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Surya Kund view

Killing is no solution for population but further miseries

Harikesa: Well we can solve the problem of birth by just killing all the children.
Prabhupada: (laughing) That is not solving, the birth is already there, therefore you are killing. (everyone laughing)
Aksayananda Swami: Birth is still there.
Prabhupada: No. Because there is birth therefore you are killing. So birth problem is not solved.
Harikesa: No, no, no. We're killing before birth.
Prabhupada: What is this before birth. Th
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Prabhupada said:“Lord Krishna is acyuta – he is infallible. Acyuta – being infallible he will never fall down!”

But the living entity is potentially a spark – Krishna is fire and the living being is like spark. So a spark due to its insignificance, when it is in contact with the fire will also burn like fire! But, when it is not in contact with the fire then it will no longer burn like fire and will become extinguished. So, potentially the living being can extinguish its natural Krishna Conscious

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Beware of Kali!

“As the Krishna consciousness movement progresses, Kali will constantly send agents to disturb the preaching, to deviate the preachers, or steal the responsible devotees and engage them in some other activity outside of the bona fide Krishna Consciousness movement.All kinds of destructive influences – too many to name – will try to disrupt the preaching. Especially those in the role of watchman must be vigilant and stop such dangerous contamination from entering and harming the market. (market p
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Prabhupada said “ When you give Krishna, you get Krishna.” Give Krishna means- giving people transcendental knowledge and then you get Krishna’s mercy. That mercy is in the form of determination. You become more determined that “I am going to push on spiritual life come what may.”


(Gopal Krsna Goswami, S.B. 3.6.29-30, 6/8/1993, Montreal)

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Prabhupada on Gossiping

Your suggestion that the devotees visiting Vrindaban engage in preaching and chanting and not in gossiping is very good. We have sacrificed our life for Krsna's service, where is the scope for sleeping and gossiping? You can see in my example, not a single moment is wasted.Letter to Gurudas, February 5, 1977
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Why the Lord created us?

labdhvā su-durlabham idaḿ bahu-sambhavānte

mānuṣyam artha-dam anityam apīha dhīraḥ

tūrṇaḿ yateta na pated anu-mṛtyu yāvan

niḥśreyasāya viṣayaḥ khalu sarvataḥ syāt


After many, many births and deaths one achieves the rare human form of
life, which, although temporary, affords one the opportunity to attain
the highest perfection. Thus a sober human being should quickly
endeavor for the ultimate perfection of life as long as his body,
which is always subject to death, has not fallen down and died
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Twin children

Adyatmika Kalesha even in the womb of a mother

Twins Kripacharya and Kripi

Krpacarya is the son of the great Rsi Sardban and was born in the family of Gautama. The birth is said to be accidental. By chance, the great Rsi Sardban met Janapadi, a famous society girl of heaven, and the Rsi Sardban discharged semina in two parts. By one part immediately a male child and by the other part a female child were born as twins. The male child was later on known as Krpa, and the female child was known as Krp
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Red Shifts and the Expanding Universe

In this chapter we enter into the domain of extra-galactic cosmology and discuss the big bang theory and the evidence for an expanding universe. We illustrate how scientists construct theoretical models that are mistaken for reality by millions of people who encounter them in authoritative textbooks and in popular presentations. We show, however, that even within the narrowly defined domain of astrophysics, new observations may arise that fundamentally challe
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Don't Give Up, but Get Up!

Inspiring One!!!!! Hope u will like it....

"Never mind how hard you fall, always remember to pick yourself up and
get back on your feet."

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and
Srila Gurudeva.

Failures are stepping stones to success. But in reality it becomes very
difficult for us to face repeated failures. We may face one or two
failures, but when there are setbacks in every walk of life, then we
tend to become morose and our morale g
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Obstacles Along the Path

2 June 2011--When one takes up the all-auspicious path of Krishna consciousness one should expect that there will sometimes be obstacles. The key to handling them properly is not to become discourage or bewildered, but to instead accept them as exciting opportunities to make progress in Krishna consciousness. 

