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It was a dream of the devotees and many friends in Turkey to read Srimad Bhagavatam in their own mother tongue.
After many years of preparation and actual work Srimad Bhagavatam First Canto Part One recently have been published in Turkish language. The book has been translated by Bhaktin Nilufer and published in Hungary with the help of the Hungarian devotees.
The book came out just before Nrsimha Caturdasi and was presented to Sivarama Swami as his Vyasa Puja gift in New Vraja Dhama, Hungary.

It was a dream of the devotees and many friends in Turkey to read Srimad Bhagavatam in their own mother tongue.
After many years of preparation and actual work Srimad Bhagavatam First Canto Part One recently have been published in Turkish language. The book has been translated by Bhaktin Nilufer and published in Hungary with the help of the Hungarian devotees.
The book came out just before Nrsimha Caturdasi and was presented to Sivarama Swami as his Vyasa Puja gift in New Vraja Dhama, Hungary.
The bad habits tend to influence the execution of devotional service, however if these are detrimental to the cause of spiritual advancement then certainly these bad habits should be cut with the sharp blades of spiritual knowledge. One has to sharpen his intelligence so that one can easily cut the undesirable thoughts that may be motivating one’s feelings in different directions.
(Gopal Krishna Goswami, Krishna- The source of Happiness)
Whatever a person may be in the estimation of the social order of things, if a person tries to reciprocate a feeling of love towards the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is satisfied with the blessings of the Lord, he will at once feel the highest peace of mind for which he is hankering life after life.(Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.6.6, purport)
-By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada
A young, new preacher was walking with an older, more seasoned preacher in the garden one day and feeling a bit insecure about what God had for him to do, he was inquiring of the older preacher. The older preacher walked up to a rosebush and handed the young preacher a rosebud and told him to open it without tearing off any petals.
The young preacher looked in disbelief at the older preacher and was trying to figure out what a rosebud could possible have to do with his wanting to know the

A good question and one that sometimes remains lodged in our subconcious mind - lingering with us like a dark cloud when we wake up in the early morning.
Question: Is Global Islamization Anti-Krishna? |
Dear Gurudeva, |
Answer: Not If It Is Genuine Islam. |
Since the real meaning of Islam is submission to the will of God and obedience to His law, global Islamization and Krishna conscious globalization are exactly the same thing. B |

73/09/01 London, Bhagavad-gita 2.31.
sva-dharmam api caveksya
na vikampitum arhasi
dharmyaddhi yuddhac chreyo 'nyat
ksatriyasya na vidyate
[Bg. 2.31]
"Considering your specific duty as a ksatriya, you should know that there is no better engagement for you than fighting on religious principles; and so there is no need for hesitation."
Prabhupada: Sva-dharmam. Sva means "own." And dharmam means "occupation." Dharma means occupation and... (to Pradyumna:) You finished?
parthams tu devo bhagavan mukundo
grhitavan saksiti-deva-devah
aste sva-puryam yadu-deva-devo
parthan -- the sons of Prtha (Kunti); tu -- but; devah -- the Lord; bhagavan -- the Personality of Godhead; mukundah -- Sri Krsna, who awards liberation; grhitavan -- has taken up; sa -- with; ksiti-deva-devah -- the brahmanas and the demigods; aste -- is present; sva-puryam -- along with His family; yadu-deva-devah -- worshiped by the
Inspiring One!!!!! Hope u will like it....
"Never mind how hard you fall, always remember to pick yourself up and get back on your feet."
Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada .
Failures are stepping stones to success. But in reality it becomes very difficult for us to face repeated failures. We may face one or two failures, but when there are setbacks in every walk of life, then we tend to become morose and our morale goes down
Krishna's Pet Animals, Cows and Birds
Krishna and Balarama Milking the Cows
"Mother Yasoda would then address Nanda Maharaja, "See my dear son, whose eyes are white, who has a turban on His head, a wrapper on His body and leg bells which tinkle very sweetly on His feet. He is coming near, along with His surabhi calves, and just see how He is wandering upon the sacred land of Vrindavana!" Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 43 |
"The cows in Krishna's abode are also liberated souls. They are called surabhi co
The reading of Bhagavad-gita and chanting Hare Krishna doesn’t mean you have to abandon professional life, it doesn’t mean you have to abandon professional ambitions. No, you can go ahead and go for your education as high as you want. You can go ahead and be as ambitious in your professional career. But do it for the pleasure of Krishna. If we work for the pleasure of the lord, even if we be in the material world, we will be free from the ill-effects of the illusory energy.
(Gopal Krishna Goswa
Exercise the strength of our combined force
Dear Seventh-Goswami team member,
We are very happy that you are a part of this blissful team of book distributors. Membership is growing by the minute as people from all over the world are joining!
This is an historical event meant to do the highest good for all the people of the world. The Gopis, in their famous prayers called, “Songs of Separation,” say the following:
“The nectar of Your words and the descriptions of Your activities are the life a
at our office, many a times, I had the opportunity for inviting & sending
out reminders to the relatively newer members, thanking them for their
participation and also inquiring about the reasons for their not being able
to make it for the meeting.
Everyone of us that failed to make it in time or not at all for this
meeting always had some reason or argument favoring their cause but, the
stark truth is: "We Want Anything & Every
Ultimately, all the miseries are summarized in four things: the misery of birth... We do not... We have forgotten how much miserable condition we passed during our stay in the womb of mother, in a suffocated condition. You just imagine. Some of you might have seen the picture how the child remains within the womb of the mother. It is air-tight packed. And there are many germs who are biting the delicate skin of the child. And when the child is little grown up, at seven m