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The case against Lord Krishna

A nun in Warsaw, Poland, filed a case against ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness). The case came up in court.

The nun remarked that ISKCON was spreading its activities and gaining followers in Poland. She wanted ISKCON banned because its followers were glorifying a character called Krishna “who had loose morals,” having married 16,000 women called Gopikas.

The ISKCON defendant to the Judge: “Please ask the nun to repeat the oath she took when she was ordained as a nun.”

The Jud

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Vedic Philosophy & its conclusion

Vedic Philosophy & its conclusion
In all Vedic literature, beginning from the four Vedas, Vedanta-sutra and the Upanisads and Puranas, the glories of the Supreme Lord are celebrated. By performance of Vedic rituals, discussion of the Vedic philosophy and worship of the Lord in devotional service, He is attained. Therefore the purpose of the Vedas is to understand Krsna. The Vedas give us direction by which to understand Krsna and the process of realizing Him. The ultimate goal is the Supreme Pers
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Spiritual clinic-Query

We should never think of our so-called advancement as being conditioned by or dependent upon some set of material circumstances such as marriage, vanaprastha, or this or that. Mature understanding of Krsna consciousness means that whatever condition of life I am in at present, that is Krsna's special mercy upon me, therefore let me take advantage in the best way possible to spread this Krsna consciousness movement and conduct my spiritual master's mission. If I consider my own personal progress

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Boys are dull

Referring to the Indian government's program of enforced sterilization being imposed on the general population, Prabhupada said, "Now they're making propaganda for sterilization. And if we advise make a brahmacari-asrama from the beginning, they will not take. 'What is this nonsense, brahmacari?'"

Aksayananda wondered why they reject the idea. "Is it because they cannot do it?"

Prabhupada said they can do it if they want. 'Just like by training you have given up so many things. You we

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 8 Text 13
kalasyanugatir ya tu
laksyate 'nvi brhaty api
yavatyah karma-gatayo
yadrsir dvija-sattama

kalasya -- of eternal time; anugatih -- beginning; ya tu -- as they are; laksyate -- experienced; anvi -- small; brhati -- great; api -- even; yavatyah -- as long as; karma-gatayah -- in terms of the work performed; yadrsih -- as it may; dvija-sattama -- O purest of all brahmanas.

O purest of the brahmanas, please also explain the cause of the different dur

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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Akrura’s Vision

1. Having been honored so much by Lord Balarama and Lord Krsna, Akrura, seated comfortably on a couch, felt that all the desires he had contemplated on the road were now fulfilled.

2. What is unattainable for one who has satisfied the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the shelter of the goddess of fortune? Even so, those who are dedicated to His devotional service never want anything from Him.

3. After the evening meal,

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The girls' ashram at Bhaktivedanta College in Radhadesh is a unique place, where nineteen girls from fourteen countries live, study, and serve together. The college is a place of endless adventures and wonderful spiritual friendships.

Bhaktin Hilary, who made this video, said, "I made a short film that captures a taste of our college experience, so that other young Vaishnavis worldwide can be inspired to attend Bhaktivedanta College.

In the fu
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Sri Nanda-Nandanastakam

Sri Nanda-Nandanastakam


I offer pranama to Sri Nandanandana (the son of Nanda Maharaja, Krishna), whose face is extremely delightful, from whose beautiful ears hang jewelled earrings, and whose entire body is anointed with fragrant candana.

I offer pranama to Sri Nandanandana, whose eyes are more beautiful than the fully-bloomed lotus, whose head is beautifully adorned with an arrangement of peacock feathers, and who enchants millions of Cupids.

I offer pranama to Sri Nandanandana, from whose beau
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Preaching to Human Beings

Devotee (3): Srila Prabhupada, when we are preaching to Christian people or to Muslim people, is there advantage in being familiar with their scriptures or simply Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam?

Prabhupada: We are not preaching to Christian or Hindu or Muslim. We are preaching to human being. We do not see, "Here is a Christian. Here is a Muslim. Here is a Hindu. Here is a white man. Here is a black man." No. Every living being, his duty is to understand God. This is our preaching. This is our
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Don't Speculate

Prabhupada: ...of Europe and America, everywhere. You know who are mudhas?

Tripurari: Yes Srila Prabhupada.

Prabhupada: Who?

