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Srila Viswanatha Cakravarti Thakura says “The cows are like cintamani jewels that can fulfill any desire. Their mooing is like beautiful poetry. Their happy calves are like the pleasant summer. They always raise their ears to hear Krsna’s flute. As they wander the earth, they resemble the bubbles of the milk ocean, the chuckles of Lord Siva and the infant children of the moonlight.” These cows are very dear to the Lord, and if we want to please Him, we must take care of them and protect them.htt
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The Actual Husband

the actual husbandPosted on September 22, 2011Filed under BVKS SangaKrsna is the original master or husband of everyone, and all other livingentities, having taken the form of so-called husbands, or wives, are dancingaccording to His desire. A so-called husband may unite with his wife forsense gratification, but his senses are conducted by Hrsikesa, the master ofthe senses, who is therefore the actual husband.>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 5.18.19
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Try to Satisfy Krsna

Try to satisfy KrsnaPosted on September 26, 2011Filed under BVKS SangaMaterial civilization means to endeavor for one’s personal benefit. The samething should be done, but for the benefit of Krsna. So Krsna does not wantany benefit from you. He is quite competent. He does not want. But if you dofor Krsna, then you are benefited. This is the secret. Krsna says, patrampuspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati: [Bg. 9.26] “If you give Melittle flower, little…” What Krsna…? Krsna is worshiped by
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The Plan of the Lord

the plan of the LordPosted on September 27, 2011Filed under BVKS SangaSB 1.9.16 text:O King, no one can know the plan of the Lord [Sri Krsna]. Even though greatphilosophers inquire exhaustively, they are bewildered.From Srila Prabhupada’s purport:…since time immemorial no one, including such demigods as Siva and Brahma,could ascertain the real plan of the Lord. So what can we understand aboutit? It is useless also to inquire about it. Even the exhaustivephilosophical inquiries of sages cannot as
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The Greatest Charity

The Greatest CharityPosted on September 28, 2011Filed under BVKS SangaAs far as charity is concerned, it is plain that charity should be given tothe devotees of Krsna who are engaged in His devotional service to spreadthe Krsna philosophy, or Krsna consciousness, throughout the world.If one gives some amount of his money to persons involved in distributingKrsna consciousness, that charity, given to spread Krsna consciousness, isthe greatest charity in the world.From BGAII 11.54 purport
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“Like the other incarnations, holy name – the sound incarnation of the Lord delivers the devotees, annihilates the demoniac mentality and establishes dharma. Therefore, having obtained the association of the holy name, one should feel very fortunate and spread its glories far and wide.”Source:
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Forget and Forgive

A StoryA kindergarten teacher decided to let her class play a game. The teacher told each child in the class to bring along a plastic bag containing a few potatoes. Each potato will be given a name of a person that the child hates, so the number of potatoes that a child will put in his/her plastic bag will depend on the number of people he/she hates.So when the day came, every child brought some potatoes with the name of the people he/she hated. Some had 2 potatoes; some 3 while some up to 5 pot
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Q& A Round

1.  Karma, Jnana, Dhyana and Bhakti all are attached to the word Yoga so what is Yoga Siddhi? 
I will try to the best of my ability to answer the questions below. These are not my realizations, Im just repeating what Iv learnt from Prabhupad and my gurus so far.
Ans. 1)Yoga means connecting to God.Karma Yoga means connecting to God through our karmas,Gyan Yoga Means connecting to God through knowledge- reading and understanding scriptures,Dhyan Yoga  means to connect to God through meditation
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The devotees of the Krsna consciousness movement must be very carefulto complete their sixteen rounds:A devotee always has a taste for chanting Hare Krsna: "Oh, very nice.Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama,Rama Rama, Hare Hare." This is taste. Of course, this takes time toawaken, but when Rupa Gosvami was chanting he was thinking, "I haveonly one tongue and two ears. What can I appreciate of chanting? If Icould have millions of tongues and trillions of ears, the
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Praise In Public, Chastise In Private

