
Vaisnavi Retreat

A special event
International Vaisnavi Retreat in Govardhana

Fostering a spirit of love and care between devotees is on the agenda for the up-coming International Vaisnavi Retreat. This special event is aimed at generating peer support between female devotees dedicated to Srila Prabhupada’s mission. It has sprung from an initiative of the now three-year old GBC Devotee Care Committee and is being organized by the Vrindavana Institute for Higher Education.

Making friendship with peers is one of the characteristics of an advancing devotee, as stated by Srila Rupa Goswami in his Upadesamrta. As we grow in Krsna consciousness, it is natural that our appreciation for others increase and seek avenues to express itself. Advancing often means struggling, trudging along the spiritual path, with increasing awareness of the difficulties met by the spiritual traveler we have become. As we stumble ahead, we need strong friendships, role models, guides, and confidantes. We need others’ strength and experience. Alone, we have no power to chant the holy name. Enthusiasm is at the hub of a devotee’s spiritual life. Such enthusiasm is contagious. It grows or decreases with the type of association we keep. Intimate relationships are a need. Many among the devotees who have joined the Hare Krsna communities have left their material homes to dedicate their lives to the cultivation of bhakti under the shelter of the spiritual master. Home generally means intimacy, support, shelter, a sense of security, and loving relationships. Knowing that material bonds and comforts are illusory, we ran away from our parents and the society that saw us grow to adulthood. But we cannot run away from the inner, natural inclination of our heart. We must learn the art of associating with devotees on a loving platform beneficial for spiritual progress.

This very special event, centered around the theme of celebrating Srila Prabhupada’s mercy, will take place in Govardhana, India, on March 6-9, 2011. Spiritually focused, the gathering will include instructions on the chanting of japa; lectures and workshops; questions/answers with Srila Prabhupada’s disciples; kirtanas; and wonderful presentations directed at awakening remembrance of our relationship with Krsna, the Lord of our heart. Narayani Devi Dasi, Laksmimoni Devi Dasi, Srimati Devi Dasi, and Vraja Lila Devi Dasi will be leading the participants in this devotional gathering. In the divine atmosphere of the holy dhama, at the foot of Govardhana Hill, the best of Govinda’s servants, let us come together to share the jewels of Krsna consciousness.

Helping each other getting closer to Krsna is the ultimate purpose of devotee care, and we hope that this retreat will serve to give a boost to the participants’ devotional life. Vaisnavis of all ages who are dedicated to contribute to sustaining Srila Prabhupada’s mission are invited to take part. To register, please contact


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