Tripurari: Fools and rascals who won't take your books. Sometimes we convince them that the philosophy is very nice, and they agree when we use Lord Krsna's words, dehino 'smin yatha dehe [Bg. 2.13], and they say "Yes, I can understand that, but I don't need your book," or"I would never read it." We say, "Well, no. Take it."

Prabhupada: (chuckles) You ask them, "So you want to

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Enjoy this material world.

Enjoy this material world.

The nature is so kind that in whichever way you want to enjoy this material world, she will give you a suitable body under the direction of the Lord. Because Lord is situated everyone's heart. So He knows everything, that you still want something material. He will give you. "Yes, you take it." Krsna wants that you get full experience that by material gain, you'll never be happy. This is Krsna's business. It's full freedom. Although we have got minute quantity of freedo
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The Perfection of Love

Everyone wants love. In fact we are all starving for love. The difficulty is that we are more interested in getting love than we are in giving love. But this does not work because love is selfless. It is not selfish. True love can only be experienced to the extent that we give love to everyone without any thought of return. This is called pure, unmotivated love. The perfection of love is thus when we can totally and genuinely serve all other living beings.

But how to achieve this state? How can
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Hare Krishna Friends,


Lord Krishna

Krishna is the Supreme Person, the Godhead. Krishna is the speaker of the Bhagavad Gita, which is recognized throughout the world as one of mankind's greatest books of wisdom. In the Gita, as it is also known, Krishna says repeatedly that He is God Himself, the source of everything. Arjuna, to whom Krishna is speaking, accepts Krishna's words as true, adding that the greatest spiritual authorities of that time also confirm that Krishna is God.

Courtesy: Copyright
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Can I Be Srila Prabhupada's Disciple?

Question: Can I Be Srila Prabhupada's Disciple?

Dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

When I chant am I directly contacting Krishna? Or is it so that I have to chant via a spiritual master in order to connect with Krishna? In other words, does chanting become more effective when one is initiated?

Is it not enough to consider Prabhupada as one's spiritual master? I guess this is the whole point. I am confused with this issue of spiritual master. I feel as

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Going against the will of Krishna

He then asked Isvaracandra what his ambition was. "There must be something, why you are sticking to that company. There must be some ambition."

For a long moment Isvaracandra said nothing. He seemed to have no real reason. Finally, he said that he wanted to take care of his family.

Prabhupada continued to pierce through his consciousness. "So how you can take care with nothing? Krsna makes you nothing, then how you can take care of your family? These things I have
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 8 Text 12
yavan kalpo vikalpo va
yatha kalo 'numiyate
ayur-manam ca yat satah

yavan -- as it is; kalpah -- the duration of time between creation and annihilation; vikalpah -- subsidiary creation and annihilation; va -- either; yatha -- as also; kalah -- the time; anumiyate -- is measured; bhuta -- past; bhavya -- future; bhavat -- present; sabdah -- sound; ayuh -- duration of life; manam -- measurement; ca -- also; yat -- which; satah --
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Letter to: Bali-mardana, New York

My dear Bali Mardan,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 27, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully. Regarding that building on 40th Street, try to get it as much as possible, but if business of getting this building appears too much difficult or complicated, then give it up. If you like, if this place is not possible, you may try for another similar place. I have received one telephone call this morning from K
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Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara)

Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara) - Phulvari-kunda


One day, Sri Radha and Her sakhis were picking flowers here when Krsna suddenly arrived and said,"Who are you? Everyday, you steal floweres from My garden."

Hearing this, Srimati Radhika rebuked Him,"You don't know who I am?".

Saying no more, Krsna placed His flute to His lips and began to play, casting charming glances at Radha as He walked away. The very sight of Krsna leaving greatly distressed Radha, who fainted in seperation from Him
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A Book Marathon Message By Giriraj Swami (From a talk on January 11, 2010, Kiev, Ukraine)

krsna-varnam tvisakrsnam sangopangastra-parsadam yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi su-medhasah

"In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the names of Krsna. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Krsna Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons, and confidential companions." (SB 11.5.32)

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When one has devel­oped a real taste for chant­ing, then a sin­gle utter­ance of the holy name can erad­i­cate all pre­vi­ous sins. Some ves­tiges of sin­ful reac­tion may still remain in a par­tic­u­lar individ­ual, but these also are grad­u­ally removed by the process of chant­ing.

From Harinama Cintamani
Hari­dasa Thakura to Lord Cai­tanya
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