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A Tribute to Jayananda Prabhu

A Tribute to Jayananda Prabhu
.by Gurudas

Swamiji told me that when you see a Vaishnava you automatically think of Krishna. Jayananda was steady in his devotion. Jayananda was one of the most unselfish people I have ever met. Jayananda Prabhu was most known for his tireless work every year to make the Jagannath Festival a success, but his passion for all types of service was evident from the first day I met him in San Francisco. He motivated many of us by his stalwart example, doing as much as he
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Can We Worship Lord Ganesa?

In the Nectar of Devotion, Part 1 Chapter 8, {Offenses to be avoided} Srila Prabhupada writes and I qoute"One should begin the worship of Demigod Ganapati, who drives away all impediments in execution of devotional service.In the Brahma samhita, it is stated that Ganapati worships the lotus feet of Lord Nrsimhadeva,and in that way he has become auspicious for the devotees in clearing out all impediments. Therefore all devotees should worship Ganapati". Lord Sri Krishna has of course discouraged

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Thought Of The Day

Krishna has given some the opportunity to serve Him by nice writing, some by good business ability, some by nice cooking, and so on, but these various services are all accepted equally by Krishna. On the transcendental plane, one service is as good as another. There is no question of higher or lower. We are very tiny, and so we cannot really do very much. Simply we can engage our time and energy, and that is all Krishna sees. He sees this boy or girl is spending his time in My Service, and He is

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I found this prayer most apt for a fallen soul like me, it is pure realization of our miseries and Krshna's mercy.


Hare Krshna



My dear Lord, everyone within this material world is conditioned by Your illusory energy. Under the impression of false identification and false possession, everyone is transmigrating from one body to another in the path of fruitive activities and their reactions. My dear Lord, I am also no exception to these conditioned souls. I am falsely thinking myself happy in poss

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He mere govind

Mere pran tum bin ye jivan abhishaap hai,

iss jivan ka sab shukh mere liye paap hai!!!

apne kant bin kuch achha nahi lagta

hari bina ye jivan jivan nahi lagta!!!!!

Bin tumhare kuch achha nahi lagta

Iss dasi ko jivan jivan nahi lagta

daya kare, pyare kripa kare

sarwess  mujhpar

nij hin jivan ka taap harle, prabhu virah prem ka taap dede

mere madhu ,o mere madhu , mere madhu balaat hiy dhase shake 

main ye kahun prabhu aap phale aur ye virah taap dede.



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By its very nature material existence is very complex and problematic. We are constantly tormented by so many difficulties such as birth, death, old age and disease. Therefore we should simplify our lives as much as possible by keeping our material arrangements to the bare minimum so that we can free up as much energy as possible to be absorbed in hearing, chanting, and remembering the wondrous Lord Sri Krishna on a regular daily basis.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 10 Text 46
ayam tu brahmanah kalpah
savikalpa udahrtah
vidhih sadharano yatra
sargah prakrta-vaikrtah

ayam -- this process of creation and annihilation; tu -- but; brahmanah -- of Brahma; kalpah -- his one day; sa-vikalpah -- along with the duration of the universes; udahrtah -- exemplified; vidhih -- regulative principles; sadharanah -- in summary; yatra -- wherein; sargah -- creation; prakrta -- in the matter of material nature; vaikrtah -- disbursement.

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Thought Of The Day

There may be doubts and skepticism, if one continues the chanting process, the doubts will all disappear, and real knowledge will be revealed by the Grace of Krishna. Maya may put so many doubts and worthless arguments into our minds, but if we continue the chanting, the curing process will go on, never mind the doubts. 

-By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada

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Mohini Ekadasi


Mohini Ekadasi

The glories of Mohini Ekadasi, which occurs during the waxing moon in the month of April/May, are described in the Surya Purana.

Once Maharaja Yudhisthira asked Lord Krishna, “O Janardana! What is the name of the Ekadasi that occurs during the waxing moon in the month of April/May, and what is the process for observing this Ekadasi? Please explain all these to me in detail.”

Lord Krishna replied, “O son of Dharma! Please hear Me attentively as I describe the story that sage Vashisth

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  श्री गौर निताई की अदभुत कृपा हरे कृष्ण !! भगवान अपने भक्तो की सेवा सदा स्वीकार करते हैं ! और  उसका प्रमाण समय समय पर मिलता रहता हैं !जिसका एक तजा प्रमाण आपके सामने हैं,भगवान श्री गौर निताई श्री कृष्ण के सबसे दयालु अवतार गौर निताई (श्री चैतन्य महाप्रभु ) हैं, जो विशेषतः कलियुग के लोगो का 8उद्धार करने के लिए और उन्हें कृष्ण प्रेम  ( कृष्ण भक्ति ) सिखाने के लिए स्वयं भक्ति करके भक्ति का प्रचार किये ! उन्ही गौर निताई8 गौर पूर्णिमा के दिन श्री श्री राधा गोपीनाथ मंदिर में प्रात: मंगला ( काकड़ ) आरती

