interfaith (10)

13423174693?profile=RESIZE_584xEvent flyer; Rama Kisora Dasa with Rev. Rachel McIver Morey from Interfaith Action of Greater Saint Paul.

In 2024, ISKCON Minnesota joined the Minnesota Multifaith Network (MMN), and during a November meeting, Rama Kisora Dasa, a community Board Member, was able to create meaningful connections with other religious congregations in the Twin Cities. Rama Kisora met MMN’s Chairperson, Robert Pickering, and following a long and meaningful conversation, Pickering invited him to present at the upcomi

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13378093061?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Sutapa Das

On December 18th, 2025, ISKCON Kudupu katte, Mangalore, was invited to represent Sanatan Dharma at an interfaith dialogue organized by St. Aloysius (Deemed To Be University) in Mangalore.

The program was held as part of the university’s Christmas celebrations with the theme of World Peace. Adikeshav Das (Dr. Ashok Shetty), who serves as the Director of Community Welfare and Health at ISKCON Govardhan EcoVillage (GEV) and as a trustee at Mumbai’s Bhaktivedanta Hospital, represented

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Sir Keir Starmer, the Prime Minister of the UK, invited faith leaders from different traditions to join him for breakfast on Thursday, November 14th.

Visakha Dasi, representing ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Manor, was pleased to hear Mr Starmer emphasize the importance of faith to the fabric of UK society. “That was especially evident,” Mr Starmer said, “during the pandemic when great numbers of people turned to places of worship for shelter and solace in a time of international uncertainty.”

For more de

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In the spiritually significant city of Varanasi, India, a Hindu has served as the caretaker of the Anarwali mosque for over four decades. In stark contrast to the violence elsewhere, the nearly 400-year-old mosque has become a sentinel of peace between Muslims and Hindus thanks in large part to its caretaker, Bechan Baba, who has dedicated his life to protecting and preserving a space where both Hindus and Muslims can come for prayers and worship.

To learn more about his story, see the full art

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On May 7, 2024, religious leaders from a broad range of traditions gathered with the Catholic Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Mexico City for an evening of Interreligious Prayer. Among the key participants was Anuradha Devi Dasi representing ISKCON Mexico City, alongside Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, and Sikh leaders.

The convocation occurred under the direction of the Commission for Interreligious Dialogue and Communion (CEDIC) together with the Primate Archdiocese of Mexico, which foc

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ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Manor’s Temple President, Visakha Dasi, joined 21 other senior faith representatives and those in the field of education from across Hertfordshire County for a special interfaith event. They each signed what is called the “Hertfordshire Faith Covenant” which included a shared set of principles that will shape engagement between faith communities and public services in the area. According to a report by Radha Mohan Das, the Manor’s Communications Officer, “It aims to promote

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Interfaith by Bhaktimarga Swami


It was another one of those interfaith sessions I participated in with attendees from Chicago, Atlanta and Toronto. Mostly Christians were present. Basically, it was a Korean-based organization, Christian by nature, who regularly have such events. Oh, how I wish I could be physically interacting with these folks as they do appear to be people of good quality and intent. Of course, there’s always the fear of fanaticism, which can arise from any denomination.

Our topic was to do with the differen

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8442909453?profile=RESIZE_584xWashington, DC -- Ever since the inauguration of President George Washington, the first American President, every four years the inauguration of the new, or re-elected, US President has been accompanied by an interfaith prayer service. This year’s service, recognizing the inauguration of the new US President, Joe Biden, will as always, include a variety of religious leaders. In addition, for the first time it will also include a representative of the International Society for Krishna Consciousne

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By Nima Suchak 

ISKCON Leicester is hosting Leicester’s first Inter Faith Film Festival to coincide with Inter Faith Week 2019  between 11-15 November 2019. The screenings will be at the Presentation Suite, of the City Hall from 6pm till 9pm each day.

The film festival which is a unique way for people to learn about and discuss faith, will also screen Yadubara and Visakha prabhu’s documentary 'Hare Krsna! The Mantra, the Movement and the Swami Who Started It All’. 

Each night, a film linked

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By Madhava Smullen

An ISKCON devotee has been nominated co-chair of the UN Multifaith Advisory Council on Religion and Development.

Gopal Lila Das (Gopal Patel) is Director of the Bhumi Project, an environmental effort of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies. He also co-leads The Sacred Ecology Forum at the Bhakti Center in New York City, and is an advisor to the Climate Action Task Force at the Parliament of the World’s Religions.

His relationship with the UN goes back ten years to 2009, whe

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