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Philosophy of Bhagavat Gita

Isvara (the Supreme Lord),
jiva (the living entity),
prakrti (nature),
kala (eternal time) and
karma (activity) are all explained in the Bhagavad-gita.

Out of these five, the Lord, the living entities, material nature and time are eternal.

The manifestation of prakrti may be temporary, but it is not false.

Some philosophers say that the manifestation of material nature is false, but according to the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita or according to the philosophy of the Vaisnavas, this is not so. The manifes
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The ultimate shelter - Lord Krishna


It is said that a noble man accepts the good qualities of a person of
doubtful character, just as one accepts nectar from a stock of poison.
In His babyhood, Lord Krsna was administered deadly poison by Putana,
a she-demon who tried to kill the wonderful baby. And because she was
a demon, it was impossible for her to know that the Supreme Lord, even
though playing the part of a baby, was no one less than the same
Supreme Personality of Godhead. His value as the Supreme Lord did not
diminish upon His be

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Glorious Qualities of Uddhava


[Srimad Bhagavatam 3.4.15 - Uddhava to Lord Krsna]
"O my Lord, devotees who engage in the transcendental loving service
of Your lotus feet have no difficulty in achieving anything within the
realm of the four principles of religiosity, economic development,
sense gratification and liberation. But, O great one, as far as I am
concerned, I have preferred only to engage in the loving service of
Your lotus feet."

The devotees can achieve not only liberation but any success in the
realm of religiosity, econo

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Being attentive in spiritual life



Every ashram requires lots of adjustment but that is required for us
to be successful to rise above the karma. We don't know what karma is
still there, the aprarabda karma is stored within the heart - it is
stored in the heart, so many sinful reactions from so many lifetimes,
we don't know what is there. We don't know what reactions are still to

It is mentioned that Ajamila at the time of being a student, he was a
brahmin. It is said that he was the best student among all the others,
he was exemp

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Don't manufacture

Other devotees were also present in the garden as we talked. Caranaravindam has discovered that his service as Prabhupada's gardener gives him free access and the ability to be present there whenever Prabhupada is. Prabhupada doesn't mind at all. Another devotee was Svayambhur dasa, an Australian. And we were joined by Vipramukhya dasa, one of the pujaris, who came seeking Prabhupada's blessings because he is setting out tomorrow to open a center in Turkey. So there was a small
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 8 Text 17
yugani yuga-manam ca
dharmo yas ca yuge yuge
yad ascaryatamam hareh

yugani -- the different ages; yuga-manam -- the duration of each age; ca -- as well as; dharmah -- the particular occupational duty; yah ca -- and which; yuge yuge -- in each and every yuga, or particular age; avatara -- the incarnation; anucaritam -- and the activities of the incarnation; yat -- which; ascaryatamam -- the most wonderful activities; hareh -- of the Suprem
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I Have No Time To Chant

I was reading an interesting article talks about how we should organise our time around our Japa and not organise our Japa around the time that we have left in the day. Here is a quote from the article:

I Have No Time to Chant
Most of us who are raising families are challenged to find two undisturbed hours a day to solely focus on our rounds. Yet many of the activities that take our time away from chanting are activities that we specifically have chosen to do. Afer the second retreat I
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Blessings from the disciplic succession



"So please continue to be very sincere about developing your Krishna
Consciousness and Krishna will give you all facilities to return with
Him to His Spiritual Abode. Take instructions from your god-brothers
and devotees, chant your sixteen rounds daily, follow all regulations
strictly, and you will have all blessings from the disciplic
succession to advance nicely."

Prabhupada Letters :: 1968

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Hare Krishna!

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances,


December 17, 2010 (Friday) - Fasting for Mokshada Ekadasi.

December 18, 2010 (Saturday) – Breakfast Time 07:08 AM - 10:34 AM (New Delhi)

: More Chanting and Devotional service is preferred.

Glories of Mokshada Ekadasi


Yudhishthira Maharaj said, "O Vishnu, master of all, O delight of the three worlds, O Lord of the entire Universe, O creator of the world, O oldest personality, O best of all beings, I offer my most respectful obeisances unto You.

"O Lor

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BG 9.25: Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship the ancestors go to the ancestors; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; and those who worship Me will live with Me.

