For Durga puja from Knowing Krsna’s Energies

For Durga pujaPosted on October 3, 2011Filed under BVKS SangaThe blazing fire of material nature is supervised by Durga. Often she isportrayed with weapons in her hands. She has ten hands, and each holds adifferent type of weapon. This indicates that she is ruling all tendirections of this universe. She wields the different weapons to chastisethe demons. There is one famous picture of a demon struggling with a lion,and the goddess Durga is pulling the demon’s hair and pushing her tridentagainst his chest. If we study this picture we can determine that we are thedemon and that the trident is the threefold miseries of material existencefrom which we are always suffering. Some miseries are inflicted by otherliving entities, some are inflicted by natural disasters, and some areinflicted by the mind and body themselves. In one way or another we arealways struggling against these three types of miseries. No one in thematerial creation can say that he is free from them. The trident of thismaterial nature is pressed against everyone’s chest, and because of this,pure happiness within this material world is not possible. We may try tosatisfy Mother Durga by worshiping her or by giving her some bribe, butDurga is not so easily bribed.>>> Ref. VedaBase => EK 5: Knowing Krsna’s Energies
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