Praise In Public, Chastise In Private(Excerpt from lecture series on Caitanya Caritamrta, Kartik 2006, Part 2, Lecture 3 - Mahaprabhu sends Damodara Pandita to Saci Mata)There is a principle in management, I don‟t know how many of you have ever managed devotees, but it's a good principle for managing a family or whatever, it said that the principle is – „Praise in public, chastise in private.‟Unfortunately, unless one is verysattvika, very cool headed and very patient and peaceful, he can‟t cont
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Quest for Happiness

Quest for HappinessSuppose a man is thrown into the ocean. He may be an expert swimmer, but he cannot be happy in the ocean because he is out of his natural condition of life. The only way he will become happy is if someone picks him up from the ocean and places him on the land.So if we are serious, if we actually want to be happy, we must take to the cultivation of spiritual understanding, an understanding of Krishna consciousness. Of course, in every country of the world there is some religiou
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Reactions due to initiationLater, Srila Prabhupada brought up a few more points and another letter was drafted, this time, to Ramesvara:Through the distribution of this literature we can completely annihilate all the bogus yogi groups in the world. Of this fact I am sure. Therefore there is no need for us to directly attack these charlatans, but simply by this distribution of books the sunlight of Krishna consciousness will prevail.It has been brought to my attention that some of my students are
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 3 Text 13
sa karna-duhsasana-saubalanam
kumantra-pakena hata-sriyayusam
suyodhanam sanucaram sayanam
bhagnorum urvyam na nananda pasyan

sah -- He (the Lord); karna -- Karna; duhsasana -- Duhsasana; saubalanam -- Saubala; kumantra-pakena -- by the intricacy of ill advice; hata-sriya -- bereft of fortune; ayusam -- duration of life; suyodhanam -- Duryodhana; sa-anucaram -- with followers; sayanam -- lying down; bhagna -- broken; urum -- thighs; urvyam -- very powerfu
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Congregational Development Ministry!

Dear Devotees,Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to all his faithful followers.We would like to take this opportunity to let you know about the latest information coming from our office.The aim of the Congregational Development Ministry is to assist all kinds of community groups within ISKCON—Nama-hatta, Bhakti-vriksha, Counselor groups, Sunday Schools, Prison Preaching, Youth Preaching, and any other group or gathering broadcasting Srila Prabhupada’s messag
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Thought Of The Day

Our senses are so strong. If you stop this sense, the other sense is prepared to kill you. We are struggling for existence with the mind and the senses. Why they are rotting in this material world? Because on account of the mind and the senses. So by yoga practice you have to control first of all the mind, and then you have to control the senses. That is perfection of yoga.(Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.15.41) Los Angeles, 19.12.1973by H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada
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Are the Vedas Mythology?

Question: Are the Vedas Mythology?Dear Guru,Please accept my humble obeisances.All glories to Srila Prabhupada.I pray that I am not asking a question that was covered before I became a member of the course or that I am doing anything to offend you or Lord Krishna. But I was watching a BBC production today on the history of India. They talked about the great battle that happened 5,000 years ago with Arjuna and Lord Krishna. They said that the battle was nothing more than Indian mythology and that
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He is following the principlesAfter the class, a devotee entered Prabhupada's room with a silver plate of maha-prasadam from the Deities' late-night offering, and placed it on his low desk. Prabhupada looked at the selection: bowls of vegetable preparations, puris, and hot milk. Prabhupada noted how the puris were all puffed-up like small translucent fawn-coloured balloons."This puri is best," said Prabhupada, pointing at the most spherical one of all. He turned to the devotee. "Who has cooked?"
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 3 Text 12atha te bhratr-putranampaksayoh patitan nrpancacala bhuh kuruksetramyesam apatatam balaihatha -- thereafter; te -- your; bhratr-putranam -- of the nephews; paksayoh -- of both sides; patitan -- killed; nrpan -- kings; cacala -- shook; bhuh -- the earth; kuruksetram -- the Battle of Kuruksetra; yesam -- of whom; apatatam -- traversing; balaih -- by strength.TRANSLATIONThen, O Vidura, the Lord caused all the kings, both the enemies and those on the side
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