Devadhideva Mahadeva Sankara(Siva) pleased his worshipful deity Sri Krsna and asked for the boon to have darsana of Sri Krsna's childhood pastimes. The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna ordered him to situate himself in Nandagaon in the form of a hill. Sri Sankara Mahadeva followed this order and became Nandisvara Hill. He then waited for the arrival of his worshipful deity. To fulfill the desire of the exalted Vaisnava Sri Sankara, Sri Krsna performed His sweet childhood(balya) and boyhood(pauganda) pastimes on Nandisvara hill, along with vrajvasis like Nanda baba, Yasoda-maiya and His gopa friends.
Devadhideva Mahadeva Sankara(Siva) pleased his worshipful deity Sri Krsna and asked for the boon to have darsana of Sri Krsna's childhood pastimes. The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna ordered him to situate himself in Nandagaon in the form of a hill. Sri Sankara Mahadeva followed this order and became Nandisvara Hill. He then waited for the arrival of his worshipful deity. To fulfill the desire of the exalted Vaisnava Sri Sankara, Sri Krsna performed His sweet childhood(balya) and boyhood(pauganda) pastimes on Nandisvara hill, along with vrajvasis like Nanda baba, Yasoda-maiya and His gopa friends.
Much later, I realised how wonderful is the relationship between Krishna and Shiva and from a completely different plane of understanding, I inform my kith and kin that Krishna and Shiva are actually one as Milk and Curd are. I also do not feel much aversion about worshipping demigods for Krishna Prem.
ISKCON is such a wonderful movement and SP is such a compassionate Master that we are so fortunate to get the perfect knowledge and also opportunity to do sadhana in association of devotees. This helps to deepen our realisations over time.
Thank you mathaji for the nice post. Krishna looks specially beautiful.