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HH Jayapataka Swami In Bangalore

Pure devotees see no limitations on how far they can go in distributing the Holiname of the Lord and in empowering others to do so. In this time and age, we are very fortunate to have the mercy of HH Jayapataka Swami, who shows us all his examples despite his very difficult health situation.

Recently, Maharaj visited Bangalore for the new temple opening and to participate in the bhumi pooja that took place.


SP:- A Spiritual Master is always liberated. In any condition of His life He should not

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First Encounter by Bhaktimarga Swami

Sitting outside the South Shore Centre was an old refurbished train station next to beautiful Lake Simcoe. A middle-aged bearded man with a terrier type pet was seated on a bench. He was soaking in the sun which was my reason for exiting the building. He asked, "What's going on inside?"

"We are celebrating the birth of Krishna," I replied. Actually, all the joyful activity coming form the celebrants was a display of Janmastami and Radhastami combined, Krishna and Radha's birthdays. But my new fr

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By Thomas Haribol

In April, we reported on a crowdfunding campaign to fund the installation of a commemorative bench and plaque in honor of Srila Prabhupada at San Francisco’s Stow Lake within Golden Gate Park. The picturesque park was a favorite spot for Srila Prabhupada to circumambulate during his daily morning walks. “One of the great pleasures for devotees in San Francisco was taking these early morning walks with Srila Prabhupada,” said Malati Devi Dasi. “The main place where that occurre

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I cannot describe how absolutely wonderful our day was out in the countryside. A thick morning fog engulfed the area north of Brampton. It's beautiful with rolling hills and green all about as we entered the driveway of Gir Farms.

It wasn't easy pulling this event together. I was a bit strapped for what I considered a lack of presenters in what was to be a full on educational experience. Most farmers are involved in actual harvest, so it was hard to secure everyone I wanted. Fortunately, Gaura

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Throughout the Srimad Bhagavatam, Vaisnava sanga is emphasised as a most critical aspect of devotional life.
Association with saintly personalities infuses our spiritual life with enthusiasm to serve and the desire to advance spiritually. 

There is nothing higher than the association of advanced devotees who simply want to serve Krishna.
Jananivas prabhu, the most senior pujari and a very humble person, is an example of a sadhu that we hear from the scriptures. 
His body is fully engaged in the

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Markine Bhagavata-dharma – Boro Kripa Koile Krishna – by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.

Most of us glorify Srila Prabhupad daily by reciting ‘namaste Saraswate deve Gaura vani pracarine, nirvisesa suyawadi paschatya desh tarine’….paschatya desh tarine means deliverer of Western Countries.

Forty Six years ago, on Sep 17th 1965, Srila Prabhupad arrived in USA to preach the timeless message of Krsna Consciousness to Western World. He wanted to start with USA. He stepp

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I will begin by reading a couple of exchanges with Srila Prabhupada about his coming to America. Once, Srila Prabhupada was asked, “Your godbrothers who came to the West went to England and Germany. Why did you choose to come to America?” And he replied, “They went and came back to India without accomplishing anything. So I thought, ‘If I am going to fail, at least let me fail in a different place.’ ”

And on a morning walk in Los Angeles, a disciple said to Prabhupada, “When you came to the Wes

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9616074656?profile=RESIZE_400xSrila Prabhupada: I planned that I must go to America. Generally they go to London, but I did not want to go to London. I was simply thinking how to go to New York. I was scheming, “Whether I shall go this way, through Tokyo, Japan, or that way? Which way is cheaper?” That was my proposal. And I was targeting to New York always. Sometimes I was dreaming that I have come to New York.

Then Bhaktivedanta Swami met Mr. Agarwal, a Mathura businessman, and mentioned to him in passing, as he did to alm

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Rupotsava—an annual event to celebrate one of the most prominent gosvamis in Gaudiya Vaisnava lineage, Srila Rupa Gosvami—was delightfully celebrated by Vrindavan Institute of Higher Education (VIHE). This celebration has been going on since 1999. Rupotsava was held from 25th August to 28th August this year, to mark the disappearance day of Srila Rupa Gosvami. The celebration took place in several locations, including Srila Rupa Gosvami’s samadhi in Sri Sri Radha Damodara temple and Ter Kadamba
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Here is our Video offering on the historical occasion of the 52nd anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s departure for America by Jaladuta ship……

This is not only Srila Prabhupada’s journey, this is also your, mine and everybody else’s journey. Imagine if Srila Prabhupada would not have gone on this perilous voyage, where would I, you and many others be today!

There is a need for ISKCON members to be aware of this song as this profoundly presents the mood of our beloved founder Acharya. The extraor

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Srila Prabhupada’s Arrival in America


By Giriraj Swami and Sri Prahlada dasa

To commemorate the anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in America, we shall sing and discuss the second poem that he wrote on the ship Jaladuta when he arrived in the Boston harbor on September 17, 1965.