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Indians Giving Up Their Culture

We have given up our own culture and imitating the foreigners and theWestern country. That also we cannot do very properly because we are meantfor different purpose in India. In India, one who has taken birth in India,it is understood that in his previous birth he tried to cultivate spiritualculture; therefore he has been given the opportunity to take birth in India.India is so fortunate. But as soon as he takes birth, the rascal leaderspoils him, the rascal father spoils him, the rascal teacher
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The Gaudiya Vaisnava, generally, following the footsteps of Sri CaitanyaMahaprabhu, they aspire to become one of the assistants of the gopis. Thereare others also who like to be the assistants of the cowherd boys. So ourGosvamis, Rupa Gosvami, sri rupa sanatana bhatta raghunatha, they were allthe assistants of the gopis. Gopi-bhava-rasamrtabdhi-lahari-kallola-magnaumuhur vande rupa-sanatanau raghu-yugau sri-jiva-gopalakau. These sixGosvamis, rupa sanatana bhatta raghunatha sri jiva gopala bhatta
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We should not try to force others to respect us because we are KrishnaConscious. We should preach with humility and respect for others. Forexample, instead of saying, “Every[thing] you know is a lot of nonsense,” weshould say, “I know you are a learned man, but please forget it for a momentand listen to me.” We should not expect to be always well-received, either.Jesus Christ preached the word of God, and He was crucified for it. Humilityincludes acceptance of difficulties from others.>>> Ref. V
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The Truth About Love

Outside of loving God there is no possibility of loving. Rather, there islusty desire only. Within this atmosphere of matter, the entire range ofhuman activities — and not only every activity of human beings but allliving entities — is based upon, given impetus and thus polluted by sexdesire, the attraction between male and female. For that sex life, the wholeuniverse is spinning around — and suffering! That is the harsh truth.So-called love here means that “you gratify my senses, I’ll gratify y
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So every one of us, those who have come to this Krsna consciousnessmovement, expected to preach in the future and to become a spiritual masteralso in the future. But first of all you must spiritualize yourself;otherwise it is useless. So krsna-sakti vina nahe. Without… Just likewithout being red hot, you cannot burn any other thing. Similarly, withoutbeing fully spiritualized, you cannot make others spiritualized. Thereforewe have to follow the parampara system. The disciplic succession, as we g
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Laziness is Less Than Demonic

Prabhupada: …People should clearly understand that we don’t encouragelaziness. We never encourage. According to your capacity,guna-karma-vibhagasah [Bg. 4.13], you must work. Sarira yatrapi te naprasiddhyed akarmanah, Krsna says, “By not working, even if you cannot puton your body and soul together.” Krsna says like that.Dayananda: Isn’t laziness one of the demonic qualities, Srila Prabhupada?Prabhupada: It is less than demonic. Demonic qualities, they have someactivity and laziness is ignorance
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Krsna, Krsna, Krsna, Krsna, Krsna. This is Life.Posted on September 21, 2010Filed under BVKS SangaSo about Krsna, it is called krsna-katha, topics about Krsna. The topics orthe instruction given by Krsna is the Bhagavad-gita, and the topics aboutthe activities of Krsna is Srimad-Bhagavatam. So some way or other, let usalways discuss about Krsna. That should be the life of Krsna consciouspeople. So this is life of Krsna, worshiping Krsna in the temple, to sellKrsna’s books, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bha
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The Wonderful Yogurt Pot

Posted on July 22, 2010Filed under BVKS SangaThere is a little story, very interesting. So one poor boy, he was studentin a school, and the teacher’s annual ceremony of father’s death would beheld. So he requested all his student, “What you will give me,contribution?” Formerly the teacher was not taking any salary. But whateverhe wanted, the students will bring either from parents’ house or by begging.That was the system. The teacher would not charge anything. A brahmanacannot be…, charge anythi
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Srila Prabhupada and an envious reporter

Srila Prabhupada and an envious reporterPosted on April 20, 2011Filed under BVKS SangaISKCON Chicago, 1974Reporter: In Los Angeles, do you live in richness, do you have a car, and achauffer, and a yacht?Srila Prabhupada: Why not? I am the guru of the richest country, why shall Inot have a car? If I am guru of the richest country, then why shall I nothave a car?Reporter: So, you have one?Srila Prabhupada: I have many. In each center I’ve got at least one dozencars. Just now I’m coming from Europe
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Save Yamuna Awareness Campaign was arranged by ISKCON Mira Road on 8th of May, Sunday. A lot of people from all walks of life and sampradayas turned up for the rally. Amidst melodious nagar sankirtan many informative flyers were handed out to onlookers and residents of Mira Road. The rally eneded with a Powerpoint presentation by HG Vishwaroop Prabhu and inspiring and invigorating lecture by HG Brajraj Sharan Prabhu.

He said, “it is not difficult for Yamuna to flow incessantly as she is capable

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