Protect your spiritual treasure..

Many of us may have a question – Where do I stand in my devotion? Some may feel that they have been practicing devotion for the past 30 years and have progressed very little. Some others may think, they have been doing devo

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Vaishnava qualities

Vaisnavas --- regardless of their varna or occupational propensity --- evidence the characteristics of a brahmana, particularly the 3 brahminical characteristics mentioned below.

1) Vaisnavas and brahmanas have one wealth, in abundance: good behavior. Behavior springs from one's internal qualities; thus, the soul's contact with the quality of goodness brings forth good behavior. We are thus trained in KC'ness in such a way that our schedule, our diet, our speech, our clothing, our approach to lif

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In the Physical Form, Guru provides protection to his devotees, but when He leaves His corporal frame (physical form), in an ‘aatmic’ form He is still THERE, as a shapeless power. He comes to the rescue of his devotees in ‘Nirakaar Roop’ (shapeless form) whenever such a need arises. It is also within His power to attain any shape or to remain in shapeless form for as long as He wishes to. In the shapeless form, He is ‘Nirakaar’ Paar Brahma – the Supreme Power.

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Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.4.31

yac-chaktayo vadatāḿ vādināḿ vai

vivāda-saḿvāda-bhuvo bhavanti

kurvanti caiṣāḿ muhur ātma-mohaḿ

tasmai namo 'nanta-guṇāya bhūmne


yat-śaktayaḥ — whose multifarious potencies; vadatām — speaking different philosophies; vādinām — of the speakers; vai — indeed; vivāda — of argument; saḿvāda — and agreement; bhuvaḥ — the causes; bhavantiare; kurvanti — create; ca — and; eṣām — of them (the theorists); muhuḥ — continuously; ātma-moham — bewilderme

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The ultimate shelter - Lord Krishna

It is said that a noble man accepts the good qualities of a person of
doubtful character, just as one accepts nectar from a stock of poison.
In His babyhood, Lord Krsna was administered deadly poison by Putana,
a she-demon who tried to kill the wonderful baby. And because she was
a demon, it was impossible for her to know that the Supreme Lord, even
though playing the part of a baby, was no one less than the same
Supreme Personality of Godhead. His value as the Supreme Lord did not
diminish upon His be

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Difference between Sankhyites and Yogis

BG 9.23: Those who are devotees of other gods and who worship them with faith actually worship only Me, O son of Kuntī, but they do so in a wrong way.

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.4.32

astīti nāstīti ca vastu-niṣṭhayor

eka-sthayor bhinna-viruddha-dharmaṇoḥ

avekṣitaḿ kiñcana yoga-sāńkhyayoḥ

samaḿ paraḿ hy anukūlaḿ bṛhat tat


asti — there is; iti — thus; na — not; asti — there is; iti — thus; ca — and; vastu-niṣṭhayoḥ — professing knowledge of the ultimate cause; eka-sthayoḥ — with

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Definition of death

Definition of death
If the function of the breathing arrangement has mechanically been stopped, why the advanced scientist can not restore the breathing organ by modern appliances of oxygen gas and artificial breathing apparatus. Even if the breathing is restored still the dead body cannot be brought into life. Because the 'symptom of breathing is one of the condition of life but it does not mean actual life.

There are many animals which do not show any symptom of breathing and as such the fly and
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Haribol Kirtana

After the temple darsana in the evening there is always a big kirtana during arati, especially with Lokanatha Maharaja and his men here, as they are extremely enthusiastic chanters. However, they have developed a style of kirtana that is a little different from the ISKCON norm. When the kirtana reaches its climax, they gather around in a group and start singing 'nitai-gaura haribol, haribol, haribol, haribol.' They get completely carried away with chanting haribol. Sometimes they

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 8 Text 16
pramanam anda-kosasya
mahatam canucaritam

pramanam -- extent and measurement; anda-kosasya -- of the universe; bahya -- outer space; abhyantara -- inner space; bhedatah -- by division of; mahatam -- of the great souls; ca -- also; anucaritam -- character and activities; varna -- castes; asrama -- orders of life; viniscayah -- specifically describe.

Also, please describe the inner and outer space of t

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