maharaj (3)

HH Nitai Chaitanya Goswami left his body


H.H. Nitai Chaitanya Swami Maharaja left his body in the hospital on 14th of Oct.
While he was fighting COVID-19, his blood pressure drastically increased, which resulted in pulmonary edema.
His Holiness Nitai Chaitanya Goswami Maharaj, is one of the first sannyasis of Russia and one of senior most devotees from the times of USSR. It was in 1970 that while listening to the underground western radio station he was fortunate to hear the sounds of Hare Krishna Maha-mantra broadcasted and a few yea

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7875066668?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Mahatma das

Dear Maharaja,

You were special. I have never met anyone like you. You were so cool, totally real, and uniquely funny; and you had this unusual sixth sense for making people Krishna conscious. You just knew how to get into people’s hearts, both devotees and non-devotees, and you knew exactly what was needed to do this in every situation. You touched the lives of many, many people because you were both a special person and deeply cared for others. You related to everyone and thus e

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7874983486?profile=RESIZE_400xMy dear Gunagrahi Maharaja,

Please accept my loving obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

You have always been most kind and a dear friend to me and so many others. When we met in 1978 you had established the beautiful San Diego temple and were transitioning to being the bhakta leader so you could concentrate on recruiting and training new devotees there. As I had the same service in Los Angeles, we naturally began visiting and calling each other regularly to compare no

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