Poem [translation]:

1:  My dear Lord Krishna, You are so kind upon this useless soul, but I do not know why You have brought me here. Now You can do whatever You like with me.

2:  But I guess You have some business here. Otherwise, why would You brin

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मैथिली महोपनिषद् —

नित्यां निरञ्जनां शुद्धां रामाऽभिन्नां महेश्वरीम् । मातरं मैथिलीं वन्दे गुणग्रामां रमारमाम् ॥ १॥
ॐ तत्सत् । रामरूपिणे परब्रह्मणे नमः। अथ हवैकदा रनसिंहासने समारूढां भगवतीं मैथिलीं लाट्यायनः कौञ्जायनः खाडायनो भलन्दनो विल्व ऐलाक्यस्तालुक्ष्य एते सप्त ऋषयः प्रेत्यतामूचुः । भूर्भुवः स्वः । सप्तद्वीपा वसुमती । त्रयो लोकाः । अन्तरिक्षम् । सर्वे त्वयि निवसन्ति । आमोदः। प्रमोदः । विमोदः । सम्मोदः । सर्वांस्त्वं सन्धत्से । आञ्जनेयाय ब्रह्मविद्या प्रदात्रि धात्रित्वां सर्वे वयं प्रणमामह

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The Holy Names in 50 towns and villages

12239389483?profile=RESIZE_584xIn honour of the Temple’s 50th anniversary, from early this year Bhaktivedanta Manor’s harinama procession team made a special effort to share the Holy Names far and wide.

Between July 28th and September 9th,  the team managed to chant, sing and dance along the streets of  more than 50 towns and villages, which had never been visited before. From Bovington to Boxmoor, and from Hazelmere to Hockliffe it was a magnificent achievement! The most distant location from the Manor was Flackwell Heath ne

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On 8 September 2023 at 11pm a powerful earthquake of magnitude 6.8 struck Morocco. The epicentre was in the High Atlas Mountains, 44 miles south-west of Marrakesh. Almost 3,000 people lost their lives, and over 300,000 were made homeless.

The material world is a place of suffering.

The following day we were ready to drive out to distribute Prasad to thestruggling people, these people would seldom have the chance to tastedelicious Prasad.

The team was headed up by Arjuna Prabhu who drove the new

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By Atma Tattva Das

“The dream is that diversity and unity should coexist harmoniously,” proclaims Mukundanghri, a devotee of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). He has emerged as a visionary catalyst for change within the South African ISKCON community. His profound spiritual journey and unwavering commitment to the cause of inclusivity resonate deeply with the recent statement released by the South African Governing Body Commission (GBC) of ISKCON in 2020, following t

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By Baladeva Das

On September 26th, ISKCON devotee Kunti Devi Dasi, representative of ISKCON Rio de Janeiro to the inter-religious movement since 2020, took a public oath as a counselor of COMPIR-RIO (the Municipal Council for the Promotion of Religious Freedom of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro).

Present at the event was Sérgio Duarte, Special Secretary for Inclusion and Religious Diversity, along with Marcio Mendes (Marcio de Jagun), Coordinator of Religious Diversity. This organization is

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Bull And Cow by Bhaktimarga Swami

There is this very nice couple

Who pose to be no trouble

Introducing Mr. Bull and Mrs. Cow

You will get to know them somehow

She is like your mother

And he is like your father

They started up a good business

With a product to help avoid sickness

Their method is quite simple

And might appear rather fickle

The bull and cow meet

In a very intimate greet

A donation is given by Dad

Something he just has to add

It is a very special seed

Delivered at a mighty speed

Before long a baby does come

It comes

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Seattle is a large city so could have a lot of ISKCON temples in different areas. To accommodate a growing devotee community a property was bought in the Bellevue district, which is an important business area just outside downtown Seattle.

It has taken a number of years to renovate the new building and bring it up to the proper city standard for a place of worship. I’ve visited every year and was very inspired to see how close it was to opening. It is twice the size of our Sammamish temple with

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12238942673?profile=RESIZE_584xIn sankirtana on the streets, the devotees of the Florianopolis temple met Alessandro (first photo), a public elementary-school teacher, who took a book and visited us at a festival. He was so impressed with the experiences that he invited us to a program to present our culture to his students.

A team led by Temple President Rasarnava Gauranga Prabhu was then assembled, with Bhakta Gustavo and Bhakta Enoque and Bhaktin Marilia (a couple from the congregation). The programs were incredible. In th

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In the intricate dance between the material and spiritual realms, our consciousness plays a pivotal role, and much like a scientist exploring the mysteries of existence, this article will dive into the realms of interaction, awareness, and the bonds that tie them together. 

The teachings of the Bhagavad Gita shed light on the fascinating interplay between our consciousness and the ever-changing material world, offering insights into our role as observers and navigators of this cosmic dance.


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