shakti
prakasa karibe ami nija prema-bhakti

Chanting of the name & qualities of Krsna is the life & energy of the
Vaisnavas. I will reveal these activities & rejuvenate pure devotional
service unto Myself.

ei mate kali-papa karibe sanhara
sabe cala age pache na kara vichara

In this way I will destroy all
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The Founder-Acharya has a special position for all time to come within the organized mission. In the Vaisnava line the previous acharyas selected and severely tested the earnestness and qualifications of their disciples. But among the special characteristics of the Founder-Acharya is his infinite compassion. He accepts all those who come and commands his disciples to do the same.

Harinama is the dharma of the Golden Age - 'kali kaler dharma nama sankirtana', and one who preaches that dharma all o
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Atmaseva - new price details
First time ever; Officially to the public -

We offer the service of performing a blessing ceremony for our beloved deceased family members. We will conduct the ceremony on the Jamuna River, which flows into the Ganges. They are sister personalities who eagerly bestow mercy upon us.

It is best we do this as soon as the person sadly passes away, however the soul is eternal, so even if somebody passed away a long time ago, there will still be benefit to
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Hare krishan to every one.

This is my humble request to all of you that please Increase the Isckon desire tree - devotee network. How we can this? Just sending links of this website and beautiful photoes of shri shri radhe krishan or shri shri jagannath subhadra baldev ji to your friends and relatives by email. And also tell that this is the first step to ward BAIKUNDH or MOKSHA.The complete liberation from the Sorrow of both the birth and death.

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The Spiritual World -- And how to get there

Krishna means the highest pleasure:

Krishna means the highest pleasure. We are all hankering after pleasure. We, the living entities, like Krishna, are full of consciousness, and we are looking for happiness. Krishna is perpetually happy, and if we associate with Krishna and cooperate with Him we will also become happy.

Krishna descends to this material world to show His pastimes in Vrndavana, which are full of happiness. When Lord Sri Krishna was in Vrndavana, His activities with His cowherd boy
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The Story of Srimati Tulasi Devi Part 2

mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA""> vrinda7.jpg

mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA"">partially by taking birth from the wives of those two kings. Then, by the favor of Goddess Laksmi, Dharmadhvaja and Kusadhvaja will become prosperous, mightykings. O Lord Siva! Your devotee Vrisadhvaja is dead, so return to your abode.O Lord Brahma, Lord Surya and Kasyapa Muni--you also should return yourrealms."
Bhagavan Visnu then went with

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On Srila Prabhupada’s Unique Position

2514714550?profile=originalOn Srila Prabhupada’s Unique Position And Why We Should Serve His Mission

As an introduction to this web page I would like to establish in the mind of the readers why I am personally strongly committed to my eternal spiritual master His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, and to his ISKCON mission.

Srila Prabhupada himself talks about his unique position in the following informal talk in Bhubaneshwar Jan.28′77:

“Now I’ll say from my practical life…It is not pride. Actually every
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