I faced such a challenge as I was departing from Sofia this morning. Just before getting on the airplane for London my computer software crashed. All attempts to get it to boot up failed. N

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Question: How to Prove that "Me" in Gita Refers to Krishna?

I am having problems in convincing my friends that "Me" in the Gita refers to Krishna and Krishna alone. Please help me with strong quotations and references that it is only Krishna. Is there evidence to show how absurd it is to say that He is not referring to Himself when He says "Me?"

Servant of your servants, 

Answer: How Can it Not Refer to Krishna?

How when Krishna says "Me", this cannot not refer to Krishna. Their analysis is not

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Meet with an artist

Upendra had promised young Simon Buttonshaw that he would introduce him to Srila Prabhupada, and in the afternoon he got his chance. After Prabhupada's post-luncheon nap, Upendra, accompanied by Simon, now shaven headed and dressed in saffron cloth, entered the quiet and sanctified room. Prabhupada was relaxing behind his low desk, flanked by two large vases of flowers. His left arm behind his head, he was reclining on a large white cotton bolster cushion. He appeared golden-h
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 1 Text 11
ajata-satroh pratiyaccha dayam
titiksato durvisaham tavagah
sahanujo yatra vrkodarahih
svasan rusa yat tvam alam bibhesi

ajata-satroh -- of Yudhisthira, who has no enemy; pratiyaccha -- return; dayam -- legitimate share; titiksatah -- of he who is so forbearing; durvisaham -- unbearable; tava -- your; agah -- offense; saha -- along with; anujah -- younger brothers; yatra -- wherein; vrkodara -- Bhima; ahih -- revenging snake; svasan -- breathing heavily;
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Thought Of The Day

We are not the body; we are spiritual beings trapped in the body. Our real interest lies in understanding this simple fact.(Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.15.3, Purport)

-By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada

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The Borrowed Power

Lord Sri Krsna says in the 7th Chapter of Bhagavad Gita that ‘He is the power of the prowess’. How many of us realize this and accept that whatever we are today is only by the mercy of the Lord.

A man winning a 100 meter race, a Cricket team winning a final match, a group of Scientists achieve to put a rocket in an outer orbit; all of them feel that their success is due to their own strengths and efforts, either individually or collectively, and hence they think that they deserve all the apprecia

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The great contentment comes from the devotion alone and not from its rewards , therefore one who has this devotion seeks nothing else .. hare krishna !
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Because of the profusion of false incarnations of God in this dark materialistic age of Kali, when the Supreme Lord appears in this age He does not present Himself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He instead presents Himself simply as a devotee of the Lord. In 1486 Lord Sri Krishna appeared in India as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Those who were highly learned in Vedic wisdom and advanced in transcendental realization could understand that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was indeed God Himself. But to
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Relief at the Lord’s Lotus Feet

Posted on May 27, 2011Filed under BVKS SangaTRANSLATION[The demigods said:]Dear Lord, You are omniscient, and therefore You know very well why we havetaken shelter at Your lotus feet, which provide shade that gives relief fromall material disturbances. Since You are the supreme spiritual master andYou know everything, we have sought shelter of Your lotus feet forinstruction. Please give us relief by counteracting our present distress.Your lotus feet are the only shelter for a fully surrendered d
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foundation of everything

Regulative principle is the groundwork foundation of everything. Academiccareer has nothing to do with it. [break] …bhaktasya kuto mahad guna.Anyone who is not factual devotee, his good qualification, academicqualification, has no value.>>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk — June 23, 1975, Los Angeles
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Without the attractiveness of loving activities in the association of devotees, how will others be attracted? When coming into the association of those who are engaged in the process of devotional service, it will only be natural to examine the nature of the relationships that exist among them.The austerities that come with an institution result from persons that don't have loving exchanges with one another. Either they don't know how to, or they are reluctant to, or they have some other kind of
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